Ointment for external hemorrhoids: a description of the best and effective drugs

Hemorrhoidal disease is a common pathology, which is formed due to weakness of the venous walls. With this ailment, the rectal region suffers. Simultaneously with hemorrhoids, varicose veins, anemia, heart disease can develop. Among these diseases, hemorrhoids is one of the “lesser evils”. Modern pharmacology offers an effective treatment - ointments for external hemorrhoids. The article describes the best and effective tools.

Symptoms of external hemorrhoids

Proctology classifies the disease depending on the location of the external, internal and combined.

  1. External is characterized by prolapse of hemorrhoids and the inability to insert them back. As a rule, this happens already at the second or third stage of the disease. Effective ointments from external hemorrhoids stop the pain, itching and burning, which inevitably accompany the ailment. There are many modern means, using which at the initial stage of external manifestations, you can get rid of possible complications, the most terrible of which is thrombosis.
  2. Internal hemorrhoids are most often characteristic in the initial stages of the disease. Nodes have not yet fallen out, and if this happens, you can easily set them inward. The patient feels pain and slight discomfort after the act of defecation. In this case, after going to the toilet on the toilet paper remains of blood. This is a completely natural process: during bowel movements, the nodes become inflamed, and the smallest of them burst. Hence the traces of blood. In the later stages, when large nodes burst, quite serious bleeding can develop.
  3. The combined type of disease is characteristic of the last stages of the disease. The nodes are located both inside the rectum and outside. In this case, most often you can not do without surgical treatment. Ointments from external hemorrhoids at this stage are already powerless. The maximum that can be expected from their use is a slight relief of symptoms.
treatment of external hemorrhoids

Causes of the disease

The disease provokes an incorrect lifestyle, as well as a hereditary tendency to thinning of the venous walls.

  1. Improper nutrition, which provokes constant constipation and pathology of the digestive tract, is not at all as harmless as it seems at first glance. Raw vegetables and fruits should be in the diet daily - this will help get rid of constipation and minimize the possibility of complications of hemorrhoidal disease. People who regularly eat properly, ointments from external hemorrhoids are useless.
  2. A sedentary lifestyle is issue number two. Even if the patient is forced to lead a sedentary existence, you should get up once an hour and do a light workout for ten minutes so that the blood flows from the pelvic organs and the veins get rest. It is very important to accelerate blood circulation as often as possible in this way.
  3. Serious physical exertion is possible both during specific work (builders, movers) and unauthorized weightlifting. Regular weight lifting provokes tension of the rectum - this leads to tension of the veins, they are full of blood. As a result, the walls become thinner and hemorrhoidal nodes begin to form.
  4. A hereditary predisposition to cardiovascular disease often causes not only hemorrhoids, but also varicose veins. As a result, a person is a regular patient of a phlebologist. Knowing your propensity for vascular diseases, you should regularly (several times a year) drink a course of venotonic drugs. This will help thin the blood and improve its composition, as well as help strengthen the venous walls. In some cases, this prophylaxis is quite enough for the external hemorrhoids to recede.

Types of pharmacological agents by type of action

Treatment of external hemorrhoids with ointment is a simple and effective way to alleviate discomfort in the disease. All the abundance of pharmacological preparations for external local effects can be classified by type of action:

  • anticoagulants;
  • hemostatics;
  • angioprotectors;
  • venotonic;
  • steroidal agents;
  • ointments from external hemorrhoids with astringent effect;
  • immunomodulatory drugs.

Depending on the stage and symptoms, one or another remedy will be more effective. Optimal if the patient visits a proctologist. A professional will evaluate how far the disease has gone, and depending on this, he will prescribe ointments that are optimal in a particular case.

Proctology involves a complex effect in hemorrhoids:

  • medication;
  • minimally invasive;
  • surgical intervention.

Rectal suppositories, tablets, and ointments are medical treatments. They are effective in the first and second stages, until hemorrhoids have not yet become combined.

Minimally invasive methods are sclerotherapy, exposure to liquid nitrogen and other local methods of exposure with modern hardware.

Surgical intervention requires in the later stages of the disease, when all other methods are no longer effective. Hemorrhoidal nodes can reach a size of up to four centimeters in diameter - the patient experiences excruciating pain and agrees to perform the operation even without anesthesia, just to get rid of the manifestations of the disease. Today's operations are carried out under local anesthesia - but the postoperative period is quite complicated and brings a lot of suffering to patients. Therefore, it is easier to use effective ointments from external hemorrhoids and prevent serious complications.

