"Ingavirin": instructions for use. Compatibility "Ingavirin" and alcohol. Ingavirin and alcohol: consequences

In recent years, the use of antiviral drugs has been very common . Not so long ago, such medicines were not prescribed. You could defeat a cold with old grandmother's recipes. Also, patients relied entirely on their immunity.

With the development of medicine, a wide variety of immunomodulators and antiviral agents have appeared in the lists of available medicines. They not only inhibit the reproduction of the virus, but also help strengthen the body. Such a drug is the drug "Ingavirin." You can drink it with alcohol or not, you will learn after reading the article. It is also worth mentioning the information that is presented in the instructions for use.

compatibility of ingavirin and alcohol

Drug characteristics

Information about the compatibility of Ingavirin and alcohol will be presented to your attention a little later. Before this, it is necessary to say about the drug itself. A medicine is produced in the form of tablets. They have a capsule shape. The medicine may have a dosage of 90 or 60 milligrams of the active substance per pill. This is vitaglutam. Additional ingredients include potato starch, lactose, magnesium stearate, silicon dioxide and gelatin.

The cost of the medication depends on what dose you are taking. The region of your residence and the conditions of the supplier also play an important role. The average cost of a medicine in the amount of seven capsules of 90 milligrams is 500 rubles. A drug in a lower dosage, but the same amount, will cost about 400 rubles.


What is the drug "Ingavirin 90" and alcohol compatibility, you will learn further. The medication is used for therapeutic purposes and for prevention. The scheme for using tablets depends on individual characteristics and symptoms. The use of capsules is internal. You can take them regardless of food.

  • For therapeutic purposes, the medication is prescribed for use once a day. For an adult patient, the dose is 90 milligrams. Children are shown 60 milligrams. The duration of therapy is 5 days. In some situations, use may continue on the recommendation of a doctor for up to one week.
  • In the prevention of colds and viral infections, the medicine is shown at 90 milligrams for an adult. Use is carried out once a day for a week.

Excretion of the active substance from the body occurs within 48 hours.

ingavirin and alcohol effects

Indications for use

The described medicine is prescribed both for treatment and for prophylactic purposes - you already know about this. The medication helps eliminate viral infections. The main indications for use will be the following pathologies: different types of flu, colds, ARI, bronchitis and pneumonia of viral origin, herpes, lichen, and so on. Note that with a bacterial infection, the medication will be completely useless.

Can Ingavirin be combined with alcohol in the above situations? If you get the flu or just have a cold, then most likely you will have a fever, a malaise, headache and muscle pain. With the simultaneous use of alcohol in these situations, you can only worsen your well-being. Perhaps in the first hours after drinking you will feel better. However, soon all the symptoms of the disease will certainly return.


The instructions for use describe that the medication is never prescribed for hypersensitivity to its components. It is also not recommended to give medicine to children under seven years of age. The possibility of using the drug in expectant mothers and lactating women is determined exclusively by a specialist.

If you disobey the instructions and use the medication in the described situations, then the consequences can be very unpleasant. Drinking alcohol will only aggravate your situation. If you are part of a group of people to whom the tablets are contraindicated, in no case do not use them. Consult a doctor to find an alternative remedy with the same effect on the body.

is it possible to ingavirin with alcohol

Compatibility of Ingavirin and alcohol: what does the instruction mean?

Often, patients are asked whether it is possible to use a particular drug at the same time as alcohol. We will say right away that it is strictly forbidden to drink medicines with alcohol products. In rare cases, the use of tea or juice for this is permitted. However, it is more preferable to drink the tablets with clean water at room temperature.

The instructions for use do not describe the compatibility of Ingavirin and alcohol. The manufacturer does not report that the combination of these substances may entail a negative reaction. Does this mean that you can use the described medicine at the same time with alcohol? Let's try to figure this out.

Drug action

The drug "Ingavirin" has an antiviral and immunomodulating effect on the human body. The active substance determines the location of the virus and prevents its further reproduction. The medication also promotes the release of interferon of two types. Tablets stimulate the work of innate and acquired immunity. So is it possible to take “Ingavirin” with alcohol together?

With the simultaneous use of the drug with alcohol-containing products, the principle of the drug’s work is violated. It is worth recalling that alcohol is a chemical compound. The drug is the same. With simultaneous use, the medication may simply not work. And this will not be the worst consequence that can occur with such a combination.

ingavirin and alcohol

Influence on the internal organs

So what is the compatibility of Ingavirin and alcohol? The described drug, like any other medication taken orally, has an effect on human organs. All medicines pass through the liver. It is this organ that is a kind of filter. Alcoholic products pass through it in the same way.

As a result of this effect, a hepatotoxic effect is obtained. If you take “Ingavirin” and alcohol at the same time, then the consequences can be very, very deplorable. The liver simply will not be able to cope with its task and filter out toxins. These substances, in turn, will directly pass from the stomach into the blood without a preliminary change.

If you combine the drug "Ingavirin" and alcohol, then the concentration of the active substance may decrease. As you know, alcohol has a laxative effect. When consumed in large quantities, they can cause vomiting. As a result of this action, the concentration of the medication taken will significantly decrease. The therapeutic effect will not be achieved in full.

