For some reason, the wrong name of this berry has taken root in Russia. This fruit of selection was born not so long ago in Canada. The American scientist Luther Burbank combined two types of nightshade: African and European creeping. Michurin called his brainchild “sunberry” - “sun berry”. In Europe, it is often called Canadian blueberries or blackberry forte - by the name of a vision-improving drug made from it. Tall, up to one and a half meters bushes are unpretentious and give a plentiful harvest. Each blueberry is the size of a cherry. And from the bush you can pick up a bucket of berries. Therefore, sunberry began to actively plant gardeners around the world. The nightshade taste is still felt in fresh berries. Therefore, they often prepare teas, tinctures, wine, jams and sambiri jam. Let’s talk about the last type of home cooking for the winter. Below you will read some useful tips to help you prepare a delicious treat.
Sambiri Jam - Solo Recipe
Unlike ordinary nightshade, its direct descendant is not poisonous. But still, not everyone likes the taste of fresh berries. Improving gastronomic qualities helps drying. The harvest is spread out in an even layer and allowed to “reach”. The dried sambiri berry is also delicious . Jam recipes are very numerous. But strictly “solo” (sunberry + sugar) cannot be made. To add smell and taste, you need to add mint, lemon balm or at least cinnamon. The berries are first scalded with boiling water and allowed to stand for several minutes. During this time, an unpleasant nightshade taste should go into the water that we drain, throwing the sunberry into a colander. And then pour sugar (per kilogram of berries - 300 g of sweet sand) and keep on fire until thickened.
Sambury jam - recipe with lemon
From a kilogram of sugar and a glass of water we make syrup. When it boils, we put 1 kg of prepared (previously scalded) berries in a pan. Cook for five minutes and set aside for 4-5 hours. This procedure is repeated three times. At the end, add the grated zest and juice of a large lemon or two limes, a few leaves of mint. Once again, boil and put on the banks.
Sambari jam - vitamin recipe
Most of the valuable medicinal properties are preserved in the following processing method. We pour a kilogram of berries with boiling water and pass through a meat grinder. In a similar way, we grind the same number of ranetki or lemon, as well as a sprig of mint. Sugar is measured in a ratio of 1: 1 to the resulting mass. We fill it with the resulting pulp and leave it to let juice for 5-6 hours. We lay out on the banks that are stored in the refrigerator.
Sambari jam - quince recipe
Here we will improve the taste thanks to the fragrant southern “apple” and a handful of barberry. If desired, you can add vanilla, cinnamon, ginger to the jam. First, peel 6 quince pieces from the skin and grate them. We also chop the lemon. Add the prepared berries - a kilogram - and barberry. Leave for 6 hours. Then add one and a half kilograms of granulated sugar and a glass or a little more water. Mix thoroughly and set on fire. Cook over medium heat for about half an hour. Set aside for 12 hours. Add to the cold mixture of spices and herbs (optional). Boil until cooked, which is determined by a steady drop. We spread the jam hot over the banks and roll it up.