The use of anticoagulants for hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids ointments, the main active ingredient of which is an anticoagulant (most often sodium heparin), have proven themselves in the treatment at the initial stages. Heparin sodium reduces blood viscosity, prevents clogging of hemorrhoids and thrombosis of cavernous formations.

In addition, heparin improves the fibrinolytic quality of the blood, so that existing blood clots in the veins resolve. In the complex, anticoagulant drugs positively affect blood vessels, increasing their elasticity and tone.

  1. Heparin ointment is the most popular anticoagulant remedy. It is cheap - depending on the manufacturer, the cost of the tube varies from fifty to one hundred and fifty rubles. In some cases, heparin ointment is released, enriched with additional healing and anesthetic substances. Ointment prevents the appearance of blood clots, relieves pain and itching from hemorrhoids. Heparin ointment from external hemorrhoids helps relieve inflammation and has a local anesthetic effect. It should be applied in a thin layer on the anus three to four times a day.
  2. Ointment from external hemorrhoids “Hepatrombin B” contains heparin, prednisolone, lauromacrogol 600 as active ingredients. This remedy would act similarly to regular heparin ointment, if not for a richer composition. Prednisolone, which is a glucocorticosteroid, relieves inflammation, reduces the volume of exudate, reduces the severity of allergic reactions, itching and soreness in the anorectal region. Unfortunately, this component is addictive. While the patient uses this inexpensive and effective ointment from external hemorrhoids, the pain and discomfort recede, the nodes can go almost completely. But when you stop using the symptoms returns with a vengeance. Therefore, often "Hepatrombin B" is not recommended, it is better to combine it in a day or two with other means.
heparin ointment for nodes

Treatment of external hemorrhoids with hemostatics

The purpose of using these ointments from internal and external hemorrhoids is to prevent and stop bleeding. In the presence of large hemorrhoids, heavy bleeding is not uncommon. Hemostatics contribute to the narrowing and healing of blood vessels, and also have a slight effect of dispersal of local blood circulation.

  1. "Relief" is the best ointment from external hemorrhoids, reviews about the action of which are almost all positive. The active components of this tool are phenylephrine hydrochloride, shark liver oil. These components stop bleeding, relieve pain with a bursting node, and contribute to vasoconstriction. shark liver oil has a moisturizing and anti-inflammatory effect. "Relief" is available in the form of an ointment from external hemorrhoids and in the form of rectal suppositories for the internal type of disease. Bleeding can develop with both types of ailment. If the patient suffers from combined hemorrhoids, he must constantly have both forms of the drug at home.
  2. "Relief Advance" is another version of the ointment from the external nodes of hemorrhoids. Unlike the usual Relief, benzocaine is also part of this product. This is a fairly powerful local anesthetic. Proctologists recommend using Relief Advance if the pain syndrome is very strong and causes great discomfort. It is also the best ointment for external hemorrhoids, if it is complicated by constant constipation. digestive disorders very often cause the need to push during the act of defecation, which provokes very strong pain. Also, "Relief Advance" proctologists recommend using after surgical removal of nodes.
Religion from external hemorrhoids

Therapy of external hemorrhoids with angioprotectors and venotonics

The therapeutic effect of angioprotectors and venotonics is aimed at restoring the "working capacity" of the vascular channels: increasing tone, improving the ability of capillaries and veins to withstand blood pressure, lowering permeability and brittle walls.

The restored capillary and venous vessels prevent the exudate from entering the rectal cavity, due to which swelling disappears, the inflammatory process stops, damaged tissues heal more likely due to normalization of blood circulation.

  1. "Troxevasin" is the best ointment for external hemorrhoids with a venotonic effect. the main active ingredient is troxerutin. It is a popular venotonic for external use. Few people know that "Troxevasin" is a cheap analogue called "Troxerutin", which allows you to achieve exactly the same effect in the treatment of external hemorrhoids. If Troxevasin costs about three hundred rubles, then Troxerutin costs only about a hundred.
  2. "Procto-Glivenol" - an inexpensive and effective ointment for external hemorrhoids. The cost of one tube is about two hundred rubles. The main active ingredient of the drug is tribenoside. When applied to the anus, it has an anesthetic and decongestant effect. apply the ointment in a thin layer several times a day. It is optimal to alternate the use of Procto-Glivenol with sodium heparin ointments.

The effect of steroid drugs with external hemorrhoids

The composition of steroid agents includes analogues of hormonal substances (hydrocortisone, prednisone, etc.). They are more effective and faster to cope with inflammatory processes in the anorectal region.

