How to draw a bouquet of flowers. Useful Tips

How to draw a bouquet of flowers? At least once in a lifetime, most people have this question. Flowers are associated with the holiday, so they are often depicted on greeting cards, various decorations or posters.

How to draw a bouquet of flowers
That is why the article is devoted to such an interesting issue.

How to draw a bouquet of flowers in stages

In general, you can depict flowers in completely different ways. Children do not think at all about how to draw a bouquet of flowers. They just reproduce what they saw before, while adding a little imagination. It is easiest to depict flowers having a round core surrounded by petals. This method is well suited for paintings in which the main focus is on drawing a character, and plants play only a decorative role.

Another way is copying. To do this, take a beautiful photo card, postcard or just a picture and a sheet of paper. Lines are applied on it, which form squares of equal area.

How to draw a bouquet of flowers in stages
They draw the selected flowers, and the scale can be changed. At the end of the work on the picture, the base lines made at the beginning are removed. If you choose this option, then you need to pay special attention to the arrangement of color accents. So, those petals that are closer have a brighter and more saturated color and vice versa.

In general, in order to answer the question: “How to draw a bouquet of flowers?”, It should be noted that different plants have specific characteristics that are characteristic only of them. So, for example, chamomile has two rows of petals, the edge of each of which goes to the other. The situation is different with a rose. Its central petal is folded with a tube, and all the others expand to the edges, while turning around each other.

In addition, it should be noted that the basis for the different colors are different shapes.

How to draw a bouquet of flowers with a pencil
For example, dandelions, chrysanthemums correspond to a sphere (hemisphere), a tulip and a bell correspond to a rectangle and a cylinder, respectively. To learn how to draw a bouquet of flowers, for example, consisting of roses, first of all, you need to depict triangles.

When sketching a drawing, use a hard pencil. In this case, you do not need to put much pressure on him, then getting rid of extra lines will be much easier. To circle the contour, a pencil marked "M" is suitable. How to draw a bouquet of flowers with a pencil so that it turns out to be voluminous? Shading will help. It is applied using pencils that have varying degrees of hardness. The choice of one or another option depends on the angle of illumination.

Be that as it may, in order to learn to portray a beautiful, vibrant, juicy bouquet of flowers, it will take a lot of time. You need to train a lot, use different styles and techniques. Do not forget that there are a lot of drawing tools. These are pencils, watercolors, gouache, wax crayons, oil paints and much more. Only you can choose the perfect option, which will be as comfortable and convenient as possible.

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