"D Panthenol": instructions for use

The drug "D Panthenol" is made in the form of ointment or cream. Cream and ointment 5% homogeneous, with a characteristic specific odor, are used for external use. 1 g of cream (ointment) accounts for 50 mg of dexpanthenol.

The cream is white in color, it includes such auxiliary preparations as cetearyl octanoate, ketomacrogol, cetanol, glycerol monostearate, dimethicone, propylene glycol, propyl parahydroxybenzoate, methyl parohydroxybenzoate, Seaside flavoring, purified water.

The ointment is light yellow in color with a pronounced smell of lanolin. Among the auxiliary components of the drug, produced in the form of an ointment, there are white petrolatum, anhydrous lanolin, liquid paraffin, cholesterol, isopropyl myristate, propyl steam hydroxybenzoate, methyl steam hydroxybenzoate, and purified water.

The drug is produced in a cardboard box, in which there is a 25-gram tube of cream or ointment “D Panthenol”, instructions for use. This is a drug whose action is mainly aimed at tissue regeneration and trophic improvement. The use of this drug is very diverse. So, for example, it helps against acne, with abrasions and scratches, with burns and chapping of the skin, etc.

The instructions for use attached to the "D Panthenol" preparation allow you to familiarize yourself with its pharmacological action. Dexpanthenol is a derivative of pantothenic acid, which, in turn, is a vitamin B group. This vitamin is necessary as an integral part of coenzyme A for fat, protein and carbohydrate metabolism. In addition, it plays a significant role in acetylation during gluconeogenesis, the breakdown and synthesis of fatty acids, the release of energy from carbohydrates, the synthesis of hormones steroid and sterols, acetylcholine.

Thanks to pantothenic acid, the functions of the epithelium are maintained normal. If the skin or tissues are damaged, then the body has an increased need for it. In such cases, the lack of pantothenic acid can be compensated for by topical application of the drug “Panthenol”. Instructions for use allow you to get acquainted with the regenerating properties of this drug. It helps restore skin, increases the strength of collagen fibers, and leads to the normalization of cellular metabolism. The medicine has a slight anti-inflammatory effect, softens and nourishes the skin. Due to the excipients available in the preparation, its therapeutic properties are improved.

Due to the low molecular weight, low polarity and hydrophilicity of the agent “Panthenol”, all its active substances penetrate well into all layers of the skin.

In the case of relatively minor damage to the skin, doctors also often recommend D Panthenol. The use of this drug is possible with:

- the occurrence of diaper dermatitis in children, scratches, slight irritation from exposure to the sun, x-ray and ultraviolet radiation, as well as for the prevention and treatment of diaper rash;

- the appearance of cracks in the nipples of a nursing mother or with their inflammation;

- inflammatory processes on the skin, boils, dermatitis, trophic ulcers of the lower extremities, with skin care around the tracheostomy, colostomy, gastrostomy;

- prevention and treatment of consequences. associated with adverse effects on the skin of factors such as wind, cold, humidity, etc.

In addition to all of the above, the drug “Panthenol” helps against acne.

The instructions for use attached to the drug “Panthenol” allow you to get acquainted with the method of use of this tool. So, an ointment or cream is applied in a thin layer to the damaged areas 4 times a day (if necessary, more often). If the surface is infected, then before applying the drug "Panthenol" it must be thoroughly treated with antiseptic agents. For infants, the medicine is applied during each change of linen or after bathing.

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