Vomiting with angina in children: causes, prevention and treatment

Vomiting with angina in children always causes great anxiety in parents. After all, such a symptom is not characteristic of diseases of the throat. Usually nausea appears against the background of the general serious condition of the baby. In some cases, vomiting is accompanied by diarrhea. This significantly worsens the well-being of the child. The body loses a large amount of fluid, and dehydration occurs, which is especially dangerous with an infectious disease. What is the reason for this symptom and how to help the baby? We will try to understand this issue.

Causes of Vomiting

If vomiting occurs after a sore throat in a child, then there may be several reasons for this condition:

  • taking antibiotics;
  • general intoxication of the body during the infectious process;
  • increase in body temperature;
  • pressure of edematous tonsil tissue on the root of the tongue;
  • irritation of the throat and root of the tongue with purulent plugs.

If vomiting is caused by taking medication, then it is often accompanied by diarrhea. Only a doctor can determine the exact cause of nausea. Therefore, with the development of a baby's dyspeptic phenomena against a sore throat, you need to show the child to a pediatrician. A specialist will diagnose and choose the best treatment method.

Next, we will consider in detail the causes and treatment of vomiting with angina in children.


With angina, antibacterial drugs are usually prescribed. They are necessary in order to defeat the infection. However, such medications also have undesirable side effects. They aggressively affect the gastric mucosa and disrupt the intestinal microflora. For this reason, vomiting and diarrhea often occur with angina in a child.

Taking antibiotics is the cause of vomiting

In such cases, you must consult a doctor to correct the treatment regimen. The specialist will select a more gentle drug. In some cases, it is necessary to replace the tablet form of the medication with the injectable one so that the medicine enters the body, bypassing the esophagus and stomach.


Vomiting with angina in children can occur due to intoxication with the waste products of bacteria. In this case, nausea is accompanied by severe headache.

How to alleviate this condition? It is necessary to remove toxins from the body. For this, the child needs a plentiful drink. This will help flush out harmful substances. About 3 liters of liquid should be drunk per day. It is advisable to drink warm, slightly acidified with lemon water.

Drink plenty of vomit

In this case, it is very important to monitor the urination of the child, otherwise edema may form. If the baby rarely goes to the toilet, then diuretics are prescribed to help remove the fluid along with toxins:

  • Veroshpiron;
  • Furosemide;
  • Mannitol

In addition, enterosorbents are prescribed. They will help bind bacterial toxins and remove them through the intestines. For this purpose, the following drugs are used:

  • Enterosgel;
  • Polyphepan;
  • "Chitin";
  • "Pectin";
  • "Smectu";
  • Atoxil.
The drug "Enterosgel"

4 hours after taking enterosorbents, you need to make sure that the child goes to the toilet. If necessary, you need to make a cleansing enema.


Vomiting with sore throat in children can be caused by fever. In this case, you need to lower the body temperature to a level at which the child is not sick. For this purpose, prescribe medications with paracetamol in the form of tablets, suppositories or syrups.

High fever in a child

You can try to bring down the temperature with a folk remedy. To do this, water and vinegar are mixed in equal proportions. The resulting mixture is moistened with a cloth and wiped the child's body. In no case can vinegar be replaced with ethyl alcohol, it can be absorbed into the blood through the skin.

Vomiting with angina in a child 3 years old and younger is most often caused by fever. At this age, high fever especially often provokes an increased vomiting reflex.

If the child's temperature is kept within +38 degrees and there is no vomiting, then you should not take antipyretics.

Sore throat

Is vomiting with angina in children associated with sore throat? This phenomenon is noted quite often. With sore throat, the tissues of the throat swell strongly and press on the root of the tongue. As a result, the child often triggers a gag reflex.

Nausea due to throat swelling

In this case, rinsing the mouth with salt water will help. At the same time, antihistamine medications are indicated to relieve tissue edema:

  • Zirteka.
  • "Erius."
  • "Loratadina."
  • "Fenistila."

With severe edema, treatment is supplemented with anti-inflammatory drugs: Ibuprofen, Movalis, Nimesulide.

Purulent plugs

Often the inflammatory process in the throat is accompanied by the formation of purulent plugs. It can also cause vomiting with sore throat in children. Cork and plaque strongly irritate the mucous membrane of the throat, which leads to the triggering of the gag reflex.

In this case, it is necessary to prevent the spread of plaque in healthy areas. To do this, gargle with antiseptic solutions every half hour. You can also peel tonsils mechanically. To do this, take a swab of cotton wool and apply the drug "Iodinol". It is an iodine-based disinfectant that can also be used for rinsing. The swab needs to be wound on a stick and carefully removed the plugs and plaque. After the procedure, you must again gargle with an antiseptic.

However, carrying out such manipulations requires some experience. Otherwise, you can bring the infection to healthy areas. If you have difficulty removing the plugs, you should contact a pediatric otolaryngologist. The specialist will carefully remove plaque with special tools.

Examination of a child by an otolaryngologist

Baby Care for Vomiting

It is necessary to regularly take all prescribed medications to relieve vomiting with angina in a child. What should parents do to speed up the recovery of the baby?

First of all, you need to pay attention to the nutrition of the child. If the baby has an attack of vomiting, then within 6 hours after this you need to refrain from eating. You can give your child to drink only decoctions of lemon balm or mint. If vomiting is accompanied by diarrhea, then the child needs to drink plenty of clean boiled water to avoid dehydration.

Often, a child wants to eat after vomiting, because his stomach is empty. However, the first meal is possible no earlier than 6 hours after the attack. The child can be given a small amount of chicken broth or steamed vegetables. You should not overfeed the baby, as this can provoke a new attack of nausea.

During a sore throat, accompanied by vomiting, the child must follow a diet. It is necessary to exclude chips, snacks, fatty and fried foods from the diet. Food prepared for the child should be light and sparing. Useful of the following dishes:

  • liquid cereals on the water;
  • warm broth from lean diet meat;
  • fruit
  • mashed potatoes;
  • steamed vegetables;
  • nonfat yogurt.
Porridge is useful for vomiting

Such a sparing diet should be followed until nausea disappears. Food should be given in small portions. In no case can you force-feed a child, this can only provoke a new attack of vomiting.


Vomiting with angina in a child indicates poor health of a small patient. This is a sign of intoxication, fever or severe suppurative inflammatory process in the throat. Nausea dramatically worsens the condition of the baby. Therefore, it is important to prevent the occurrence of such an unpleasant symptom. The following remedies can be taken to prevent vomiting:

  1. Herbal teas based on lemon balm, chamomile or mint. During the day, the child should be given about 1 liter of infusion. You need to drink the drink more often, but in small portions. Such medicinal teas help relieve inflammation and calm the nervous system.
  2. Ginger powder This remedy will help prevent vomiting in children under 3 years old. It will take 1/6 of a teaspoon of powder. Ginger is dissolved in a glass of warm water. This drink is given to the baby one teaspoon three times a day.
  3. Preparations that improve microflora. Such funds are especially useful after antibiotic therapy. These include probiotics: Linex, Bifidumbacterin, Bifiform Kid, Acipol.

These measures will help prevent nausea during a sore throat. If the child has severe repeated vomiting, then it is necessary to call an ambulance. This may be a sign of severe bacterial intoxication, which requires immediate hospitalization.

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