"Venoruton": instructions for use, release form

"Venoruton" is a medicine that has an angioprotective and venotonic effect.

The drug is made in the form of gelatin capsules for oral administration. Tablets with instructions for use for Venoruton Forte are placed in a package. The medication is available in blisters, in one ten tablets.

There are twenty or fifty capsules per pack. In addition, the drug is also dispensed in the form of effervescent tablets and gel for external use.

The active ingredient is hydroxyethyl rutoside. One capsule contains three hundred milligrams of the main trace element.

Additional substances are:

  • hydrolyzed collagen protein;
  • tetravalent titanium amphoteric oxide;
  • ethylene glycol polymer;
  • iron hydroxide.

In the article, we will consider instructions for use with Venoruton and reviews about the drug.

venoruton instruction

Pharmacological properties

The drug is considered to be a derivative of the quercetin flavonoid glycoside. It has venotonic and angioprotective effects, mainly affects venous vessels and capillaries. Inhibits the process of combining red blood cells. Reduces inflammation, normalizes tissue nutrition. Reduces the manifestations of chronic venous insufficiency - swelling and pain, trophic disorders, convulsions, varicose ulcers.

According to the instructions for use with the tablets, Venoruton eliminates the symptoms of hemorrhoids - itching, pain and bleeding.

In addition, the drug has a positive effect on the permeability of the walls of the capillaries, inhibits the onset of diabetic retinopathy (one of the most serious complications of diabetes mellitus is the manifestation of diabetic microangiopathy that affects the vessels of the retina of the eyeball). The active microelement positively affects the rheological properties of a suspension of cells and particles suspended in plasma colloids, thereby preventing the appearance of retinal microthrombosis.

After using the drug, the active trace element is absorbed from the digestive tract. The degree of absorption is from ten to fifteen percent. After approximately nine hours, the maximum plasma content is reached. The elimination half-life varies from ten to twenty-five hours. The main part of the rutoid and active metabolic products is excreted in the bile, from three to six percent of the compounds are excreted in urine.

Positive properties of Venoruton gel

According to the instructions for use, the drug for local use has phlebotonizing and angioprotective effects. Corrects microcirculatory lesions that are provoked by a change in the capillary wall, has a tonic effect, reduces their fragility and normalizes permeability to lipids and fluids. Under the influence of the drug, the normal structure and function of the endothelium resumes. By suppressing the adhesion and activation of neutrophils, the inflammatory process is eliminated.

The gel helps to strengthen the capillary walls and normalize their permeability. With the occurrence of chronic venous insufficiency , the severity of edema decreases, pain, cramps go away, and manifestations of trophic disorders are reduced. In people suffering from hemorrhoids, when applying Venoruton, pain, bleeding and pus secretion are also eliminated. The drug has a painkiller and cooling effect.

By reducing the pore size of the vascular walls, the drug restores the structure and functions of a single-layer layer of flat cells of mesenchymal origin and normalizes the permeability of blood vessels and lipids. "Venoruton" has an antioxidant effect, reduces active oxygen species, protects endothelial tissues from free radicals and hypochlorous acid. In addition, it suppresses the lipid peroxidation, normalizes the violation of red blood cells, has an analgesic, decongestant effect, and prevents the formation of microthrombi.

The main active trace elements of the Venoruton gel instantly penetrate the skin. After about sixty minutes, the hydroxyethyl derivatives of rutin are found in the epidermis, and after two to three hours in the subcutaneous fat.

venoruton instructions for use reviews


According to the instructions for use with the medicine, Venoruton is usually prescribed in the presence of the following disorders and diseases in the body, for example:

  1. A disease that manifests itself in violation of blood flow in the venous vessels.
  2. Postphlebitic syndrome.
  3. Varicose veins.
  4. A defect in the skin or mucous cavity that appears after rejection of dead tissue, and is also characterized by a small tendency to heal and a tendency to resume the disease.
  5. Hemorrhoids (an ailment that appears when there is a violation of the microcirculation of blood in the veins of the anus).
  6. Lymphostasis (development in the body of stagnant processes of lymph in the extracellular space of tissues).
  7. Retinopathy (inflammation of the retina of the eyeball of any etiology).
medicine venoruton instructions for use

For the gel, the readings will be as follows:

  1. Pain and heaviness in the legs.
  2. Swelling of the ankles.
  3. Pain


The drug is prohibited to use in the presence of the following conditions:

  1. Pregnancy.
  2. With excessive sensitivity or individual intolerance to the components.

How to take the drug?

