How to cook an egg in a steep, crumpled, bag, poached: secrets and recommendations

To some, the question would seem silly: how to boil an egg? What's so complicated? Threw it into the water - and in a few minutes it will be ready. It turns out that not everything is so simple. There are many nuances and subtleties, the knowledge of which will allow you to cook delicious chicken eggs.

How to cook an egg: secrets and recommendations
There are various features that need attention. Before boiling an egg, it should be washed well. This stage is given little importance - and in vain, such carelessness can bring dire consequences. On the egg shell are various microorganisms, including salmonella, which is the causative agent of the most serious disease. Therefore, you should take care of your health.
When cooking eggs, especially taken from the refrigerator, it is better to put it not in boiling water, but in cold. This will prevent the appearance of cracks in the shell, which not only spoil the view, but are also an input for harmful bacteria. In general, before boiling an egg from the refrigerator, it must be allowed to reach room temperature - this will reduce the likelihood of cracking. The addition of salt in water also helps to avoid splits in the amount of: the more salt, the lower the likelihood of a crack. Usually, a tablespoon per liter of liquid is sufficient.
It is better not to cook eggs that already have cracked shells (because of the danger of salmonella), however, if you still need to do this, you need to add more salt - it will not allow it to leak.
In order for the product to be cleaned well after cooking, it is necessary to shake it well before boiling the egg.
It is best to start cooking eggs over medium heat, and when the water boils, the flame decreases. For uniform heating, the surface of the water should be two centimeters above the surface of the egg.
It is recommended to immediately fill the finished product with cold water, this will make it easier to remove the shell, and prevent its further cooking.

How to boil a soft -boiled egg, hard boiled, poached
Rarely have to think about the fact that there are a large number of varieties of boiled eggs, and dishes with their use cannot be counted at all. In the process of preparation, everyone relies on the will of chance: as it is cooked, so it will be. It turns out that this process can be controlled and eggs of the required consistency can be obtained, on which their taste can depend.
For example, how to get a soft-boiled egg, how to cook it properly - these seemingly simple questions are not so easy, especially for a person who has never done this before.
Therefore, in order to get a soft-boiled egg, it is boiled 2 minutes after the beginning of boiling water, in the “bag” - 4 minutes, and it takes 10 minutes to get hard-boiled. Cooking longer is not worth it, as it will turn out to be a very hard yolk with a green or blueish shell.
But how to cook poached egg is a whole science. Such a dish is prepared by adding the contents of the egg to boiling water. For this, the eggs must be of the very first freshness, nothing else will come of it. The cooking process includes the following steps.
Vinegar is added to boiling water at the rate of a teaspoon per liter of liquid and a couple of pinch of salt.
Then, very carefully, the contents of the egg are poured into a shallow bowl, cup, spoon, and its integrity cannot be damaged.
Next, with confident, fast movement, pour the contents of the bowl into boiling water. This can also be done from the shell, but without certain skill it is difficult to perform: the shell may be damaged.
The egg is cooked for 3 minutes, removed using a slotted spoon on a saucer and dried.
A properly boiled egg should have the same consistency as in the “bag”. Use with herbs and seasonings.

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