Simple and beautiful ornaments for drawing.

ornaments for drawing
An ornament is a set of certain graphic elements in an arbitrary or symmetrical composition. Usually these are natural or animal motifs, abstractions, or simple geometric shapes. Most often, ornaments for drawing are used in applied art and architecture. Intricate patterns can be found on dishes, fabrics, weapons and furniture.

The basics of drawing patterns

If you are planning to master this artistic direction, then a small drawing lesson will help you. The ornament should have a clearly visible rhythm. Repetition of the same group of graphic elements makes up the motive of the picture. It is allowed to use both one and several motive lines.

Any creative work requires diligence and perseverance. When drawing patterns, the main thing is to remember the difference between ornament technique from graphics and painting.

  • Try to keep the same line thickness throughout the motive.
  • Do not use too many colors, it is better to choose two contrasting shades.
  • Follow the motive line, do not get involved in multicomponent.
  • The complexity of the elements should increase from the edge to the center or vice versa.
  • Follow the symmetry and do not shift the center of the composition.

Classification of Ornaments

Depending on the performance technique, they distinguish: tape, composition-closed and mesh types of ornaments.

  • drawing lesson ornament
    Ribbon ornaments for drawing are a symmetric or arbitrary set of elements along a horizontal or vertical line. Such patterns are commonly used to decorate walls, columns, tablecloth edges, or shawls.
  • Mesh compositions are performed on a special geometric basis. The pattern extends to all directions and consists of many compositions enclosed in circles, triangles, squares, rhombuses and polygons.
  • The most convenient ornaments for drawing are compositionally enclosed. These are various motifs enclosed inside a simple geometric figure. Those that are performed inside the circle are called rosettes.

Performance technique

Drawing patterns is a very persistent and fascinating activity. The main thing is to develop a sense of symmetry and choose a composition. Your main task is to depict elements on a plane and nicely arrange them in space. Start with simple geometric motifs. Drawing an ornament in a square is ideal for beginners, as this figure is easily divided into equal and symmetrical parts.

  • drawing an ornament squared
    The basis of the figured motif are diagonal lines. Draw a square and experiment with diagonals and strokes of different thicknesses. Vary directions and be sure to keep symmetry. To enhance the contrast, you can play with the fill, darkening some parts of the pattern. So you focus on repeating elements and highlight the storyline.
  • For ornaments with curved lines, you will need a pattern, a protractor and a compass. Using circles and arcs of various sizes and diameters, you can achieve a stunning effect. The main thing is to make a soft and smooth transition from one element to another.
  • The most complex, but at the same time the most beautiful ornaments for drawing are usually built on the motifs of the animal and plant world. It is most convenient to depict them in a circle or polygon. The storyline should be repeated in each sector and converge to the center of the composition. The simplest elements are stems and leaves. It is best to draw from nature.

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