Strong bruise: what to treat at home with folk remedies

Not a single person on this planet is safe from bruises and soft tissue bruises. No one can predict when he will stumble, hit a corner or drop a heavy object on his leg or other limb. Tourists, athletes, as well as those people who lead an active lifestyle, often encounter bruises, bruises of a wide variety of parts on the body. And if we talk about the number of falls during ice in the winter, then they are in the thousands. In this article, you can learn how to treat a severe bruise.

However, not paying attention to the fact that hematomas, bruises, swelling after an impact are familiar to most on this planet, not all can provide first aid and further treatment. Therefore, you should fill the gap: to study the rules of treatment of bruises and bumps on the skin. If you know how to treat a severe bruise, you can eliminate unbearable pain, as well as get rid of yellow-green or blue spots on your body.

bruise on hand

Useful information

Before discussing the main issue of this article, it is necessary to become more familiar with the features of the bruises. What happens in the human body with such a problem?

  1. First of all, the skin, muscle tissue, as well as subcutaneous fat are damaged.
  2. In most cases, bone tissue remains intact.
  3. Often injured capillaries and blood vessels.
  4. The bruising site begins to swell after local hemorrhage, in parallel with this there is a feeling of pain.
  5. The stronger the stroke, the greater the area of ​​hemorrhage under the skin.
  6. When the blood does not find a way out, it begins to spread to nearby tissues, thereby forming a hematoma.
  7. Hematoma in the cavity, which is located near the area of ​​contusion, provokes hemarthrosis. Joints begin to be affected.
  8. The hue of the bruise may be reddish or purple, in some cases the color may even be black. After this, the bruised place acquires a green tint, and eventually yellowish-green.
  9. By the color of the hematoma, one can judge the age of the bruise during diagnosis.
severe bruise

Please note that intolerable soreness may indicate bone damage after a bruise. Before treating a severe bruise, you must visit a traumatologist who will take an x-ray. Local drugs only relieve pain a little, and a later visit to the clinic will aggravate the whole problem. The consequences will be suppuration on the bones, as well as a dangerous inflammatory process.

First aid

How to treat a severe bruise? How can the consequences be minimized? How to prevent the formation of extensive hematomas on the body? In case of injury to the fingers, tailbone, legs, hands, feet, ribs, knees, head, as well as other parts of the body, it is necessary to act correctly. To do this, you should familiarize yourself with the rules of first aid. They are as follows:

  1. First of all, it is necessary to provide the patient with peace, or rather a bruised area. Legs and hands should be kept in a natural position. If possible, it is best to lie down, while trying to move less.
  2. When answering the question of how to treat a severe bruise, hematoma, the first aid will also be that the bruised area should be located above the area of ​​the heart.
  3. Some cold object must be attached to the impact zone. The main task is to reduce puffiness, stop the growth of hematoma. Ideal means is ice, which is wrapped in a cloth or plastic bag, a cold compress from a bath towel or wet gauze.
  4. If you do not have the opportunity to apply a compress to the problem area, then you can use any improvised means, for example, snow from the freezer, which must be packed in cellophane. In addition, a compress can be made from a cold bag with sour cream or kefir, from a bottle of water, cold juice, cans of canned food, in short everything that has a low temperature. The main condition is that the item must be clean.
  5. If you have no ice at home, then the limb on which the bruise appeared should be placed under a stream of cold water, and the bruised place should be kept under it for 5-7 minutes.
  6. The sore spot should be cooled for no more than 15 minutes, otherwise tissue necrosis will occur. It is only necessary to reduce the speed of blood circulation, thus stopping internal hemorrhage.
band-aid on the knee

When you remove a cold compress from the affected area, this area must be wet, apply an external pharmacy. If in the refrigerator you have a tube of special gel or hematoma ointment, then this is a definite plus. However, hematoma can be effectively eliminated with the help of folk remedies. We will talk below about how to treat severe bruises at home.

What is forbidden to do?

It is also forbidden to perform certain actions during a bruise. They are as follows:

  1. The use of alcoholic beverages, as they dilate blood vessels.
  2. Massage of the bruised area.
  3. Active movements.
  4. Warming up the hematoma. Heat is allowed to be applied after 2 days, but not earlier than one day after a bruise.