"Proctosedylum" from external hemorrhoids

Alas, the hormonal effect persists as long as the patient uses the ointment. After withdrawal, symptoms most often return with a vengeance. You should take this into account and use steroid ointments from external hemorrhoids with crawled out nodes in a day or two with other means.

  1. The main active ingredients of Proctosedil are sodium heparin, framycetin sulfate, esculoside, benzocaine. The manufacturer recommends applying the product in a thin layer to inflamed hemorrhoidal nodes two to three times a day. "Proctosedil" is not the best ointment from external hemorrhoids during pregnancy. The instructions in the list of contraindications are quite an impressive list: you should carefully read it before you start using the tool.
  2. "Ultraproct" is another ointment with steroid hormones in the composition. The main active ingredients are fluocortolone hexonate and fluocortolone pivalate. Effectively relieves itching after five to ten minutes after application. also has a local anesthetic effect. To prevent addiction to steroid ointment, proctologists recommend alternating its use with other means. If hemorrhoids do not bring severe pain and itching, it is better to opt for another remedy, since Ultraproct has quite a few contraindications.
ultraproct for hemorrhoids

Immunomodulating drugs in complex therapy

Reviews of ointments from external hemorrhoids with immunomodulatory effects are different. There are quite a few patients who were unsatisfied with the action of these funds.

  1. "Posterisan" is an ointment based on inactivated bacteria-analogues of E. coli. It has local immunomodulatory and anti-inflammatory effects. Reviews about this ointment are not all positive. Patients who have tested "Troxevasin" or "Relief Advance" know that these drugs more effectively deal with the symptoms of hemorrhoids.
  2. Posterisan Forte is an almost complete analogue of Posterisan ointment, only hydrocortisone is also a part. The presence of this component can reduce itching and burning. Hydrocortisone also has a decongestant effect. Indications for use - perianal dermatitis, rectal fissures and itching, inflamed hemorrhoids.

Astringent Ointment

The drying and astringent components in the composition of ointments from external hemorrhoids for men and women are especially effective for weeping nodes. This is a rather rare type of pathology, in which pus and the blood flow through microcracks. Such nodes often cause severe inflammation. In some cases, urgent surgery is required. But if the weeping nodes with external hemorrhoids do not cause excessive discomfort, you can try to treat them at home. What ointment is better from external hemorrhoids if it is wet? You should pay attention to funds with borneol, bezoar.

  1. Bezornil - optimal ointment for wet nodes. The composition includes amber, borneol, artificial musk, artificial bezoar. There is also a special component - the amber metabolite. It has the ability to accelerate tissue regeneration. Indications for use - rectal fissures, external hemorrhoids, eczema and dermatitis of the anus. "Bezornil" differs from other ointments from external hemorrhoids by the minimum number of contraindications. It can be used during pregnancy (you should be careful - an allergic reaction to the active components of Bezornil is still possible).
  2. "Proctosan" is an ointment that compares favorably with others in composition. True, patient reviews about her are far from all positive. People note that "Troxevasin" and "Relief Advance" act much faster during an exacerbation of hemorrhoidal disease. The composition of "Proctosan" includes lidocaine hydrochloride, but in too scanty amounts. Often during exacerbation, the action of this amount of lidocaine is simply not enough, as a result, patients are forced to resort to the help of other ointments with external hemorrhoids. Patients are dissatisfied with forced expenses and the lack of a sufficient therapeutic effect.
rootless with hemorrhoids

Antiseptics and anti-inflammatory drugs for hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoid ointments with antiseptic action are well known to any person in our country.

levomekol with hemorrhoids

They are also used for the treatment of furunculosis, dermatitis, eczema and other dermatological diseases.

  1. Vishnevsky ointment is produced by many pharmacological plants. But there are several components that are irreplaceable in the composition - it is birch tar, xeroform and castor oil. These components provide an excellent local antiseptic effect. But you should not expect from them too pronounced decongestant or analgesic effects. Xeroform is able to completely exterminate pathogenic microflora in a short time, has pronounced astringent properties. Castor oil has a nourishing and moisturizing effect on the rectal mucosa. Birch tar is famous for its antiseptic, bactericidal properties. Tar is also able to activate blood flow in the tissues, which contributes to a certain decrease in hemorrhoidal nodes.
  2. "Levomekol" contains chloramphenicol, which has pronounced antibacterial properties. This is one of the cheapest and most effective remedies for external hemorrhoids. The cost of one jar is about forty rubles. The composition also includes methyluracil - a component that has a decongestant effect, reduces itching in the hemorrhoidal region.

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