"Levomekol" from the common cold: use, indications and contraindications, reviews

A common cold can bring a lot of trouble, especially if you start the course of the disease and wait for the development of rhinitis or sinusitis. Children can develop adenoiditis. Often patients are afraid on an ongoing basis to use vasoconstrictive drops from a cold, as they are addictive and subsequently a person can not do without them. In order to cure a runny nose and not get any complications, there is a remedy proven over the years. It is available to everyone and is sold over the counter in pharmacies. This is Levomekol ointment. With a cold, an effective and affordable remedy.

Composition and form of release

The drug "Levomekol" is made in the form of an ointment of viscous consistency. It has a rather pungent, unpleasant odor. Used in the treatment of various dermatological from Soviet times. Sometimes used in the fight against pain and discomfort provoked by joint diseases. Among the people, ointment is sometimes used for unusual purposes not listed in the instructions for use. One of such unusual methods is the use of Levomekol in the nose from a runny nose.

The composition of the ointment includes:

  • tissue regeneration stimulator dioxomethyltetrahydropyrimidine at a concentration of 4.0 g per 100 g,
  • antibiotic chloramphenicol at a concentration of 0.75 g per 100 g.

Due to the action of these active components, the ointment has a pronounced antibacterial local effect. It also extends to nearby tissues, so when used to treat the nasal mucosa, part of the effect will also be received by the nearby larynx, lymph nodes, gums, and oral mucosa.

levomekol from the common cold for children

Indications for use

Instructions for use with the ointment reports that the drug is effective both as an independent tool and as part of complex therapy for the following diseases and conditions:

  • sinusitis, rhinitis, sinusitis, laryngitis, pharyngitis;
  • chronic lymphadenitis;
  • stomatitis, periodontal disease, purulent diseases of the gums and oral mucosa;
  • furunculosis and other abscesses with purulent contents;
  • dermatitis of various etiologies;
  • various purulent wounds;
  • advanced hemorrhoidal disease;
  • bruises of an injury;
  • as a complex therapy in the treatment of joint diseases.

The ointment proved to be excellent as a pus retractor. In gynecological practice, Levomekol is used as an anti-inflammatory, analgesic, and antibacterial agent. Sometimes prescribed as a means that can have an inhibitory effect on pathogenic microorganisms in colpitis. Men "Levomekol" may appoint a urologist with balanitis or balanoposthitis.

levomekol from a runny nose in adults

In which cases is effective "Levomekol" from a cold?

The appropriateness of such use of the drug was clarified not so long ago. For this reason, it is dangerous to use the product on your own, especially when it comes to treating a child. In babies, the mucous membrane is very sensitive and inaccurate use can easily burn it, which will lead to severe pain and worsening of the clinical picture. It is best to consult with your doctor before starting to use Levomekol from a cold.

It makes sense to use the ointment for sinusitis in the event that the cause of its development was a bacterial infection. With a runny nose of a viral nature, the ointment can also have a therapeutic effect. Unlike vasoconstrictor drops, Levomekol is not addictive and can cure chronic rhinitis in a week of regular use in the uncomplicated course of the disease.

An experienced otolaryngologist may advise using Levomekol from a runny nose in parallel with inhalations, injections of antibacterial drugs. When it comes to childhood adenoiditis, a little surgical intervention may be required. If glands or adenoids have already formed, you will have to remove them, since no remedy will help the child get rid of such complications.

levomekol from allergic rhinitis

Allergic nasal discharge

Will Levomekol help with a runny nose if it is triggered by an allergic reaction? No, in this case, the tool will be useless for both adults and children.

If the discharge from the nose is allergic in nature, then completely different processes occur in the body, and antihistamines are required. This is the only way to stop the discharge from the nostrils, and the antibacterial effect of Levomekol will be completely useless.

levomekol from a runny nose

Viral diseases and runny nose

If discharge from the nose is provoked by ARVI, influenza and other infectious respiratory diseases, then Levomekol can be safely used. An ointment from a common cold for children should be diluted with petroleum jelly in such a way as not to provoke a burn of the mucous membrane. For adults, a clean ointment can be applied to the nostrils with a cotton swab. You should first try applying in a small area in order to make sure that there is no allergic reaction.

runny nose in a child

Reviews confirm that when using the ointment, a sore throat passes , inflammation of the lymph nodes decreases. Due to the action of the active ingredients, the ointment has a pronounced antibacterial local effect. It applies not only to the nose, but also to adjacent tissues. Thus, when used to treat the nasal mucosa, part of the effect will also be received by the nearby larynx, lymph nodes, gums, and oral mucosa.

