The drug "Trichopolum" (candles): instructions for use, contraindications, composition, analog and reviews

Women's health needs especially careful leaving and care. Especially at a time when the body is infected with an infection that provokes the appearance of a variety of gynecological diseases. The drug used for treatment should not only be effective in relation to all microorganisms, which, presumably, could cause the disease, but also be gentle in relation to the fragile microflora of the female reproductive system. Choosing a quality drug is not always easy. Experts recommend in this respect the drug "Trichopolum" (candles). Instructions for use, reviews indicate its exceptional effectiveness. What is unique about this drug? This will be discussed in the article.

Trichopol suppository instructions for use

Trichopol: release forms

This drug is available in two main forms. The first of these are tablets for oral administration of 20 pieces per pack.

Another variant of the form of release is vaginal tablets (500 mg) of 10 pieces per pack (they are also called Trichopol suppositories). Instructions for use of the drug are discussed below.

The composition of the funds

The main active agent is metronidazole. Excipients vary depending on the specific form of release.

Trichopol tablets for oral administration are yellowish round pills, biconvex, with a distinctive dividing strip in the center. Under the influence of bright light, they acquire a pronounced yellow tint. In addition to 250 mg of the main active ingredient (metronidazole), one tablet contains 40 mg of potato starch, 7 mg of starch syrup and 3 mg of gelatin. Each pack contains 2 blisters of 10 tablets each.

Has the drug "Trichopolum" release forms, significantly different from the first two. For example, a solution for intravenous administration. This form of the drug is a clear yellowish solution that does not have any pronounced odor. In addition to metronidazole as the main active ingredient, each milliliter of this solution has citric acid, distilled water, sodium chloride and sodium hydrogen phosphate. Available in ampoules of 20 ml each, packed in cardboard packs of 10 pieces. And also in a bottle of 100 ml. In this case, there is only one bottle in each package.

Suppositories "Trichopol" instructions for use in gynecology describes how white oblong vaginal tablets with rounded ends. Each capsule contains 500 mg of metronidazole (the main substance), as well as rice starch, starch syrup, magnesium stearate and gelatin. There is one blister in the package, in which there are 10 tablets.

Trichopol candles

pharmachologic effect

The drug "Trichopolum" (suppository) calls the instructions for use an active active agent that destroys protozoa, both aerobes and anaerobes. The main active ingredient of the drug (metronidazole) effectively destroys the DNA of harmful microorganisms.

The tool "Trichopolum" (candles) is described by the instructions for use as extremely effective against amoeba, bacteroids, clostridia, lamblia, fusobacteria, trichomonads and balantidia.

The drug reaches the highest concentration in the patient’s body after a time of from one and a half to three hours after the moment of direct administration of the drug. The specific time to reach the maximum concentration in absolute measure depends on the dose taken. It can significantly increase if the drug was taken at the same time as the meal. This can significantly reduce the effectiveness of the drug. The main active substance is able to overcome both the blood-brain and the placental barrier, which helps it to be distributed in the patient's body in the most even way. In this case, the drug enters all body systems: liver and brain tissue, bile and saliva, seminal and cerebrospinal fluid, as well as into the vaginal secretion. Basically, the absorption of the drug "Trichopolum" occurs directly in the liver, where the antibacterial and antiprotozoal properties of this drug are also activated. As a rule, the half-life of the constituent components does not exceed eight hours. Only in exceptional cases (for example, in the presence of liver pathologies) can the half-life of the drug increase in some way.

The components of the drug to a greater extent (about 80%) are excreted by the kidneys. In the process of assimilation by the body, a number of dyes are produced that can change the color of urine to a dark shade or red.

candles Trichopolum instructions for use in gynecology

Indications for use

For the preparation "Trichopolum" (suppositories) there are the following indications for use: trichomoniasis of any degree (including in chronic forms), infections caused by anaerobic organisms (as a rule, they include skin and bone infections, sepsis, abscesses of the lung, brain, liver and ovaries, pneumonia and endometritis), giardiasis and amoebiasis, the prevention of any postoperative complications after appendectomy and gynecological operations, as well as the treatment of peptic ulcer of an infectious nature.

