Very often, patients who come to the ENT doctor with complaints of congestion in the ears can hear a strange diagnosis: “Sulfur cork”. Then, with the help of simple devices, a brownish lump is removed from the ear canal, while hearing is significantly improved. For those patients who are predisposed to the formation of sulfuric plugs in the ears, the doctor recommends visiting the clinic once a quarter for their timely removal. Experts do not recommend cleaning their ears at home, since there is a high risk of complications in the form of injuries to the eardrum, foreign bodies entering the ear and the development of otitis media.
How is the sulfur plug in the ear formed?
Excessive formation of accumulations in the auditory canals is often due to improper hormonal background. But most often, a sulfuric plug in the ear is formed as a result of improper cleansing of the auditory canals. If a person tries to remove the accumulations with a cotton swab, then he can further ram them into the ear canal. The natural release of sulfur is hindered, it becomes viscous, parts of the epidermis fall into it, and this dense mass is increasingly pressed against the eardrum. This forms a cork in the ears. Until it closes the entire auditory canal, a person lives and does not suspect that he has such accumulations. But as soon as a little water gets on when washing your head or while bathing, the sulfur plug in the ear swells, blocks the ear canal and the person stalls. In this case, you need to see a doctor.
Sulfur plugs in the ears. Treatment
If the mass in the ears is dense enough, then the doctor will advise you to soften it first. To do this, take 3% hydrogen peroxide or a solution of glycerin, warm it to room temperature and drip a few drops into the ear. The procedure can be done while sitting or lying down, it is important at the same time that the ear looks up, and the liquid poured into it is a little in it. The procedure is repeated 3-4 times for three days, then the patient again comes to the doctor to remove the sulfur plug. You can remove it at home, for this they use a strong shower stream or a douche. The upper part of the auricle is pulled back and a stream of warm water, furacilin or a solution of potassium permanganate is fed into the ear. After such manipulation, all accumulations from the ear canal are almost completely washed out.
Sulfur plug in the ear. Delete
If, as a result of the above procedures, all the accumulations from the ear canal could not be removed, then you need to go for a second appointment with the doctor. In the clinic, a specialist at the sight of an otoscope will clean out the sulfur residues using miniature tools or by washing. For this, the Janet syringe and a warm solution of potassium permanganate or furatsillina are most often used.
Causes of sulfuric plugs in the ears
Very often, the cause of excessive accumulation in the auditory canals is congenital anomalies of the auditory canals. The occurrence of sulfuric plugs can also provoke a foreign body. Often this condition occurs in people who are trying to remove the accumulation from the ears with a cotton swab. Otolaryngologists unanimously say that this should not be done in any case, because in addition to pushing sulfur deeper, damage to the eardrum can occur from the use of cotton buds.
To understand this, one should study the mechanism of cork formation in the ear canal. Sulfur in the ear is formed for a reason, in the human body it has its own well-founded functions. Namely, it has a bactericidal effect, lubricates and protects the delicate skin of the ear canal from litter and dust. Therefore, do not remove the sulfur from the ear canal too fanatically, especially in such a barbaric way as a cotton swab, match or pin. Nothing in our body is superfluous.