Syrup "Eden": instructions, composition, application, price, reviews and analogues

Nowadays, many people suffer from allergies, and children, unfortunately, this misfortune does not pass by. But how can one help the little pean to cope with the sometimes serious negative symptoms of this disease? Eden comes to the aid of parents - syrup. Instructions, price, rules of admission, reviews of mothers and fathers, contraindications, as well as analogues of this tool - all this will be discussed in the article. We will also determine in which volume it is better to purchase this medication: 60 or 100 ml, because the price difference is actually small.

syrup eden instruction


The active substance of the drug is desloratadine. The instruction for this medication states that this component in the preparation contains 0.5 mg.

The auxiliary components of the medicine are: sucrose, sorbitol, disodium phosphate dodecahydrate, sodium benzoate, citric acid, propylene glycol, yellow sunset monohydrate FCF, purified water.

In what cases can doctors prescribe?

The medicine "Eden" is a syrup for children, which is used for allergic rhinitis (seasonal or year-round), to eliminate symptoms such as sneezing, itching in the eyes, palate, swelling of the mucous membrane and nasal congestion, lacrimation. In addition, the drug is intended in the case of idiopathic urticaria - a disease characterized by red rashes, blisters similar to burns, itching in affected areas. A person has a breakdown, insomnia is observed.

Eden syrup for children

The effect of the active substance on the body

Desloratadine does not affect the central nervous system of the patient. After taking the medicine, this substance is actively absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract. The bioavailability of the drug in no way depends on the meal or on the age of the patient. Desloratadine is completely concentrated in the human body 3 hours after taking the medication. This main substance in the liver is metabolized, and excreted by the kidneys 27 hours after taking the drug.

The medicine "Eden": instruction

A syrup for children and adults is prescribed only by a doctor, so it is forbidden to buy this product on your own, especially for a child. Only a specialist after examination and analysis (if necessary) can prescribe this medicine, and then you can go to the pharmacy and purchase it.

The medication "Eden" - a syrup for children and their parents, is prescribed even for infants, is taken as follows:

- crumbs from 6 to 12 months - 2 ml of the drug once a day;

- babies from 1 to 6 years old - 2.5 ml of syrup once a day;

- children from 6 to 11 years old - 5 ml of medicine once a day;

- adolescents over 11 years old, as well as adults - 10 ml of the drug 1 time per day.

Eden instruction syrup for children

Eden syrup, the instruction for which is included in the package with the medicine, is taken regardless of the meal.

To dose the drug should use a special spoon or glass with the appropriate divisions.

special instructions

This medicine after use does not cause drowsiness, as well as violations of psychomotor function.

edem instruction

The safety of the drug for pregnant women has not been established, therefore, it is not recommended to prescribe Eden syrup during this period. The instruction for the medicine states that this medication is able to penetrate into breast milk, so if a woman is breastfeeding her baby, who has not reached 6 months, then during her treatment she should replace the milk with the mixture.

Side effects

Usually this drug is well tolerated by patients. In some cases, such undesirable manifestations may be noted:

- from the gastrointestinal tract, as well as the liver - nausea, vomiting, impaired stool, dry mouth, hepatitis;

- on the part of the cardiovascular system - a change in heart rate, heart palpitations;

- from the nervous system - dizziness, weakness, headache, severe fatigue, cramps;

- Other side effects - skin rash, anaphylactic shock, Quincke edema.

eden syrup instruction Price


The medicine "Eden", the instructions for which are understandable, has such limitations in use:

- children's age up to 6 months;

- individual intolerance to the components of the drug.


To date, no data on side effects with accidental administration of the drug in large doses have been reported. There were times when the kids drank medication 5 times more than what was required by the instructions. However, surprisingly soon they did not experience any severe reactions after the accidental use of Eden syrup. The instruction for the medication nevertheless describes the measures that must be performed if the patient has taken the drug in large quantities. So, it is recommended in this case, washing the stomach, then taking activated charcoal. Enterosgel gel, which is able to alleviate the condition of a patient who has an overdose of the Eden drug, has proven itself perfectly.


