Anthelmintic preparations for people: classification, features

Diseases that are the result of the life of parasites in the human body are united by one common name - helminthiasis. Worms (helminths) affecting the human body are divided into 3 main groups:

antihelminthic drugs for humans

  • nematodes (roundworms);
  • trematodes (flatworms);
  • cestodes (tapeworms).

At the place of their "habitat" they are intestinal and extraintestinal. Such a clear classification is not in vain: anthelminthic drugs for people who destroy one type of worms are absolutely safe for others. Helminthiasis treatment is carried out under the supervision of a physician and in a hospital setting, since the manifestation of such a side effect as intoxication is not ruled out. It is necessary to strictly follow the instructions, taking anthelmintic drugs. For people, the dosage is extremely important, you can not change it yourself: with improper intake, some types of worms do not die, but migrate from their usual habitat to other organs or systems.

Classification of anthelmintic drugs by their type of action

Anthelmintic preparations intended for humans affect the biological structure of worms and the biochemical processes that occur in their tissues. According to this, all drugs are divided into 4 types.

  1. Blocking nerve impulses in the muscle tissues of worms, which causes their complete paralysis. After some time, parasites are excreted from the body along with feces.
  2. Blocking the absorption of glucose by helminths, which is the reason for their death.
  3. They cause dysfunction of the intestinal cells of the parasite, as a result of which they die.
  4. Combined effects on biochemical processes and ability to move.

antihelminthic drugs for humans

Preparations for the most common types of helminthiases

For the treatment of roundworms, the following anthelmintic preparations for humans are used:

  1. Syrup "piperazine". Its main advantage is safe use during pregnancy and for children up to 1 year old.
  2. Syrup "Pirantel". The action of the drug causes paralysis of the muscles of the worms, completely immobilizing them. You need to repeat the drug after 14 days, since it does not affect the larvae.
  3. Levamisole tablets not only have an anthelmintic effect, but also increase immunity.

Anthelmintic drugs for people with a wide spectrum of action

Drugs containing albendazole affect both adult organisms and larvae. They have a number of side effects, therefore they should be taken only as directed by a doctor.

  1. Preparations containing mebendazole affect helminths in the larval stage and have a cumulative effect.
  2. Preparations containing praziquantel are prescribed for infection with extra-intestinal flat worms and intestinal tape.

Pinworm: treatment features

anthelmintic drugs for prevention

The treatment of pinworm (enterobiosis) requires special attention, since if it is detected, medical care is necessary for both the patient's family members and people who have been in close contact with him. The thing is that the pinworm, crawling out of the anus, spreads its eggs on any surface: it can be furniture, toys, the patient’s body. These eggs can cause re-infection even several years after treatment. Therefore, all family members are prescribed anthelmintic drugs for prevention, and are also strongly advised to conduct thorough wet cleaning and devote sufficient time to hygiene.

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