Adverse reactions and their likelihood

The compatibility of Ingavirin and alcohol can lead to the development of negative reactions. With the usual use of the drug, these occur quite rarely. However, they are no exception. Instructions for use state that the most common side effect of therapy is allergies. It manifests itself in a rash, itching of the skin. Much less often (in isolated cases), edema can occur.

If you use “Ingavirin” and alcohol at the same time, then the likelihood of allergies increases several times at once. In addition, adverse reactions such as diarrhea, vomiting, abdominal pain, increased flatulence, headache can join. These situations are not described in the instructions. However, if you combine Ingavirin and alcohol, the consequences are very likely.

ingavirin and alcohol compatibility reviews

The use of additional drugs during therapy

Can I drink Ingavirin with alcohol if you use other drugs for treatment? Quite often, with viral infections and flu, experts prescribe antipyretics. One of the most popular will be paracetamol or drugs based on it. This medication is strictly contraindicated in drinking alcohol. Such a combination may result in hepatic coma. In large doses, medication and alcohol-containing drinks can lead to death at all.

It also happens that antibiotics are used together with an antiviral agent. Medication "Ingavirin" and alcohol compatibility in this situation are zero. All antimicrobial formulations are prohibited with the simultaneous use of alcohol-containing products.

Vasoconstrictors are often recommended for viral infections. They are perfectly combined with the Ingavirin medication. Drugs can be used orally or inserted into the nasal passages. Such drugs heal edema from the nasal mucosa and facilitate breathing. The simultaneous use of alcohol can lead to the development of disulfiram-like reactions. As a result, severe vomiting occurs, in which a person can even lose consciousness and choke.

Ingavirin and alcohol: compatibility. Reviews of specialists

What do doctors say about this drug? Doctors unanimously agreed that the use of the Ingavirin medication at the same time with alcohol is unacceptable. The easiest consequence of this combination will be the lack of action of the drug. Also, as a result of the use of chemical compounds, completely unexpected reactions from organs and systems can be observed. This is an allergy, nausea, indomitable vomiting, diarrhea, hepatic colic, coma or even death.

Experts strongly do not recommend the use of such a combination. If you are taking this drug, but an important feast is planned, then limit yourself to the use of non-alcoholic products. If this is not possible, it is better to interrupt treatment two days before the holiday. However, you should be prepared for the fact that due to health reasons in this case you can simply not get to the event.

When planning a holiday, you should not begin to carry out prophylaxis with the Ingavirin medication. Postpone the use of tablets for 1-2 days after a get-together. Thus, you will not worry about possible unpleasant consequences.

What do consumers say?

Patients report that the drug "Ingavirin" with alcohol is possible. As you know, the medication belongs to the group of anti-inflammatory, immunomodulating and antiviral agents. It is not an antibiotic, non-steroidal drug or antihistamine medication. After all, it is these categories of drugs that are forbidden to use during a feast. Also, patients report that the instructions for use do not limit the simultaneous use of alcohol with Ingavirin. From all this we can conclude that therapy and alcohol-containing products are compatible.

Many patients share their experience that they had to treat with Ingavirin and drink alcohol at the same time. Nothing terrible happened to them. Recovery came quickly. In other words, the drug not only did not cause negative reactions, but also turned out to be effective. Doctors respond to this information that consumers are just lucky.

There are people who adhere to a medical point of view. They believe that using Ingavirin tablets at the same time with alcohol is unacceptable. As indicated above, such therapy can lead to completely unforeseen reactions. Patients say that it is better not to risk your health and wait a bit with alcohol during the treatment period. You can drink alcohol no earlier than two days after the end of treatment.

ingavirin instructions for use alcohol compatibility

Additional information on the combination of drugs with alcohol

Consumers are asking what to do with drinks like kefir or kvass. They also contain a low dose of alcohol. Non-alcoholic beer lovers are asking the same question.

Specialists allow the simultaneous use of these drinks with the described tablets. They say that kvass, non-alcoholic beer and kefir contain very low doses of alcohol. They do not even have time to get into the blood of a person, and therefore do not react with the medicine. Therefore, the patient can, without the slightest fear, take pills with these drinks. At the same time, it is worth remembering that it is recommended to drink the medicine with plain water.

ingavirin with alcohol can

Short conclusion: summing up

You learned about the features of the use of the antiviral agent Ingavirin. Instructions for use, compatibility with alcohol and the consequences of such a reception are described for you in the article. Remember that any medication, including antiviral medicine, should be used exclusively on the recommendation of a doctor. After all, only a doctor can correctly diagnose based on your complaints and clinical studies. After this, appropriate treatment is prescribed, which in most cases is effective.

If the information presented in the article does not inspire confidence, and you still doubt whether it is possible to use Ingavirin tablets with alcohol products, then ask your doctor about this. The doctor will tell you in detail about what consequences may arise. However, the final decision is always up to the patient. Make the right choice, take care of yourself and your health. And remember: do not take Ingavirin and alcohol together. The consequences of such a “treatment” can be very deplorable!

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