Do you feel that you have an unpleasant sour taste in your mouth? And nothing helps to get rid of it? So you have a health problem. Need to take action. What kind? To begin with, let's figure out why sometimes it is sour in the mouth, what are the causes of such unpleasant sensations. Having identified them, it will be possible to answer the question of what to do next.
Sour taste - a signal from the stomach
It is not necessary to be a doctor to determine that if it is sour in the mouth, then it is necessary to look for problems in the gastrointestinal tract. Definitely, something is wrong with the stomach. Of course, if you ate a lemon and after that you feel sourness in your mouth for a while, then talking about the problem is irrelevant. But in the event that for two or three days you have sour mouth, especially after eating, then this is a signal from the stomach. Do not hesitate, go to a consultation with doctors. And do not think that ailments must be accompanied by pain. There may not be any pain. But only a competent doctor will help to exclude diseases, as well as prevent their development.
Possible causes of sour taste
The appearance of a sensation of sour mouth, doctors often associate with a violation in the digestive system of a person. This happens in most cases. Although, on the other hand, if the mouth is sour, it may not be associated with a problem in the stomach. Let us consider in more detail the possible reasons.
Firstly, the sour taste may be associated with the state of the oral cavity. The drier the more acidic. And dry mouth is already a sign that the metabolism is impaired. There is only one way to solve the problem. Drink more fluids. And not tea, juice or coffee, but plain clean unboiled water. The human body is so arranged that only with the help of a constant supply of ordinary water can it remove bacteria and substances that oxidize the internal
organs of digestion.Secondly, if the mouth is sour, then this may have a direct connection with the work of the heart muscle. You should immediately consult a cardiologist if the sensation of sour taste is accompanied by discomfort and pain in the left hypochondrium, weakness in the arms and shoulder joint
Thirdly, problems with the gastrointestinal tract. If you are often attacked by heartburn or you are taking medications, then the reason that your mouth is sour should be sought in the stomach. Perhaps this is a reaction to taking an antibiotic or dietary supplement. To fix the problem, sometimes itβs enough to read in the instructions for the medicine or supplements about side effects on the body.
Also, it cannot be ruled out that your stomach does not like what you eat during the day. You should review your diet and exclude foods that increase acidity in the body.
Fourth, sour in the mouth occurs in the first 2 days of a respiratory illness. Here you need to treat the disease itself. An unpleasant aftertaste will pass with recovery.
Speaking about the reasons that sour in the mouth, you should pay attention to the following: look at your tongue. Do you notice a thick white coating on it? It causes an unpleasant aftertaste. White plaque usually appears if there is a malfunction in the liver, pancreas.
Short conclusions
As you can see, there are few reasons for sour mouth. But each of them signals something. Leaving as it is and thinking that the sour taste will pass by itself is unreasonable and very irresponsible. It is better to consult a doctor and identify the disease at an early stage. A neglected illness is treated longer and more difficult.