Actor Vadim Michman: biography

Vadim Michman is a popular Russian actor, best known for the musical “Monte Cristo” directed by Alina Chevik, as well as for such show projects as “Sounds of Music,“ Bremen Town Musicians ”, Mamma Mia !,“ Onegin ”,“ Treasure Island ”, "Romeo and Juliet". He also played several movie roles. The theme of today's story is the biography and work of Vadim Michman.

vadim midshipman

First achievements

The future artist was born in 1986. My father was an engineer, my mother worked as a pharmacist. Already at an early age, Vadim discovered vocal abilities, in connection with which he began performing in the groups of Skomorosh and Amulet.

Vadim was engaged in vocals and repeatedly won at international festivals. Among his youthful victories are prizes at the competitions “Voices of the 21st Century”, “Pearl of Siberia”, “Hope of Europe”, “Wind Rose” and many others.

vadim midshipman personal life

In Moscow

The hero of today's story arrived in the capital in 2003. Vadim Michman entered the Institute of Contemporary Art, in the pop department. In his student years he took an active part in various projects, including the Ugra Springboard and the 220 Volt music group.

In 2008, Vadim Michman received a diploma. A few months later he played a major role in the musical "Monte Cristo". The basis of this Russian production, as you know, is the plot of the famous work of Alexander Dumas. The premiere of "Monte Cristo" was held in 2008. Four years later, the jubilee five hundredth performance. Vadim Michman played in this performance Benedetto - a young thief, abandoned by his parents in early childhood.

The cast of Monte Cristo also included Igor Balalaev, Valeria Lanskaya, Alexander Marakulin, Alexander Golubev, Lyudmila Svetlova, Lika Rulla.

Some time after the first performance on the big stage, the young artist starred in the film "Step by Step" by Igor Korobeynikov. Vadim played the role of a student of Zhora Michman. It is from here that the pseudonym by which the Russian actor is known. After all, his real name is Kozlov. The premiere of the film "Step by Step" took place in March 2011.

Vadim Midshipman and his wife

Other musicals with Vadim Michman

In 2009, the actor began cooperation with the Office of the Angels, a commercial organization engaged in producing activities. In 2010, the hero of today's story was approved for the role in the musical "Love and Espionage" by Yegor Druzhinin. This time, Vadim Michman played the French officer. The most famous musical with the participation of Vadim Michman is “Sounds of Music”. In this project, he got the role of Rolf Gruber.

In June 2016, Vadim Michman was approved for the role in the musical “Catch Me If You Can,” based on the eponymous painting by Stephen Spielberg, and also took part in the projects “Bremen Town Musicians” and “The Little Mermaid”.

Vadim Midshipman photo

Film career

In 2011, the shooting of a feature film about Yuri Gagarin began. The premiere took place in 2013. The film shows childhood, long months of preparation for the flight, the struggle for primacy and other important periods in the biography of the first astronaut. The creators of the picture did not ignore the relationship of the protagonist with his wife. Vadim Michman (the photo above is a shot from the film about Gagarin) played in this picture by German Titov. His partners on the set were Yaroslav Zhalnin, Vladimir Steklov, Mikhail Filippov, Victor Proskurin, Nadezhda Markina.

According to the recognition of the actor, the role of German Titov for him was a real gift. It is worth saying that initially he was auditioned for another role. It was very interesting for Vadim Michman to work on Titov’s image, primarily because he was not a literary character, but a real person. And quite significant in history. In preparation for the shooting, the actor talked with astronauts who personally knew his hero.

In 2016, the shooting of the film “The Crew” began, which viewers often perceive as a remake of the Alexander Mitta film. However, in reality, the plot of this film has little in common with the story about which the first domestic disaster film is narrated. The premiere of "Crew" directed by Nikolai Lebedev took place in April 2016. The main roles were played by Vladimir Mashkov and Danila Kozlovsky. Vadim Michman in this film got a cameo role.

The film "Bonus" will be released in 2017. The director of the picture is Valeria Gai Germanika. The picture shows events from the life of an ordinary guy Ivan, who is once presented with a player for his birthday. The main character becomes infected with rap, and eventually begins to not only listen to this music, but also to compose his own. He is given the nickname Bonus. A drug dealer brings him to Moscow, where the real adventures of the hero of Midshipman begin. The film is likely to cause a mixed reaction from critics, as well as other film works by Guy Germanicus, which in any case will positively affect the popularity of the leading actor.

What is known about the life that Vadim Michman leads off-screen?

Personal life

Little is known about this. Vadim Michman is not married, he has no children, he devotes most of his time to work. In an interview, Vadim Michman admitted that at the moment, the main place in his life is occupied by art. However, preferences change over time.

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