Omelet with apples: recipe with photo

Omelet with apples is a tasty and often low-calorie dish. Getting ready really fast. Someone prefers to feast on them for breakfast, someone - for dinner. Also, such a simple treat is loved by children. Despite the apparent simplicity of the dish, many recipes are quite original. For example, in some there is a combination of apple and carrot, onion and fruit.

Low calorie recipe

This omelet can be eaten for breakfast. He is hearty and tasty. To cook yourself a diet omelet with apples in a pan, you need to take:

  • two eggs;
  • one hundred grams of apples;
  • half a tablespoon of butter;
  • 50 ml of milk with a fat content of 1%;
  • a pinch of cinnamon for flavor.

About one hundred grams of the finished product is about 150 calories. If you choose more sweet varieties of apples, you can get a delicious and low-calorie dessert.

How to cook an omelet with apples in a pan? Apples are peeled, peeled and seeds removed. Cut into slices, the thinner the better. Melt the butter in a pan. In a bowl, carefully beat the eggs and milk. Stew apples in hot oil, then pour them with a mass of eggs and milk, sprinkle with cinnamon. Cover the omelet with a lid and wait for it to snap.

omelet with apples

Tasty omelet with flour

Such an omelet is not obtained high, it is fried on both sides, like a pancake. There is a lot of flour in this recipe, due to which the omelet is not magnificent, but it turns out to be satisfying and beautiful. For this version of an omelet with apples, you need to take the following ingredients:

  • a glass of milk;
  • two eggs;
  • four sweet apples;
  • 200 grams of flour;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • sugar and cinnamon to taste;
  • lemon juice.

Eggs are broken, divided into proteins and yolks. Squirrels are cleaned in the refrigerator. The yolks are thoroughly ground with a pinch of salt. Milk and flour are introduced in portions, in turn, continuing to grind the mixture. As a result, the mass should be homogeneous, without lumps. Leave for five minutes.

The apples are peeled, chopped finely, lightly sprinkled with lemon juice so that the apples do not darken. The cooled proteins are whipped with a mixer to form peaks. Add apples to the yolks, gently interfere with the proteins, combine all the ingredients. The pan is lightly greased with oil, spread half of the mixture, fry the omelet on both sides. The second portion is also prepared. Mix sugar and cinnamon, sprinkle another hot omelet on one side. There is such an omelet with apples, both in warm and cold forms.

sweet omelet with apples

An interesting recipe with onions and cheese

Some believe that apples and onions cannot be combined. But this is not so. Such an omelet is fancy. For him, it is better to take sour varieties of apples. For cooking you will need:

  • one apple;
  • half the onion head;
  • 20 grams of grated cheese;
  • one egg;
  • a couple of tablespoons of milk;
  • some greenery;
  • salt to taste;
  • a small piece of butter.

To start, heat the oil in a pan. The apples are peeled and finely chopped, slightly stewed. Chop onion finely, add to apples and continue to stew. Beat the egg and milk separately. Finely chop the greens and add to the mixture, whisk again. Pour apples with onion omelette base. When the mass grasps a little, sprinkle it with grated cheese. Many people like this omelet with apple and onion, despite the combination, which is strange at first glance.

Sweet omelette option

Such a dish will appeal to the sweet tooth. This portion is designed for the whole family. If desired, the amount of sugar can be changed. For this option, a sweet omelet with apples, you need to take:

  • four apples;
  • three tablespoons of sugar;
  • the same amount of butter;
  • seven eggs;
  • 200 ml of milk;
  • 1.5 tablespoons of flour.

The apples are peeled and diced. Melt butter in a pan, pour sugar and add apples. Stew until soft. If you wish, you can leave the apples a little crunchy. When cooking, stir them. Beat eggs, milk and flour separately. Pour apples in bulk, cover with a lid. Hold until ready. Such an omelette recipe with apples allows you to get tasty and fragrant. For greater piquancy, you can add vanillin or cinnamon.

omelet with apples in a pan

Tasty recipe with sour cream

This kind of omelet turns out to be tender. Sour cream quite successfully replaces milk. It perfectly replaces purchased desserts. To prepare you need to take:

  • six eggs;
  • a couple of tablespoons of sugar;
  • one hundred grams of sour cream;
  • a tablespoon of flour;
  • a tablespoon of butter;
  • four apples.

Fruit is peeled, cut into cubes. Heat oil, send apples to stew, add a tablespoon of sugar to them. Beat flour, sour cream and eggs separately. When the apples become soft, pour them in bulk with sour cream. Cover the omelet with a lid, hold until ready.

Lush omelet with apple sauce

In this dish omelet and sauce are prepared separately. Also, instead of apple sauce, you can take jam or jam. You can also make a sauce with berries. For this omelet you need to take:

  • six eggs;
  • 300 ml of milk;
  • salt to taste;
  • some butter;
  • a tablespoon of sugar;
  • one apple.

First, beat the whisk with eggs, add milk and salt to them, beat again. Grease a baking dish with oil, pour the base for an omelet with apples. In the oven, keep the dish for about 30 minutes at a temperature of 200 degrees. Prepare the sauce. To do this, stew peeled apples, chopped into small cubes, in butter. After a couple of minutes add sugar to them, stir. When the mass thickens, remove the sauce from the stove. Ready omelet cool slightly in the oven, otherwise it may fall. After they are cut into pieces, each is poured with sauce and served to the table.

omelet with apples in a diet pan

Tasty omelet without milk

Such an omelet does not turn out to be especially magnificent, it settles quickly. But his taste is really worth it. And the most interesting: it has few ingredients and no milk at all.

For this option, you need to take:

  • one apple;
  • four eggs;
  • a couple of tablespoons of potato starch;
  • a teaspoon of sugar.

You will also need butter to grease the baking dish. The egg is separated protein and yolk. The latter is mixed with an apple, crushed with a grater. Add starch. Knead once more so that the starch is dissolved. Proteins are cooled and whipped until lush foam with sugar. Stir in the yolks. The baking dish is greased with oil, the mass for the omelet is poured. Keep in the oven until a crust appears. The amount of apples and sugar can be adjusted to taste.

omelet with apples in the oven

Apple and carrots - tasty and healthy

This dish combines apples and carrots. For this reason, it turns out pretty smart. If desired, sugar can be added, although carrots and apples often give enough sweetness to the dish. For this version of omelet you need to cook:

  • one apple and one carrot each;
  • six eggs;
  • 350 ml of milk;
  • a couple of tablespoons of vegetable oil;
  • some cinnamon.

First, carrots and apples are peeled. Fruits are cut into thin slices and warmed in vegetable oil in a pan. Coarse carrots on a coarse grater. Beat all the eggs. A thin stream injected milk, without stopping to whip the mass. Add cinnamon for flavor. The baking dish is greased with oil, apples are laid, then carrots. Pour everything with an omelet mixture. Bake in the oven at a temperature of 180 degrees for about twenty minutes. Ready omelet cool slightly. If desired, you can decorate it with powdered sugar.

omelet with apples

Omelet is one of the simplest dishes. However, many underestimate him. So, adding simple ingredients, you can get something new. For example, apples help make the omelet sweeter and juicier. But there are many nuances. So, someone prefers a sweet and fluffy omelet, and someone to taste with a slight sourness, satisfying. You can also try a more complex option, with onions and cheese.

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