About the Trichopol suppository, the instruction for use in gynecology claims that they are prescribed in the case of treatment of trichomonas, as well as nonspecific vaginitis. Another case is the prevention of anaerobic infections, which may appear in the case of surgical interventions in the abdominal organs.

Trichopolum release form

Mode of application

When carrying out the prevention of various kinds of anaerobic infections, it is recommended to take the drug according to the following scheme: once one gram and then a quarter gram three times a day.

To treat such infections, you should take from a quarter to half a gram of the drug three times a day.

It is recommended to take the drug "Trichopolum" no longer than a week with food or immediately after it. This drug can be prescribed either as the only type of treatment, or as part of the target complex therapy.

In order to effectively cope with trichomoniasis, it is necessary to simultaneously treat both partners. Women should take one tablet twice a day and use one vaginal tablet once a day. Treatment must be continued for ten days.

Men should take one tablet twice a day for ten days. Sometimes doctors decide to change the treatment regimen and prescribe three tablets in the first dose and five tablets in the second dose for two days, or eight tablets of the drug at a time.

In the treatment of bacterial vaginitis , half a gram should be taken twice a day. Treatment should be carried out within a week.

When amoebiasis therapy is carried out, the drug should be taken half a gram three times a day. The treatment period should be seven days. If we are talking about therapy for a child whose weight exceeds twenty kilograms, the necessary dose of the drug should be calculated individually. A single dose should be exactly ten milligrams per kilogram of body.

Patients who suffer from renal failure, as a rule, can take the drug in standard doses, which there is no need to further adjust. However, after undergoing the hemodialysis procedure, the course of administration must be repeated in the same volume.

Elderly patients should be constantly monitored by the attending physician when taking an average daily dose of the drug. This group is not recommended to take the drug in large doses.

Trichopol suppository

"Trichopolum" (candles). Instructions for use: contraindications

There are several conditions under which the use of the drug is not recommended or even dangerous to the patient’s health. Suppositories "Trichopolum" are not recommended for use in the following cases: blood diseases of any genesis, the first 12 weeks of pregnancy, as well as the entire period of breastfeeding, disturbances of the central nervous system (especially epilepsy), liver failure of any degree, leukopenia, impaired coordination of movements, as well as individual sensitivity to metronidazole.

Suppositories "Trichopolum" instructions for use recommend caution in case of renal failure.

Side effects

There are a number of side effects that the drug Trichopolum causes (candles). Instructions for use (description of the drug) opens detailed information about such possible adverse reactions.

So, each of the body systems can respond in a special way to the main active substance of the drug or its auxiliary components.

For example, negative reactions such as neutropenia and pancytopenia, agranulocytosis and thrombocytopenia, and leukopenia occur on the blood side.

The central nervous system can respond to the drug with the occurrence of various kinds of mental disorders, such as depression and confusion, as well as excessive drowsiness, severe headache and dizziness, excessive sensitivity to daylight, fever, and the appearance of visual or sound hallucinations.

Sometimes as a result of taking the drug, visual disturbances occur (a decrease in its severity, incorrect perception of the color gamut, optical neuritis, myopia).

Sometimes arthralgia or myalgia occurs, as a reaction of connective tissue and the musculoskeletal system.

The gastrointestinal tract can respond by causing nausea and vomiting, diarrhea, inflammation of the mucous membranes, taste disorders, development of pancreatitis and anorexia.

Sometimes patients suffer from damage to the liver cells and hepatitis occurs, characterized by a mixed etiology (sometimes accompanied by jaundice), serious renal failure, requiring organ transplantation.

Rashes and obsessive itching, urticaria, and hyperemia may occur on the skin. Sometimes angioedema, pustular rash, erythema multiforme and flushing with hyperemia, hyperthermia occur.