According to the instructions for use with Venoruton, the capsules are taken orally as a whole, and are washed down with water.

The initial daily dosage is nine hundred milligrams (one tablet three times a day). After reducing the severity of the signs of the disease (as a rule, this occurs after fourteen days of therapy), the medical specialist decides to continue the course, based on the patient’s condition and the effectiveness of the treatment. The duration of therapy is carried out either in the same doses or the daily amount of the drug is reduced to six hundred milligrams per day. The pharmacological effect of the drug usually remains for another thirty days.

venoruton tablet

To eliminate lymphostasis, it is necessary to use “Venoruton” three grams (ten tablets) per day, dividing the intake by 3 times.

To eliminate diabetic retinopathy, 0.9 to 1.8 grams per day (three to six capsules) is used.

The Venoruton gel is applied to the affected area, gently rubbing until completely absorbed, the agent is used twice a day - in the morning and in the evening. If necessary, the drug can be applied under elastic bandages.

venoruton gel instructions for use

Side effects

According to the instructions for use with Venoruton, tablets are usually well absorbed by the human body. In exceptional situations, unwanted negative effects are noted:

  1. Heartburn (an unpleasant burning sensation in the area behind the sternum and in the upper abdomen).
  2. Nausea.
  3. Diarrhea (a pathology in which a person has frequent bowel movements).
  4. Flushing of the face.
  5. Migraine.
  6. Skin rash.

Adverse reactions after drug withdrawal quickly go away. There is no clinical evidence of venoruton poisoning.

According to the instructions for use with Venorutin ointment, it is known that if the gel is used improperly, local skin reactions may occur due to excessive sensitivity to the drug’s microelements.


If the severity of symptoms does not decrease with the use of the drug, it is recommended that the treatment be reviewed.

Drug interaction

The combined use of ascorbic acid increases the pharmacological effect of Venoruton. This should be taken into account during drug therapy.

venoruton ointment instructions for use

Pregnancy and lactation

There is no information on the safety of taking the drug during the "interesting situation", so the drug is forbidden to be taken at this time. From the second trimester, “Venoruton” can be used by the expectant mother only in cases where the possible benefits for the woman outweigh the risks to the fetus.

venoruton capsules instructions for use

Venoruton: analogues

The drug does not have absolute structural generics. The drugs that are similar in spectrum of exposure and pharmacological effect include the following:

  1. "Troxerutin."
  2. "Venorutinol".
  3. Phleboton.
  4. Venolan
  5. "Routine."
  6. "Rutozid."
  7. "Vazoket".
  8. Troxevasin.
  9. Ascorutin.

The cost of Venoruton varies from 300 to 900 rubles.

Storage conditions

The drug "Venoruton" must be kept in a dry, dark place, at a temperature of no more than twenty-five degrees. The shelf life of the drug is thirty-six months. It is not recommended to use the drug after this time.


Positive reviews about Venoruton are quite common, and this confirms the high effectiveness of the drug, both in capsule form and in gel form. During drug therapy, the patient's general well-being noticeably improves with various types of disease caused by a malfunction of the venous and lymphatic systems. Doctors regularly prescribe Venoruton for violations of the venous outflow, especially for hemorrhoids. This is due to the fact that the drug is considered one of the most effective venotonic drugs.

But we must not forget that in order to achieve complete healing, you need to apply an integrated approach to the disease (changing lifestyle and diet, wearing special compression underwear, medication and other procedures that have a positive effect on the veins and lymph vessels).

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