The price of this medication depends on the volume of syrup produced by the manufacturer, as well as on the margin of the pharmacy itself. For example, for a bottle of 60 ml on average you need to give 90 rubles. And for a bottle in which 100 ml of syrup, you need to pay a little more - 120 rubles. Therefore, it is optimal to purchase a package in which there is more medicine, since such a purchase will be more profitable.

"Eden" syrup: reviews of people

This antihistamine has received a lot of positive feedback from parents. Moms and dads note the excellent effect that they observe after treating their children with this medication. If, for example, after the next vaccination, the child had such allergic reactions as itching on the skin, a rash, then after taking Eden syrup all undesirable manifestations disappeared in a matter of minutes. But this applies not only to the reaction after vaccination. After all, unfortunately, in children nowadays, allergies can appear on many things: for example, on dust, wool, powder, soap, various insects. And the Eden syrup can very well cope with the consequences of any type of allergy in boys and girls. In addition to the fact that the effectiveness of this tool is obvious, parents still like the fact that there are no dyes in the composition of the medicine: it is colorless. It tastes good at first, but the aftertaste remains, so some mothers on the forums recommend giving the child water after taking the drug.

desloratadine instruction

Parents also note that the form of release of the medication and the presence of additional accessories make it easier for children to take the drug. Indeed, in the package, in addition to a jar of medicine, also includes a measuring spoon and a glass, to whom it is convenient. And parents also like that the drug helps not only boys and girls to overcome allergies, but also themselves. True, syrup will have to be consumed in a slightly larger amount, but, nevertheless, it is effective for adults. And another plus of this medication is its cost. The price of the drug will be affordable for any family, the tool is affordable for everyone.

And now for the cons. Eden syrup, the instruction to which says that the medicine should be kept away from children, can be stored after opening the bottle for only 90 days. Many parents are outraged by such a short shelf life. However, in order for the medicine to be fully used to treat children, it is worth buying a bottle with a volume of not 100, but 60 ml. Although the difference in cost between them is small, there will be no pity for the money thrown away. Another disadvantage of the drug is that the cap to the bottle does not have protection against children, that is, the child can go to the table, see this medication and easily unwind the cap, pour out the medicine or even drink it. In order for this not to happen, it is necessary to put the medicine higher, to hide from the children so that they cannot get it.

Similar means

Syrup "Eden", the instructions for which are simple and intelligible, has more than a dozen analogues, that is, drugs that belong to the same pharmacological group and have similar effects. Among the most popular substitutes for the medicine, which the article is devoted to, one can distinguish: syrups "Erius", "Lordes", "Allergomax", "Fribris". These medications can also be prescribed to babies from 6 months old, but the last in the list of drugs is used to treat children over 2 years old. The listed drugs are effective analogues, this can be seen by comparing the lists of active substances. This list contains both instructions for analogous medicines, and instructions for the Eden syrup. The price for them is quite affordable, so if there is no medicine in the pharmacy that the article is dedicated to, then you can buy a similar remedy. However, before buying another drug, despite the fact that it is an analogue, it is worth consulting with a pediatrician about replacing the medicine.

eden instruction Price

Storage conditions

Keep the syrup in a dry place, away from the sun. It is also necessary to hide it higher, so that children do not inadvertently find it and drink the contents of the bottle. The optimal storage temperature of the drug is from 15 to 25 degrees.

The shelf life of the drug is 2 years. However, it should be borne in mind that such a period of time is relevant only for a closed bottle. If a person has already opened the bottle, then the maximum storage period for the medicine should be 90 days. After this time, the medication must be disposed of.

Now you know that the Eden remedy will help get rid of allergy symptoms effectively. Instructions (syrup for children can be taken once a day, not only for children but also for adults) describes in detail its composition and action. Therefore, if in the family not only a child suffers from allergies, but also mom or dad, then you can also drink this medicine. The main thing is to follow the instructions, as well as the recommendations of the doctor.

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