Treatment of sinusitis "Levomekol"

Inflammation of the maxillary sinuses is called sinusitis in otolaryngology. Most often, it is a complication of rhinitis, pharyngitis, flu, measles, chronic runny nose, etc. It is better not to treat sinusitis on its own. This is a rather dangerous condition that seriously complicates the patientโ€™s life, causing regular pain in the nose and inability to breathe freely.

Reviews about "Levomekol" from a runny nose provoked by sinusitis are positive. People managed to alleviate the condition, they got rid of the pain in the nose and were able to breathe freely.

levomekol with inflammation of the nasopharynx

Treatment of rhinitis with Levomekol

Rhinitis is characterized by abundant discharge from the nostrils, most often it is a condition preceding sinusitis. "Levomekol" from a runny nose with rhinitis gives positive results. Reviews of people who have tried this kind of treatment indicate that after three to four days of applying the ointment, the discharge from the nose stops, breathing becomes free.

How to use the ointment to achieve the maximum therapeutic effect? It should dial a few grams on a cotton swab, apply liberally to each nostril. it makes no sense to try to get as deep as possible. The antibacterial effect of the agent is excellently distributed throughout the tissues, so you should not increase the coverage area.

levomekol from rhinitis

Can I use ointment for sore throat and nasopharynx

Most often, a runny nose in children and adults is accompanied by unpleasant symptoms such as tearing, swelling of the throat, hoarseness of the voice, swelling of the lymph nodes. โ€œLevomekolโ€, due to its antibacterial effect, is able to provide significant assistance to the patient in all these conditions.

Application of Levomekol in the nose of a child from a runny nose, sore throat, swelling of the gums and tongue, stomatitis, etc. able to bring relief on the second day. children are generally more susceptible to antibacterial effects than adults. Do not apply the ointment literally to the throat - just a little lubricate the nostrils - this will be enough to obtain a comprehensive effect of the product on nearby tissues.

Features of the use of "Levomekol" with a cold in children

Doctors advise that before starting treatment with Levomekol, it is imperative to test for an allergic reaction and check the concentration. If the childโ€™s mucosa is sensitive, dilute 1: 1 ointment with petroleum jelly.

Reviews about "Levomekol" in the nose from the common cold for children are different. Negative responses are most often associated either with an insufficient frequency of use of the drug, or with a burn or allergic reaction. Children in terms of the choice of medicines are very unpredictable: the tool that is used without problems for the treatment of adults may not be suitable for babies.

Is it possible to combine treatment with Levomekol and vasoconstrictor drops

This question worries many patients otolaryngologists. Often in the first days of therapy, the ointment does not give the expected result and you have to suffer from discharge from the nostrils and the inability to breathe normally. I would like to resort to the use of the usual vasoconstrictor drops for the nose, which give an instant effect of breathing relief.

There is nothing wrong with such a combination. Moreover, otolaryngologists often advise themselves to combine vasoconstrictive drops with Levomekol ointment in the first two to three days of rhinitis or sinusitis therapy, especially if a person goes to work and is forced to communicate with people. Patient reviews about this treatment are positive - it allows you to achieve instant relief, and after a week and completely forget for a long time about problems with a runny nose.

How to prevent the development of sinusitis and rhinitis

It is always easier to prevent the development of the disease than subsequently treat it. In recent years, cases of diagnosing sinusitis in schoolchildren have become more frequent. This is a real problem since the disease is chronic. The fact of diagnosing sinusitis confirms that, most likely, the child suffered several years from a chronic runny nose.

In adults, both rhinitis and sinusitis are very often diagnosed. Simple tips on how to prevent the development of such diseases:

  • exclude the possibility of getting feet wet in cold weather;
  • when a cold occurs, start therapy as early as possible and prevent the development of a chronic form of the disease;
  • Do not let a runny nose by gravity, but consult a doctor for an accurate diagnosis;
  • if necessary, and a tendency to the development of sinusitis once a year, drink specialized drugs, for example, Sinupret.

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