Irina Medvedeva - actress and singer. Biography and personal life of Irina Medvedeva

Irina Medvedeva actress

Irina Medvedeva, a theater and film actress, was born in the Belarusian city of Bobruisk on August 14, 1982. Irina's parents worked at the Belshina plant, and she herself studied at a school with a mathematical bias. Due to the sociable nature, the girl began to take part in various competitions and receive prizes. In addition to school, Ira attended a theater studio and a track and field section. Dreaming of becoming a singer, she studied at a music school. At the end of school, she decided to enter the theater institute in Minsk, because there was too much competition at the university of vocal and pop art. Creative The biography of actress Irina Medvedeva began with an audition at the Belarusian Academy of Arts, at which Irina received the highest rating, and this made the girl believe in herself. Being a freshman, she received an invitation from Sergei Minaev, a famous showman, to star in the video. Then episodic roles in the series followed one after another, and the formation of the actress thus began.

Moving to Moscow

personal life of Irina Medvedev

In 2002, Irina Medvedeva made her debut on Minsk television, after which she began working at the First Music Channel. After graduating from the Academy of Arts, she received a red diploma and entered the Drama Theater of the Belarusian Army, while acting in films and television. Having heard about Oleg Tabakov’s theater, Irina decided to try her luck in Moscow and, without thinking twice, went to the Russian capital. She managed to meet with Oleg Pavlovich, but Medvedev was not accepted into the troupe of the theater. Tabakov first saw Irina, and in order to hire an actor, the artistic director of the theater must know his track record. Oleg Tabakov gently advised to come at least a year later. Despite this, Irina stayed in Moscow and went to work. The future actress Irina Medvedeva, whose photo was received by all casting agencies in Moscow, began working as an administrator in one of Moscow casinos, then got the job of secretary to the editor-in-chief of a tabloid newspaper. In this position, the girl did not work long, she was soon kicked out due to improper performance of her duties. Instead of work, Irina began to go to all auditions in the hope of receiving at least some kind of engagement.

TV series

After long expectations, Irina was received in the reality show "Faculty of Humor" on the REN TV channel. And next year, Irina Medvedeva, actress comedy genre, joined the cast of the popular show "Expensive Transfer". A year later, Irina became one of the leading actresses in the program "Six shots" on the STS channel. Since 2006, Irina Medvedeva’s career has gone uphill. The actress began to receive roles in popular TV series. In 2006, she took part in the series "Kadetstvo" by Vyacheslav Murugov, in 2007 she played in the romantic film "Still, I Love ...", and then in the action-packed production of "The Agony of Fear." The year 2008 began for Irina Medvedeva with the fantastic comedy "New Year's Tariff".

Biography of actress Irina Medvedev

Singer Irina Medvedeva

In addition to participating in numerous films and television series, Irina sings romances. She does not have solo concerts yet, but her participation is an adornment of any music program or competition. At age 18, the singer received an award at the festival "Singing and Reading Actors" in the nomination "For Best Debut". Then Irina performed the romance “And finally I will say” to the words of Bella Akhmadulina. And two years later, at the same festival, Medvedev received the Grand Prix for her soulful performance of the song "Suffering".

"Ice Age"

In September 2013, Irina Medvedeva, an ice-skating actress, took part in the project of the First Channel of the Russian television "Ice Age", her partner was the skater Povilas Vanagas. The pair played unevenly, then came out on top, then lagged behind, but in most cases, Vanagas and Medvedev stayed in the middle of the qualification.

Actress Irina Medvedeva photo

"6 frames"

The most significant project with the participation of the actress is the comedy show "6 frames", which goes on the STS channel. The story of the creation of "6 frames" began in 2004, when entertainment producer Vyacheslav Murugov started a conversation with theater director Alexander Zhigalkin about creating a new program in the format of a sketch show. The first release of the program, entitled "Expensive Transmission," was televised on April 1, 2005. Actors participated: Radzyukevich Edik, Danilova Galina, Sergey Dorogov, Andrey Kaykov and Irina Medvedeva, an actress who has already worked with Murugov in the TV series “Accelerated Help”.

STS channel

Vyacheslav Murugov came to the STS channel in 2005 as a screenwriter and producer, all the participants in the show came along with Murugov, and Irina Medvedeva came with them. "6 frames" appeared on television in the spring of 2006. In mid-2007, Alexander Tsekalo, general producer of "6 frames", was fired from the STS channel. Filming of the show has been suspended. Tsekalo began working on Channel One in the program "Big Difference" with Ivan Urgant. Actors from "6 frames" took part in the productions of Tsekalo. And in 2008, the work of the group resumed at STS. The sketch show "6 frames" is aired periodically, gradually fading, since eight years of continuous releases cannot withstand a single project on a television channel.

Irina Medvedeva 6 frames

Personal life

The personal life of Irina Medvedeva is not diverse, she was married once, her former husband Ruslan Alekhno, a singer. The young people met in Minsk when Irina came to work in the Theater of the Belarusian Army, and Ruslan just appeared on stage as a vocalist there. Then they did not see each other for several years and only in 2004 they met again, since then they have not parted. They lived for five years in a civil marriage, then decided to sign. Ruslan made an offer to Irina in a romantic style, dropping a wedding ring to the bottom of a glass of wine. On July 18, 2009, they registered their marriage. However, disagreements, distrust and jealousy soon began. The yellow press added fuel to the fire, posting incriminating photographs on the pages of magazines. As a result, Irina Medvedeva and Ruslan Alekhno divorced in 2011.

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