Who caught a goldfish in Pushkin's fairy tale?

The fate of a person can be compared with the share of a fisherman from A.S. Pushkin's beloved childhood story. Who caught a goldfish, that was lucky. Only the gift on a silver platter is not appreciated. It is not enough to get wealth, your favorite job, develop a business, buy or build a house. It is much more important, possessing everything, not to lose a human face and conscience, not to become like an old woman. It is important to remember that there is nothing eternal in life - everything in one moment can collapse as suddenly as it appeared.

Dreams are an incentive in life

who caught the goldfish

A person always wants something: more money, a better apartment, career success. If a friend, then the most faithful, a wife - the most beautiful, a husband - so that he wore all his life in his arms. But, having received the desired, thoughts are immediately transferred to a new object. And desires never end. While a person is dreaming, he lives. Dreams stimulate improvement, achieve goals.

It is only in a fairy tale of desire that kind wizards and fairies help to carry out. In life, on the contrary, in order to get something, you have to work hard. How many have you met those who caught a goldfish or let the gin out of the bottle?

Exit Comfort Zone

A person lives a life familiar to him. For thirty-three years the old man has already got used to his hut, and the old woman to a broken trough. And everything seems to be satisfied: life, income, habits. For them, this is a comfort zone; they do not know anything else. But grandfather caught a goldfish.

Should any event in life happen - everything collapses. You have to get used to the new fret. And soon it seems that there was no previous life, and I want even more, better.

What did the old man catch a goldfish

Could it be different?

Why, having lived on the shore near the sea for thirty-three years, the old man never became rich, achieved nothing in life? Why did they and the old woman live in an old wilted dugout, having the closest access to the vast wealth of the sea?

And what does a man need to achieve enormous goals and realize ambitions? Quiet peaceful harbor, peace, comfort and reliable rear. A woman should inspire her man to exploits.

Could such an old woman provide such conditions? The question is rhetorical. And he, being a kind and simple-minded man, lost his β€œI” under the pressure of his half.

Old man

Why didn't the author of the tale give the old man a name? He probably wanted to show that the image of the hero is not a single one, but a generalized one - the character of a henpecked man.

Grandfather was hardworking. This is evidenced by what the old man caught a goldfish. The net is a large network for fishing, to make it, it takes a lot of patience and skill. How much effort has been put! And failures did not repulse the old man’s desire to work. He did not give up. Again and again he cast his net, until the attempts were crowned with success.

He also had a kind heart, since he had endured his old woman for so many years. Yes, and, catching a goldfish, did not ask for anything, let it go into the depths of the sea. But he could easily radically change his whole life and get rid of his annoying wife. And only her reproaches made him turn to the fish for help.

And so it happened: the one who caught the goldfish did not enjoy the fulfillment of desires in the end. Just like in our time: some work hard, others enjoy life, often at someone’s expense.

Grandfather caught a goldfish

Is everything always done for the better?

Worldly truth is wisely noted by Omar Khayyam: β€œYou got out of the mud to riches, but quickly becoming a prince, do not forget, so as not to jinx it: riches do not last forever - dirt is eternal ...”. The old woman, who became a noble lady, without putting any effort into it, did not appreciate the gifts of fate. It was the law of life that brought her back to the broken trough.

In his work, Omar Khayyam many times drew attention to the fact that we are all guests in this world and everything here is given to us temporarily. The main thing is to remain decent people.

We all were brought up on a good old fairy tale about a goldfish, learned to recognize good and evil, felt sorry for the old man and condemned the greedy evil old woman. But, unfortunately, not everyone remembers childhood lessons. I want a life of luck, a happy occasion. And few people think about true values.

It is important, overcoming difficulties, achieving goals in life, conquering the peaks, remain decent people, and not envy those who caught the goldfish.

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