Bazhov's "Stone Flower" - an Example of True Folk Art

A fairy tale is a unique phenomenon of folk art. Folk tales reflect the experience and wisdom of the people who created them.

Bazhov stone flower
The modern person practically does not know these folk tales; children read works in processing. Folk tales were once transmitted from person to person, but over the past two centuries, society has changed so much that now such a transfer is impossible. Fortunately, in almost every nation there were lovers who collected fairy tales and recorded them.

True, not all fairy tales collected by Platonov, Bazhov or the Grimm brothers are included in these collections. You can view collections of fairy tales published for philological students in very small editions and see for yourself.

Tales in processing lose their “flavor” and originality, but are suitable for children to read. Tales of Bazhov are perhaps the closest to the original. Bazhov's “Stone Flower” is a very interesting, unusual and somewhat scary tale.

Bajov stone flower content
She is the first of a series of fairy tales about Danila the master. The fairy tale describes the life and problems of the common people of the Urals. This life is different from the ordinary life of peasants.

Not a single fairy tale collected by Platonov describes the relations of the peasants with the master, with the clerk, and does not cover the question of paying a quitrent or performing work on corvee. Tales are completely different, they can be called the dreams of the people. These fantasies are not even about a better life, but simply about another life.

Bazhov's “Stone Flower” most actively includes the story of all social relations. Here and the clerk, and the master, and the master, a man with a complex character. In fairy tales, everything is ambiguous, as in life. That is what these fairy tales are interesting for.

Bazhov, "Stone Flower". Content

The tale begins with a story about the talented master Prokopyich, who could not pick up an assistant. Finally, an orphan Danilo came to him - a dreamy and pensive child.

bajov stone flower summary
This dreaminess, attention to the environment is a manifestation of talent, Danilo becomes a real successor to the work of his teacher.

The fairy tales describe the fate of Danila, his life, marriage, an attempt to create a stone flower. Bazhov is interested not only in adventure, but also in the inner world of heroes. He has no villains and definitely positive characters.

Danilo is a goodie. But he leaves his bride, he does not live the calm life of a famous master, the Mistress of the Copper Mountain is not a villain, not Baba Yaga, she is fair, stands up for workers (Prikazchikov's soles, a collection of Bazhov’s Stone Flower). But this is not a good sorceress, the Mistress of the Copper Mountain is dangerous, interesting, beautiful, seductive. It is in these stories that the soul of the people is felt, according to them it is possible to guess what all Russian folk tales were like before treatment — after all, they were intended not only for children, but also for adults.

Unfortunately, now abridged versions of the book with the headings: “Bazhov. "Stone Flower". Summary ". In these collections of fairy tales appear in a refined, truncated form. As a result, all their virtues are lost, and they appear to be emasculated stories from a children's book.

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