The drug 'Bactistatin'. Instructions for use

The medicine "Bactistatin" is a complex agent with probiotic and enterosorbent properties. The composition of the medication includes dried cell-free culture fluid Bacillus subtilis (Hay bacillus) strain 3, aerosil go calcium stearate, soy flour hydrolyzate, natural aluminosilicate zeolite. The drug "Bactistatin" is used in gastroenterology.

The bacteriostatic and bactericidal effect on conditionally pathogenic and pathogenic microorganisms of the agent is provided by antibiotic-like substances produced by Bacillus subtilis. In this case, the medication does not affect the normal intestinal microflora. In the process of bacterial fermentation, the production of polypeptides, antigens, amino acids and other active substances with immunomodulating properties, which are caused by stimulation of the synthesis of endogenous interferon and the action of macrophages. As a result, the probiotic compounds of the Bactistatin medication, while restoring the beneficial microflora, enhance the nonspecific resistance (resistance) of the body, normalizing the process of full digestion.

The natural sorbent zeolite, which is part of the product, has an ion-exchange property. The component passes through the gastrointestinal tract, not absorbed in the intestine, takes part in the selective exchange of ions with the body, thus acting as an additional source of various trace elements. The sorption properties of zeolite are manifested mainly in relation to low molecular weight compounds (ammonia, hydrogen sulfide, methane and other toxic products). The component does not bind with vitamins, proteins, amino acids and other useful elements, leaving them in the digestive tract. By increasing the area of ​​biochemical reaction in the intestine, zeolite enhances digestive processes, normalizes peristalsis, and accelerates the advancement of intestinal contents. The presence of this component in the composition of the drug "Bactistatin" provides a reduction in intoxication of the body with metabolic products in renal and hepatic insufficiency, with food, bacterial poisoning. Contributing to the normalization of carbohydrate, protein, fat metabolism, zeolite enhances the activity of liver cells, improves immunity, stimulates the processes of regeneration (recovery). The prolonged effect of the drug "Bactistatin" is provided by the gradual release of active elements immobilized on zeolite. Thus, the therapeutic effectiveness of these active substances is maintained throughout the day and their transport along the entire intestine is ensured.

Being a natural source of amino acids and high-grade protein, the soy flour hydrolyzate creates the most favorable environment for the development of normal intestinal microflora.

Means "Bactistatin" application instruction recommends to improve the functional state of the digestive tract in various pathologies. The diseases include intestinal dysbiosis provoked by antibiotic therapy, radiation and chemotherapy, intestinal infections, chronic gastrointestinal diseases. The Bactistatin medication recommends the use in case of hypercholesterolemia, dyspeptic conditions (with loose stool, heartburn, nausea), intestinal irritation syndrome, chronic pancreatitis, gastroduodenitis, gastritis. Indications include intestinal infections, dermatological and allergic pathologies. The drug is prescribed to enhance the nonspecific resistance of the body against the background of exposure to adverse factors.

The medication "Bactistatin" recommended for use with food. For adults, the dosage is one or two capsules in two or three doses per day. For children from six years of age, the drug "Bactistatin", the instructions for use recommends appointing one capsule twice a day. The duration of therapy is two or three weeks.

The drug is not prescribed during gestation and breastfeeding, with hypersensitivity to the ingredients.

Before using the drug "Bactistatin", you should study the annotation.

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