100 grams of flour - how much? We find out together

100 grams of flour - how much? This question is often of interest to those who decide to cook some delicious homemade cakes, where strict adherence to all volumes of the necessary components is required. Of course, to measure them, it is best to use a kitchen scale. But what to do if such a device was not available? To do this, we recommend that you use the following tips on how to measure 100 grams of flour without using weights.

100 grams of flour is how much

The main tool is a tablespoon

Depending on the fullness of a large spoon, it can include from 6 to 45 grams of flour:

  • 6 grams: you need to take a large spoon and pour flour product into it so that it fills the measuring container flush with the edges, creating an ideally smooth surface;
  • 15 grams: a spoon with a small pile of flour, which is equal to the volume of the device itself;
  • 45 grams: a spoon with a large slide that literally falls out of the cutlery.

There is another way to find out the answer to the question: 100 grams of flour - how much? You need to scoop a large spoon with the maximum amount of any kind of flour and shake the angular top from it with three light movements. This volume will be equal to 25 grams of flour product. After that, it is quite easy to calculate the required amount of the main component for baking. After all, for this you only need to take 4 large tablespoons of flour (25 g x 4 = 100 g).

how to measure 100 grams of flour

Turn to the dessert spoon for help

Now let's try to answer the question: 100 grams of flour is how much, using a standard dessert spoon. Of course, this is rather inconvenient, but we are not looking for easy ways. Jokes are jokes, but anything happens in life, so let's get started.

So, depending on the size of the slide, one dessert spoon can contain from 2 to 13 grams of wheat flour. However, in all cooking tables it is said that such a device contains exactly 8 grams of this product. And in order to get such a weight, you must do exactly the same as with a large spoon. After that, through simple calculations, you can easily dial all the necessary 100 grams.

How to measure 100 grams of flour in glasses?

This is probably the easiest, fastest and most affordable way to measure bulk ingredients. Indeed, today absolutely all hardware stores sell special measuring cups made of glass or plastic. After buying such dishes, you will never again worry about this culinary issue.

100 grams of flour in glasses
In the event that you have not yet become the owners of such a useful kitchen attribute, you will surely find in your house an ordinary faceted (glass) glass, which was very popular in Soviet times. According to generally accepted culinary tables, exactly 160 grams of flour are placed in such a vessel. However, when filling, you should pay attention to the fact that the product is not sifted, spread it with a spoon, without tamping, and a rather large slide should form on top. If you put the flour in a glass without a fluffy hat, and flush with the edges, then its amount will decrease to 140 grams. In order to obtain the required volume (100 grams), you should fill in the flour product one and a half rims below.

Or maybe, after all, scales? ..

If you think that we have examined all the options for solving the problem called “100 grams of flour - how much?”, Then you are deeply mistaken! It turns out that there are other methods, and quite exotic ones. For example, earlier this volume was determined by drawing a rectangle. Perhaps this method is more interesting and accurate, but from a practical point of view it is absolutely unacceptable. Indeed, in the process you will scatter most of the product and get dirty, and 100 grams of flour of such incredible efforts do not cost. That is why it is best to use modern methods, that is, purchase electronic scales, and with pleasure prepare delicious homemade cakes.

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