Urine when taking the drug often takes a red color.

candles trichopolum abstract


There are some nuances that must be considered before taking the drug. For example, it is extremely important to know that in no case should you use this medication during the first trimester of pregnancy (the first twelve weeks). At this time, the use of the drug Trichopolum (suppositories) for the treatment of infections can have a negative effect on the development of the child in the womb. If nevertheless there is an urgent need for therapy with this particular drug, this should be done solely by the decision of the attending physician and only under his strict supervision.

Also, in no case should you exceed the recommended dose of the drug. This can lead to a number of unpleasant side effects, such as vomiting, neuropathy, leukopenia, ataxia. An overdose is especially dangerous because at the moment there is no specific antidote that could offset the effect of exceeding the dose of the active substance of the drug. In the event of adverse reactions due to an overdose, treatment should be carried out exclusively symptomatically.

Use in parallel with other drugs "Trichopolum" (candles), the instructions for use are advised extremely carefully, given all the nuances found. They will be discussed later.

So, alcohol is completely incompatible with the main active agent of the Trichopol drug, therefore it is not recommended to take it or any alcohol-containing drugs during treatment. Otherwise, a disulfiram-like reaction may occur , which implies the possibility of vomiting, tachycardia and hyperemia.

The use of Trichopol suppositories is prohibited at the same time as Disulfiram. This combination provokes the occurrence of unpleasant mental reactions, such as confusion and delirium, which can lead to bad consequences when driving a car and when working with hazardous equipment.

Also, the use of oral anticoagulants and suppositories "Trichopolum" at the same time calls the instructions for use in gynecology extremely risky. This is due to a sharp increase in the anticoagulant effect of drugs on the body, which leads to a huge risk of opening all kinds of bleeding. Simultaneous use is possible exclusively under the guidance of the attending physician.

When taking Trichopolum, the overall level of lithium in the blood rises significantly, so with the simultaneous use of this drug and the indicated substance, the current concentration of the latter, and, accordingly, creatinine and electrolytes in the blood should be continuously monitored.

Phenytoin sharply reduces the level of metronidazole (the main active component of Trichopolum) in the blood, which levels the effect of the drug. Their simultaneous use is inefficient and pointless.

To use fluorouracil and Trichopolum (candles) together, the instructions for use are called dangerous, because such conditions contribute to increased toxicity of fluorouracil. A similar situation exists with the use of busulfan.

Store "Trichopolum" (candles); the instructions for use are advised in a dry place, protected from direct sunlight, the temperature in which should not exceed 25 degrees Celsius.

Analogues of the drug

There are a number of drugs available that are in the same pharmacological group (synthetic antibacterial agents) as Trichopolum (suppositories). The analogs of this drug that it includes are the following medicines: Zanitro, Grandazole, Metrid, Delagil, Orzol, Metromizole, as well as Fluronor.

Trichopolum candle testimony

Synonyms of "Trichopolum"

A drug is synonymous with a drug that has an identical set of main active ingredients. For Trichopol candles, synonyms are Klomezol, Ginalgin, Mekozhinaks, Dentagel, Efloran, Metrid, Rosamet.

The incredible effectiveness of this drug becomes a real salvation for those who want to cope with all kinds of gynecological infections. Before use, the features of the drug "Trichopolum" (candles) must be studied, instructions for use, contraindications. Those patients who cannot take the Trichopol drug due to the individual characteristics of their body or because of obvious contraindications can choose another effective drug that is on its list of analogues (medicines of the same pharmacological group) or synonyms (drugs with identical a set of main active components). All of them are on sale.


Patients leave different reviews about this drug. More positive. People write that the drug is inexpensive and effective, helps to cope with various diseases, relieves inflammation. But there are also negative reviews. Those who take it complain of side effects: nausea, a state of weakness, fever. Among the shortcomings note the bitter taste and the fact that the product is poorly soluble in water.

Paying due attention to one's own health is necessary throughout life. Therefore, in case of any health problems, you should immediately contact competent specialists and choose the most suitable treatment. After all, the effectiveness of the course depends on the quality of the selected drugs. Take care of yourself and your loved ones!

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