Worms in the vagina: causes, symptoms and treatment. What worms and how can penetrate the vagina

Helminthic infestations can hardly be considered a rarity. In most cases, patients of the pediatric ward face similar problems. But adults can also become victims of parasitic diseases. If we talk about the clinical picture of the disease in a woman, then it has some features, because worms often penetrate the vagina (despite the fact that the genitals are not the primary habitat of pathogenic organisms).

Of course, many representatives of the fair sex, faced with a similar problem, are looking for any additional information. What worms can penetrate the organs of the reproductive system? What complications can parasite activity (for example, roundworm) in adults lead to? Symptoms and treatment, possible complications and risk factors are important information. Are there effective preventative measures?

Helminthic infestations: transmission routes of infection

Can there be worms in the vagina

The human body can become a habitat for various types of worms. As a rule, in order to get infected, you need to swallow a parasite egg - yes, the infection in this case spreads through the fecal-oral route.

Potentially dangerous is the use of unwashed vegetables and fruits, as helminth eggs can settle on the soil. You can get infected by drinking contaminated water. Some worms are carriers of pets. In addition, many parasites live in the body of farm animals - eggs enter the human body when eating meat that has not undergone proper heat treatment. A household way of transmitting infection is also possible, for example, when sharing towels, clothes, bedding, toys. Parasites can be transmitted from an infected person to a healthy person.

Can there be worms in the vagina?

Signs of Worms in the Vagina

In most cases, worms (worms) parasitize in a particular section of the intestine, although, of course, there are parasites that affect the liver, lungs and other organs.

In fact, there is nothing strange in the fact that sometimes helminths migrate into the vaginal cavity. High temperature, humidity, weak alkaline environment, a sufficient amount of nutrients - all this creates almost ideal conditions for the life and reproduction of worms in the vagina.

The distance between the anus and the vagina is not too large, so female parasites often leave the intestines and lay eggs in the organs of the female reproductive system. In addition, some helminths can enter the vagina along with the flow of lymph and blood (in this case we are talking about small parasites, for example, Trichinella).

What worms can penetrate the vagina?

What worms can penetrate the vagina

Of course, it is worth familiarizing yourself with the list of parasites that can affect the organs of the reproductive system.

  • The most common lesion is pinworms. They move into the vagina, usually at night, when all the muscles of the human body are as relaxed as possible. The process is accompanied by increased itching in the anus, perineum and vagina.
  • Whipworms can also enter the reproductive organs. Parasites live in the small intestine and migrate in the vagina along with blood flow.
  • The vagina is an excellent habitat for roundworms.
  • Trichinella - parasites that can affect almost any organ, as they move through the body along with the flow of lymph and blood. Once in the vagina, helminths penetrate into the tissues, damaging the mucous membranes and muscle fibers.

Common symptoms of infection

The activity of parasites affects the well-being of the patient and the work of the whole organism. First, you should deal with general (systemic) symptoms.

  • The primary habitat of helminths is the digestive tract. Therefore, the first symptoms are various intestinal disorders. Patients often complain of problems with stool and pain in the perineum during bowel movements. In the feces you can see relatively large pieces of undigested food.
  • The activity of helminths affects the condition of the skin - it becomes pale, thin and dry, which is associated with both blood loss and dehydration.
  • Women complain of weakness, muscle pain, nausea, and lack of appetite.
  • The disease affects the emotional state - patients become too irritable, suffer from insomnia, anxiety.

Local symptoms: what to look for?

Worms in the vagina symptoms

Local signs of worms in the vagina are more characteristic - it is simply impossible not to pay attention to them.

  • Women suffer from severe itching in the external genitalia and vagina. Unpleasant sensations are present in the daytime, but intensify at night.
  • In the doctorโ€™s office, patients often complain of the appearance of abundant vaginal discharge, which is associated with the activity of helminths. Often in the discharge there are impurities of the blood.
  • Soreness, itching and discomfort increase during intercourse.
  • Various violations of the menstrual cycle are quite possible.
  • Many women report increased burning during emptying of the bladder.
  • Helminths vital products often provoke allergic reactions: mucous membranes swell, blush. Perhaps the appearance of a rash in the external genitalia and perineum. Symptoms often worsen when wearing sanitary pads.

The appearance of such symptoms is a good reason to undergo a gynecological examination and pass the necessary tests.

Features of the clinical picture of helminthiasis in a child

Worms in the vagina in girls

Not only adult women face similar problems. Often worms settle in the vagina in girls of infancy, preschool or adolescence, because children are much more likely to suffer from helminth infections than adult patients.

Unfortunately, the child can not always complain or explain what specific symptoms worry him.

The baby becomes restless, often cries, combes the perineum. You may notice the appearance of abundant vaginal discharge - this should alert. The skin in the area of โ€‹โ€‹the external genitalia swells, reddens, and is often covered with a rash.

