Member of the project "Comedy battle. Last season" Alexander Plotnikov: biography and career

Alexander Plotnikov is a real lucky guy. After all, he managed to get into the final of “Comedy Battle”, without making any special effort to this. Want to get more information? Then we recommend reading the article from beginning to end.

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Biography: childhood and youth

He was born in Volgograd in an ordinary family. From an early age, Sasha showed his artistry. He liked to arrange home concerts and performances.

At school, the boy studied well. He had many friends and girlfriends. Several times a week, our hero attended various circles - drawing, dancing and aircraft modeling. Thanks to this, he received a comprehensive development of personality.


After graduating from high school, Sasha entered one of the Volgograd universities. Already in his first year, he was included in the student KVN team. Alexander Plotnikov was not only an ordinary participant, but also a leader. And all thanks to his competent speech and ability to stay on stage.

Currently, Sasha is a resident of the Volgograd branch of the “Standup” project. He composes jokes and creates humorous scenes.

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Alexander Plotnikov: “Comedy Battle”

In 2015, our hero decided to conquer Russian television. A handsome and confident guy went to the Battle of Batum casting. He managed to subdue the members of the admissions team.

Sasha was the first to perform in the new season of the humorous program. In the absence of the chairman of the jury, Garik Martirosyan, other members (Ruslan Bely, Slepakov Semen and Svetlakov Sergey) decided to violate the rules of the project. They missed the participant in the second round without watching his performance.

Many viewers took the act of Svetlakov, Bely and Slepakov as a joke. But in the second round, the jury again missed Alexander further without a joke. And only in the semifinals he was given the opportunity to speak. Plotnikov did not joke, but only presented the jury with a simple application. It would seem that it's time to send the participant home. But famous comedians again surprised the audience. They allowed our hero to participate in the finals.


Alexander Plotnikov came to the “Comedy Battle” project to “light up” the whole country. In his native Volgograd, he has long been known as a talented and sparkling host of events. He regularly holds weddings, corporate parties, birthdays and other holidays. Creativity and sense of humor he does not hold.

Personal life

For several years, Sasha is in a civil marriage with her beloved girl. They consider stamps in the passport as usual formality. The only thing that can make a couple go to the registry office is the birth of their common child.


As you can see, Alexander Plotnikov is a talented and purposeful young man. He is used to making money on his own. Sasha cannot imagine her life without speaking to the public.

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