Synthesis of arts in theater, cinema, music. Synthesis of Arts in an Orthodox Church

It is human nature to reflect reality in the form of artistic images. This understanding takes a wide variety of forms, and cultural scientists distinguish several hundred art forms. The objective process of their mutual influence and interaction to enhance the artistic effect. The unification, synthesis of arts in the theater, for example, is a vivid example of this phenomenon.

Synthesis of arts in the theater

Another example of solving a single figurative task can be a spiritual impact on a person when he visits an Orthodox church.


Synthesis (Greek syn - together, tithemi - put) - unification, combination. In the field of aesthetic exploration of the world, this does not mean just the creation of an artwork using various types of art, it does not mean a simple sum of efforts of people from different creative industries. Signs of a truly synthetic art project are the unity of design and style, the integrity of the created image, the general orientation of the impact on the viewer and listener.

From Specialization to Interaction

The development of art went from a primitive rite, including dancing and singing (choreography and music), painting bodies and masks (visual art), ritual idols and figurines (sculpture). This was followed by division into separate species. In antiquity, a harmonious system of dividing the arts by type and direction has developed (everyone remembers nine muses living on Olympus). In the Renaissance, the works of painters and sculptors acquired special intrinsic value. But the synthesis of art in music, in the theater is known since ancient times.

Synthesis of Arts in Music

The significance of a particular type of art to create a single artistic image can vary greatly. The synthesis of arts in the theater, cinema, for example, implies the dominant role of the actor, the special weight of the dramatic component. In other areas of culture, the situation is different. In the Gothic cathedral, the function of organizing space, which is characteristic of “clean” architecture, is often performed by means of sculpture and decorative art, and their meaning is the same.

Arts Interaction Examples

In literature, painting, in music, there have always been works of great artistic power, built on laws that are valid only in these types of creativity. But many masterpieces were born at the junction of different areas of art. Book illustration, the art of the Book is the product of such a phenomenon. Solving the problem of the graphic embodiment of literary heroes, the main events of the plot of the story, the illustrator must keep in mind the integrity of the perception of the entire design of the book, the unity of all components: cover, font, splash screens. Only then the result of writing will cause the desired response in the soul of the reader.

An important place in the culture of any nation is music. The synthesis of art in music is constantly evolving. The expressive means of sound combinations are rather abstract, but in combination with literature and poetry, concreteness and semantic meaning are achieved that are not characteristic of the world of music. The product of such a synthesis - a song, an opera - has acquired the features of a separate art form, and its popularity has no boundaries in time and space. From religious hymns, ballads of roving musicians to grandiose shows of pop and rock stars and impressive productions on huge stage venues in the world - this is the evolution of the genre.

Commonwealth Forms of Arts

One of the forms of creative interaction of specialists from related fields is the synthesis of plastic arts. Especially characteristic is the synthesis of arts in architecture. In the course of historical development, the degree of interpenetration of architecture, sculpture, painting, applied art and design has changed. In ancient Egyptian temples and in Renaissance palaces, the scale of influence on incoming sculptures, paintings and paintings, furniture and utensils is different. But always the basis is an architectural structure, the bearer of a common figurative idea. In this case, the synthesized arts retain relative independence.

temple fusion

But sometimes architecture has the character of a truly synthetic art. Gothic cathedrals, Rococo palaces, buildings of masters of the Art Nouveau and Art Nouveau era are a vivid example of the unity of space and objective living environment. Sculpture, painting, carving, furniture - nothing can be removed without prejudice to a single artistic image.

Synthesis of Arts in Architecture

Another example of artistic interaction was the synthesis of art in the theater. Like cinema, the theater has a spatio-temporal character and has a truly synthetic essence. The task of the director of a dramatic or opera performance, using the capabilities of various artistic means, acting on all the senses of the viewer, to create a spectacle with a single creative message. A playwright, composer, actor, set designer, costume designer, lighting designer - each of them contributes to the creation of the play in accordance with his talent in a separate branch of art.

Hypersynthetic art

Cinema and television produce a product that is the product of the efforts of many people. The visual image, sound range, semantic content - everything is of great importance. The director is usually called the author of the film, but this profession involves knowledge and skills from various fields of art.

Synthesis of arts in the theater, cinema

The specifics of the film production technology affects the working methods of the artist and composer, decorator and actor. But this only strengthens the interconnection of different types of creativity in the film process, where the main thing is a single aesthetic and art program. The synthesis of art in film and television is a necessary factor for the implementation of this program.

Orthodox church architecture

Religious buildings have always been erected with the participation of masters of various specialties. The synthesis of art in the temple is an organic component in the desire to achieve the desired impact on believers.

Synthesis of Arts in an Orthodox Church

The main role in shaping the image of the temple of God belongs to architecture. Taken from Byzantine traditions, the constructive and planning scheme of the cross-domed Russian Orthodox church took shape over many centuries. The architectural component of the organization of the internal space serves to emphasize the connection of two worlds - spiritual and material. Strictly regulated location of the structure, its layout are subordinated to the movement from west to east and from bottom to top. The altar and the dome symbolize the sky and its inhabitants and serve as guidelines for this movement: when moving from the entrance, located in the west, east - to the altar, before the faithful the ceiling opens to the dome.

A powerful effect on the souls of believers is the synthesis of arts in an Orthodox church: the interweaving of architecture and painting, architecture and rich church decoration. The arrangement of icons, elements of wall, ceiling, and dome paintings - all this is closely connected with the general architectural concept and at the same time deeply symbolic. The iconostasis, usually consisting of several tiers, with the Royal Gates in the middle, pulpit, choir - everything is richly decorated with carvings and paintings made by the best masters. Churches have always been built, sparing neither strength nor money, because the temple is the house of God.

Harmony and the pursuit of God

Temple architecture is an important, but not the only component of strong spiritual influence on believers. The process of Orthodox worship takes place according to rules similar to the laws of some spectacular art forms. It is also a synthesis of the arts. In the Orthodox Church, daily and solemn festive services are held, regulated by strict canons. The flowing majestic movements of the participants in the ceremony, accompanied by the singing and reading of divine texts, the clothes of priests, candles - everything has a symbolic meaning and aims to harmoniously combine with the whole atmosphere of the church, emphasizing the desire for spiritual, for higher powers.

The temple is a single Orthodox model of the universe. And the synthesis of arts in the temple is a means of expressing beauty, grandeur, greatness, harmony of the world.

Big synthesis time

Contemporary art gravitates to generalizations and versatility. The synthesis of art in the theater, cinema makes them in tune with the times. The interpenetration and mutual influence of different types of creativity is obvious.

Contemporary Synthesis of Arts

The real apotheosis of synthetic art is the spectacle devoted to important social events. The opening and closing of the Olympic Games are not just official ceremonies held by the organizers, but grandiose shows that a huge number of people on the planet see. The best representatives of theater, cinema, music, choreography participate in them. The visual range is created by artists, computer graphics specialists. This is a modern synthesis of art. And everyone has one goal - to tell about the host country of the games, to express the joy of communication between young people from all over the Earth.

Scale and Versatility

The world is changing rapidly, as is the artist's view of him. It is better to understand the environment, to make out the smallest details, to combine them into the general picture of the universe and to share new knowledge, which helps the creator man the whole arsenal of culture. It is intended to expand its synthesis of arts in theater, cinema, television, architecture.

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