Each of us at least once in our life had a sore throat and suffered a sore throat. Sometimes sore throat a couple of days and pass. But sometimes complications develop and plugs appear in the tonsils. It is not worth ignoring this condition, because if left untreated, the consequences can be very serious. Therefore, the first thing we go to see a doctor. And today we will deal with what jams in the tonsils are, where they come from and what to do with them.
general description
Symptoms may vary greatly. One person experiences severe discomfort and pain when swallowing. For another, even swallowing saliva becomes a serious problem. And the third one feels completely healthy. In any case, traffic jams in the tonsils need timely correction. If everything is left to chance, serious complications can develop.
Let us now examine in more detail what this phenomenon is. Tonsils in the tonsils, or ulcers, is a sign of an infectious lesion of the tonsils. That is, you have a serious cause for concern. In the vast majority of cases, this is accompanied by a number of other signs and symptoms. This is a temperature and sore throat, intoxication and bad breath. And remember that in the absence of effective treatment, the disease will quickly turn into a chronic form.
Mirror inspection
If you feel discomfort in the throat, but cannot visit a doctor at the moment, then try to conduct an independent examination. Purulent plugs in the tonsils can be seen simply by going to the mirror and opening your mouth wide. They are usually white or yellow. Remind cheesy pieces.
Traffic jams are located in the gaps. This is the internal cavity of the tonsils, which is opened towards the larynx. Why are purulent plugs in the tonsils formed in response to infection? These white or yellow pieces are the disease itself. This is the result of the immune system fighting the infection. That is, dead white blood cells and pathogens. Therefore, the formation of pus is a protective reaction. Another thing is that the strength of your body is not infinite. And if it is weakened by poor nutrition, lack of sleep or hypothermia, the infection will prevail.
Features of the disease
Tonsillitis plugs are complex formations. They are composed of calcium and ammonia, magnesium and phosphorus. Leftovers and dead cells are added to this. That is why they are called so - tonsillolites, that is, "a stone in the tonsils." All of these substances are hardened bacteria control products.
Each person has lumps in the tonsils. This is a normal phenomenon that does not require treatment. Tonsils on the tonsils begin to develop with inflammation. In this case, the lacunae is deformed and reduced. The outflow of contents is disturbed and pus is forming. Usually it is white, although it may change color. These plugs are an excellent environment for the development of the inflammatory process.
Different types of traffic jams
As you can judge from your own experience, sore throats sometimes go away on their own, and sometimes require some intervention. And another time, the doctor prescribes a strong antibiotic, because without it there is a danger of the further development of the inflammatory process. Let's start with the fact that there are two types of traffic jams:
- Purulent plugs. They are formed in acute tonsillitis (follicular or lacunar form).
- Caseous plugs. They can occur with a chronic form of tonsillitis.
Main reasons
Traffic jams in the gaps of the tonsils are formed due to complications of tonsillitis. Most often this is typical for the cold season. In summer, the development of the disease is much less common. I would like to note separately that doctors are already sounding the alarm today and are trying to draw public attention to the fact that antibiotics cannot be taken uncontrollably. Chronic tonsillitis is formed due to improper use of drugs or an untreated disease. That is, the connection is direct. If patients stop taking antibiotics before the end of treatment, then this can lead to the development of traffic jams.
Moreover, further treatment will become more difficult, because bacteria have already become acquainted with certain drugs, not all of them have died, and survivors have become resistant. That is why to prescribe treatment you need to see a doctor.
Contributing Factors
Caseous plugs in the gaps of the tonsils can develop at any time of the year under a variety of conditions. But doctors identified the main factors that directly affect the development of another relapse:
- allergic reactions;
- enlarged adenoids;
- inflammation of the soft tissues and infections in the sinuses of the nose;
- hypothermia of the body;
- bacterial and viral infections;
- bad habits;
- chronic infections; it can be rhinitis, caries;
- weak immunity and hereditary addiction.
All this can contribute to the development of the disease, accelerate its development and aggravate the course. But the main reason is a bacterial infection. These are streptococcus, staphylococcus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and other pathogens. In chronic foci of inflammation, the infection expands into the tonsils. Infection can occur by contact-household, airborne droplets.
Secondary symptoms
How do the affected gaps look, you can look at the photo. Traffic jams on tonsils and are the main symptom. If they are, then doubts about the presence of this disease no longer arise. But there are stages of exacerbation and remission. Without exacerbation, a person feels rather well and presents himself as completely healthy. But during the inspection, you can easily note the following:
- The palatine arches become red and thicker.
- Bad breath becomes heavy, a person needs to constantly use a freshener.
- In the gaps of the tonsils pus is formed.
- The tonsils themselves become loose, with scars and commissures. A good doctor can immediately make a diagnosis and prescribe an effective treatment based on the examination.
- General weakness.
With such symptoms, you should immediately consult a doctor. In case of exacerbation, the lymph nodes increase, the body temperature rises, and a sore throat intensifies.
Disease therapy
Tonsil removal from the tonsils should be done by a qualified doctor. Otherwise, the effectiveness of the procedures is in question. It is not difficult to remove soft formations, it is enough to draw along the tonsils with a spoon or a special spatula. Cotton buds will do. But it is necessary to work with the cause of their formation.
