Eucalyptus oil

In nature, there are trees, plants that can cure various ailments. Eucalyptus has invaluable properties. It grows in warm places. It is an evergreen, deciduous tree. The first healing properties of eucalyptus were discovered by residents of southern countries. They used leaves, applying them to wounds in order to prevent infection.

Modern medicine uses eucalyptus oil in medical practice. The product is extracted from the leaves and shoots of a tree. The composition of the oil includes a powerful antiseptic - cineol. There are known cases of the positive effect of eucalyptus in the fight against malaria. Trees are able to drain swamps, and insects, carriers of infection, can not stand the ether smell.

Eucalyptus oil. Its composition

The smell of eucalyptus oil has a freshness, sophistication, persistence of aroma. You can compare it with the smell of camphor. The technology for producing the product is based on a hydrodistillation process. At the same time, tree shoots and leaves are used. To prepare eucalyptus oil, different types of trees are selected: putiform, ashen, spherical. Three to five kilograms of the beneficial substance are obtained from each ton of green mass.

The value of a product is determined by the presence of cineol in its composition. In addition to this component, eucalyptus oil contains: pinene, limonene, camphene, tannins, flavonoids, organic acids, aldehydes. The chemical composition contains forty items.

How does eucalyptus oil work?

The action of the product covers several aspects of the human body: emotional, mental, physical. Through the organs of smell, the smell acts on the system responsible for memory, perception of information, emotional level. Therefore, using aromatic therapy, you can positively affect the mental state of a person, on his mood.

The principle of ether exposure is as follows: oil molecules, getting on the skin, penetrate the lymphatic and circulatory systems. Through the blood, valuable substances are distributed throughout all cells and organs. The process helps to suppress toxins. The destruction of harmful substances occurs due to the antiseptic properties of the product.

Eucalyptus oil . Application, healing properties.

Anti-inflammatory properties. Essential oil is valued for its anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, antipyretic properties, and fights against infections. It is used for diseases of the throat, flu, bronchitis, tuberculosis, colds.

Strengthening immunity . The body's immunity can be strengthened using eucalyptus oil. The use of the product is useful for viral infections: hepatitis, herpes, respiratory viral diseases, infections of the genitourinary system, skin.

Improving the nervous system. E vakaliptova oil has a positive effect on the nervous system: increased concentration of attention, improves the level of human intelligence. The product helps to cope with stress, relieves stress, reduces emotional stress.

Skin diseases. Eucalyptus oil is indicated for acne, age spots, frostbite, abrasions, wounds. The product is able to whiten the skin, enhance tissue regeneration, has a deodorizing effect. It can be used for scalp and hair.

In addition, the therapeutic effect of eucalyptus oil occurs with diseases of the teeth, gums, gastrointestinal stroke, diabetes mellitus, circulatory disorders, headaches, pain in the joints and spine, rheumatism, arthritis.


Before using the tool, you must familiarize yourself with the annotation. Do not use the product for children under two years of age. The use of the drug inside is possible only as directed by a doctor. Strong exposure to oil requires the right dosage. Eucalyptus oil is contraindicated in epilepsy and high blood pressure. It must be taken with caution in conjunction with homeopathic medicines (neutralization of the therapeutic effect of drugs may occur). It is not recommended to use oil during pregnancy, especially in its first stages (up to 4 months). The product is contraindicated in chemotherapeutic treatment. In addition, individual intolerance to the drug is sometimes observed.

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