When is hip replacement necessary and what are the consequences of this operation?

Replacement of the hip joints (endoprosthetics) is an operation that results in the complete replacement of patients with cartilage and bones with artificial prostheses consisting of a concave bowl and a spherical head. The main goal of this surgical intervention is to reduce the pain caused by various diseases of the joint.

When is arthroplasty performed?

hip replacement

Replacement of the hip joints is carried out with the following diseases:

  • Arthrosis
  • Hip fracture.
  • Polyarthritis.
  • Violation of the blood supply to the hip joint.
  • Necrosis of the femoral head, which may be caused by taking certain medications or performing some surgical procedures (for example, kidney transplants).

In this case, the replacement of the hip joints is not performed immediately after the diagnosis. Surgical intervention is carried out only when the pain in the joints becomes permanent, contributes to the deterioration of the simplest functions (walking, climbing stairs, etc.) and is not removed with the help of the strongest painkillers.

Are there any risks to this operation?

hip replacement surgery

As with any other surgical intervention, complications are possible in endoprosthetics:

  • Penetration of infection into the surgical wound or at the site of the artificial prosthesis. This can manifest as redness, swelling, and pain at the surgical site. To prevent such complications, antibiotics are prescribed.
  • Weakening of the joint, which may be accompanied by pain in it. The elimination of this complication is only surgical.
  • Hip replacement can lead to thrombosis. With a decrease in movement on the operated leg, stagnation of blood in the veins may develop. To prevent this, the patient is not allowed to be in a lying state for a long time and an anticoagulant is prescribed.
  • Ossification - the impregnation of the tissues surrounding the joint with calcium salts. This factor can lead to limited joint mobility.
  • Displacement of the prosthesis. May occur during some movements. In order to avoid this complication, patients need not to cross their legs and not bend them in the hip joints by more than 80 degrees.
  • Change the length of the operated leg. This complication occurs as a result of relaxation of the muscles surrounding the joint. This problem is solved by performing special physical exercises.

Hip replacement surgery

hip replacement Price

Basically, endoprosthetics are performed according to the general scheme:

  • An incision is made on the lateral or frontal surface of the thigh.
  • Cartilage or affected bone is removed.
  • The cavity coupling is implanted.
  • The hinge of the thigh is replaced by an artificial prosthesis that is attached to the bone of the thigh.
  • A seam is applied at the incision site.

Replacement of the hip joint, the price of which depends on the material of the prosthesis, is performed under general or spinal anesthesia.

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