Thrush on the background of helminthiasis

The activity of worms in the vagina often leads to the development of protracted candidiasis. Milkman is a problem that every woman faces at least once in her life. Helminths in this case are not the primary cause of the disease.

Thrush develops against the background of activation of yeast of the genus Candida. These microorganisms are part of the natural microflora of the vagina. Nevertheless, the process of propagation of fungi is strictly controlled by the immune system.

Helminthiasis is accompanied by a sharp decrease in immune activity. Moreover, parasites absorb all vitamins, minerals and other beneficial substances, which leads to the death of beneficial vaginal bacteria. This creates the prerequisites for the development of protracted, severe forms of thrush, which is not so easy to cope with.

What complications can a disease cause?

Alas, milkman is not the only possible complication. The activity of worms in the vagina (especially in the absence of timely adequate therapy) can lead to more dangerous problems.

  • As already mentioned, the vital activity of parasites affects the functioning of the immune system. The body's defenses are weakened, so women are more prone to various colds and other infectious diseases.
  • Worms get nutrients from the blood and body fluids. Moreover, their constant movements are accompanied by minor damage to the mucous membranes of the vagina. If a large number of parasites live in the organs of the reproductive system, then there is a risk of developing anemia, which is associated with oxygen starvation of tissues.
  • Against the background of helminthiasis, the mucous membranes of the external genital organs are constantly injured. Scratching, wounds, scuffs, scratches on the tissues become the gateway for secondary bacterial, viral and fungal infections. Helminthic infestations are often complicated by vulvitis, vaginosis, colpitis.
  • Sometimes parasites move deep into the reproductive system, damaging the cervical canal. In especially severe cases, inflammation develops, and then cervical erosion.
  • Helminths are able to interfere with the normal fertilization of the egg, disrupt the implantation of the fertilized egg into the uterine wall, which leads to infertility.
  • Despite the fact that the vagina provides the parasites with optimal living conditions, it is still not their primary habitat. That is why helminths migrate, affecting the uterus, fallopian tubes, getting into the abdominal cavity, which is also fraught with dangerous inflammatory diseases.

Diagnostic measures

Determining the presence of worms in the vagina is not so difficult. The presence of the above symptoms will already prompt the doctor to think of parasitic invasion. To confirm the analysis, a swab from the vagina is taken - in the future it is examined in the laboratory.

In addition, patients are provided with a special patch that must be attached to the skin of the perineum and left overnight. In the morning, the strip is peeled off, placed on a sterile glass slide and delivered to the laboratory.

During a microscopic examination, a specialist can detect eggs, larvae and helminths waste products, identify the pathogen and detect the presence of concomitant infections.

Drug treatment

Worms in the vagina treatment

How to get rid of worms in the vagina? The answer to this question interests many women. In fact, the treatment regimen is compiled individually by the doctor, since much depends on the type of parasite, the patient's condition, and the presence of concomitant infections.

What drugs for worms in the vagina are most effective? If we are talking about tissue damage with pinworms, then drugs that contain pyrrhynia pamoat will be effective. Patients are often prescribed medications "Gelvin", "Vankin", "Primate".

But such drugs as Mebendazole, Vormil, Vermox are effective against almost all helminth infections. As a rule, a single dose is enough to cope with the worms. After 1-2 weeks, the medicine is taken again for prevention.

It is worth noting that such drugs have many contraindications and, if used improperly, lead to the development of side effects. That is why it is impossible to use them arbitrarily.

During therapy, it is important to adhere to the rules of personal hygiene, wash bedding, clothes, pajamas, underwear, and towels daily. Sexual contact is also contraindicated, as there is a high risk of infection.

How will traditional medicine help?

Traditional medicine for helminthiasis

What else can be done to get rid of worms in the vagina? Treatment can be supplemented with some traditional medicine.

The walls of the vagina are important to clean daily from secretions and helminth eggs. To do this, decoctions of chamomile and a string are suitable. Sage herb is also well suited for douching. Decoctions can be prepared both from a single plant, and mixing herbs in equal quantities.

Prevention: how to prevent infection?

You already know about the causes of helminth infections, their symptoms and treatment. Roundworms in adult women, as well as any other parasites, can cause a lot of dangerous complications. Unfortunately, specific drugs that can protect against invasion do not exist.

Prevention in this case is reduced to compliance with hygiene rules. Remember that hands should be washed before eating, after contact with animals, before and after going to the toilet. It is important to observe the hygiene of the external genitalia. Experts recommend not wearing synthetic, tight underwear. Remember to wash fruits and vegetables before eating. Meat and fish must also be cooked properly.

When the first signs appear, you need to see a doctor and take tests - the sooner therapy is started, the lower the likelihood of complications.

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