The principles of treatment are highly dependent on the causes.
- In acute tonsillitis, you need to fight infection and relieve intoxication. Symptomatic therapy also takes place.
- If the disease has become chronic, then more importance is attached not to the elimination of traffic jams, but to the creation of conditions so that they do not appear again.
If in the first case the appointment can be made by a local therapist or pediatrician, then in the second it is better to turn to an experienced otolaryngologist.
Conservative treatment
Before you start taking drugs, you need to establish the bacterial or viral nature of the disease. If tonsillitis is caused by bacteria, then it must be treated with antibiotics. These drugs act directly on the source of the disease and significantly reduce the risk of complications. These include damage to the heart and kidneys.
For these purposes, penicillin group preparations are most often used. Preference is given to tablets for oral administration. This is "Amoxicillin" or "Flemoxin", the drugs are effective and safe at the same time. They are allowed even during pregnancy. Of particular note are cases where the patient is allergic to penicillin. In this case, doctors prescribe macrolides and cephalosporins. Antibiotics for intramuscular administration are prescribed only in the most severe cases.
Assistive therapy
In order for the treatment to be effective and the relief to come as quickly as possible, the doctor recommends using the following drugs and folk remedies:
- We remove intoxication with the help of heavy drinking. It is best if it will be part-time source of vitamins. That is, tea with lemon, fruit drink or compote, a rosehip broth.
- If the patient has a fever, he is additionally prescribed Paracetamol, Aspirin or Ibuprofen.
- Local rinse. In addition to systemic therapy, it will be very useful to perform a gargle with antiseptic solutions. This is "Furacilin" or a solution of salt and soda.
- Great helpers will be sprays for the throat "Tantum Verde", "Hexoral" or others.
Since getting rid of jams in the tonsils quickly does not always work out, you need to set yourself up for the regular implementation of these recommendations.
Features of the treatment of chronic disease
Often in the practice of doctors there are cases when a person suffers from a sore throat for many years, but does not come to the hospital. And when he asks about how to remove plugs from the tonsils, the condition will already be running. In this case, the task is quite complicated.
It is quite successful to stop the exacerbation, but getting rid of the disease forever is much more difficult, often impossible. But you canโt leave a person in this state, therefore, use complex therapy. If you diligently follow the doctorโs recommendations, you can achieve a significant improvement in the condition or complete recovery. Therapy includes the following:
- Antibiotics. They are prescribed by the course, but only after the patient passes a smear, which determines the sensitivity to antibiotics. The most active and least toxic antibiotic of all available is selected.
- Local treatment with antiseptics. Every day you need to rinse with a solution of sea salt. To do this, a teaspoon must be diluted in a glass of water. Another option: 0.5 tablespoons of salt and soda, as well as a few drops of iodine are added to the glass.
- Physiotherapy. These are warming, UV, lacunae washing and magnetotherapy.
In parallel, it is imperative to work on strengthening immunity. For this, immunomodulators are used. In addition, it is important to eat right, take vitamins and conduct tempering procedures.
Home treatment
In the chronic form, the patient must learn to take measures at the first sign of exacerbation. Be sure to remove the purulent plugs in the tonsils. How to get rid of at home, we will now tell. Soft coating is easy to clean when rinsing. And denser and deeper plugs will have to be squeezed.
To do this, you need to take a tablespoon and wrap it with a bandage. Moisten the bandage with a solution of any antiseptic. "Lugol" with glycerin is perfect, but you can also take a solution of salt with iodine. Go to the mirror and open your mouth wide. Now gently push the spatula onto the tonsil under the cork. After the procedure, be sure to rinse your mouth.
Most often, it is the kids who suffer from this disease. The immune system at this age is still imperfect and cannot repel surrounding infections. Children still do not know how to gargle or dissolve antimicrobials. Therefore, it remains only to rely on special sprays and tablets. But only an experienced pediatrician should deal with the treatment of babies. Since it is impossible to remove corks from tonsils by extrusion in children, it is necessary to look for milder methods of exposure. Good helpers will be herbal preparations.
- Take 15 g of calendula inflorescences and pour a glass of hot water. Wait for cooling. Let your child drink a tablespoon 7-10 times a day.
- Figs help relieve inflammation. To do this, put it in hot water, and then grate. You can not swallow it, but just ask the child to hold it in his mouth, and then spit it out.
- Propolis. An excellent and safe treatment for tonsillitis. Take 50 g of propolis and add 25 g of butter and honey. Heat and stir. Keep in the refrigerator. Give your child 5 grams under the tongue twice a day.
If the child is not yet two years old, then treatment should be approached even more carefully. First of all, you need to give your baby enough water. Ibuprofen is used to relieve fever and pain. It is imperative to follow a strict diet so as not to cause additional irritation. Only soft foods, mashed potatoes and cereals should be in the diet.
Instead of a conclusion
Tonsils on the tonsils are usually the result of a strong inflammatory process or indicate a neglected disease. This once again indicates the need to consult a doctor on time and follow all his recommendations. It is especially important for parents to keep this in mind. Untreated childhood sore throats can turn into chronic ailments in the future.