In case of severe contusion of the brain or eyes, consult a specialist immediately. Please note that the sooner you start treatment, the smaller the area will be covered by the hematoma. If you do not follow the rules of first aid, this will only complicate the whole recovery. Cold compresses, which are applied 1 day after a bruise, are completely useless.

How to treat a severe bruise?

Legs and hands are most often bruised. But how will the therapy be carried out two days after the impact? How to treat swelling, severe bruising of a leg or other area on the body. To do this, you must:

  1. It will not take a cold compress, but a warm one. The fact is that heat relieves soreness, irritation, and also restores blood circulation in the affected area.
  2. A very effective tool is a warm, but not a hot bath. During this procedure, clots dissolve due to the restoration of blood microcirculation.
  3. Massage movements. To do this, you need to massage a little sore spot. It should be acted without pressure, in case of pronounced soreness, the procedure should be postponed until a later time.
  4. Blood circulation can be improved with simple exercises. After bruising the limbs, it is necessary to strain and relax the muscles in the area of ​​the impact.
hematoma on the arm

Speaking about how to treat swelling, hematoma, severe bruising of the leg or arm, it will be very effective to treat the affected area with ready-made compounds, home remedies.

Traditional medicine recipes

In those days when there were no pharmacy products, people used simple, affordable compounds. There are many different recipes of traditional medicine that help deal with bruises. So, how to treat a severe bruise of the back, legs, arms or other part of the body? To do this, you can use the following folk remedies.


Tramp is one of the best natural cures for bruises and bruises. Such a powder from a sponge can be purchased at absolutely any pharmacy. To prepare a medicinal product, it is necessary to dilute the gray-green powder in plain water in two to one proportions. After this, the mass is applied to the affected area. The dressing changes twice a day.

bruised knee

Banana peel

How to treat a severe back injury when falling, if there is no cold compress at home. For this, you can use a very simple method. The banana must be peeled, and then hold the peel on the cone for half an hour. The peel should be adjacent to the affected area with its inner side.


Putting a nickle is a proven, old, but at the same time very effective way to eliminate the hematoma. To do this, moisten the coin in cold water, and then attach it to the site of injury.


How to treat a severe finger bruise? To get rid of bumps and bruises on any part of the body, you can use plain butter. For this, the sore spot is lubricated every half hour with this product. Please note that the oil must be natural.

Hop cones

Also a very effective remedy for bruises is an ointment, which is prepared on the basis of hop cones. To do this, take 200 g of interior fat, as well as 50 g of dried hop cones. The fat is melted in a water bath, after which crushed cones are added there, the composition is filtered. The agent is applied to the affected area several times a day. The soreness quickly disappears, and the hematoma resolves perfectly.

bruised hip

Healing solution from vinegar and salt

To prepare this remedy, you need to combine half a teaspoon of sea salt with half a glass of table vinegar. In the resulting solution, a napkin is moistened, after which it is applied to the affected area for half an hour.

Plantain leaves

The leaves of this plant must be thoroughly rinsed under cold water, after all attach to the cone. Change this compress several times a day. Currently in the pharmacy you can buy plantain juice. This remedy lubricates a sore spot several times a day.


It will take a fleshy leaf of this plant. It must be cut lengthwise. Then a leaf or slurry is applied to the affected area. The compress must be changed every half hour.

Horsetail and birch buds

A compress based on horsetail and birch buds is very effective in controlling bruises. To do this, take one tablespoon of these ingredients. The mixture is poured with one glass of water, boiled. After 40 minutes, the composition must be filtered, and then applied to the hematoma.

Mountain arnica

A napkin or gauze should be moistened in a healing tincture. Such a compress is applied to the affected area several times a day throughout the day.

Cabbage leaf

An ordinary leaf of this vegetable is able to absorb bruises, eliminate puffiness, and reduce soreness. If possible, the leaf should be put in the refrigerator, and then put it on the affected area on the body.

girl at the doctor

Burdock Ointment

You can prepare a healing composition, and then store in your refrigerator. To prepare the ointment, 75 crushed burdock roots will be required. This ingredient is combined with one glass of vegetable oil. The product should be infused for 1 day. After this, the ointment is heated over low heat, filtered. When you remove a cold compress from the affected area, the bump should be lubricated with the resulting product.

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