There are several types of migraines that cause a person discomfort. Each of them has its own symptoms and causes. A common form is hemiplegic migraine. With it, a person has unpleasant sensations. More information about the causes and treatment of this condition is described in the article.
Hemiplegic migraine - what is it? This is a disease in which discomfort appears with numbness on one side of the body. This form of the disease is considered rare and is usually inherited. There are some features of her treatment.
Hemiplegic migraine appears due to:
- Genetic factor. If at least one parent had such attacks, then it is likely that they will be in children. Familial hemiplegic migraine is one of the most common.
- Hormonal disorders. Most of the patients with this disease are women. Painful sensations develop with disorders of the endocrine system, hormonal disorders with menopause, regular use of contraceptives.
- Chronic fatigue. Migraine appears from partial stress, overstrain, insomnia, which weakens the body, reduces vascular tone.
- Bad habits. Alcohol, smoking, overeating with many preservatives can also cause this disease.
- Loud noises, bright lights, unpleasant odors.
About the clinical picture
Usually severe pain lasts from 15 minutes to several hours. When an attack lasts several days, a migraine status appears. With migraine with an aura, it manifests itself as symptoms of precursors:
- Efficiency worsens, fatigue appears.
- Flies flashed before the eyes, dizziness is felt.
- There is nausea, vomiting.
- The manifestation of arterial hypertension is likely.
- There is muscle weakness, twitching of the limbs.
- There is anxiety or panic.
- There is irritability or depression.
Harbingers are capable of lasting from several minutes to several hours. Symptomatic hemiplegic migraine is similar to a brain stroke. But with a stroke, paralysis of the limbs can be irreversible.
What are the symptoms of hemiplegic migraine? The disease manifests itself as follows:
- There are severe pulsating headaches that appear from one part of the skull and facial area. The syndrome is able to affect the orbits, the shoulder region, and also give to the scapula.
- Pain in the eyes, visual disturbances, blurred vision.
- Sometimes, due to severe pain, short-term memory loss, impaired consciousness, delirium, hallucinations, distortion of smell is observed.
- Attacks of vomiting occur when eating any food, and this does not alleviate the condition.
- In addition to standard syndromes, hemiplegia or paralysis of the limbs occurs. Sometimes the opposite part can be taken away.
The main sign of hemiplegic migraine is the appearance of pain in the head, with which neurological disorders can appear. These symptoms continue after the attack of pain and can be observed for several weeks.
ICD-10 hemiplegic migraine is included in section G43.1. International classification is used by doctors around the world to fill out documentation.
How is hemiplegic form of migraine detected? Paralysis of the extremities is a sign of a stroke, therefore, in order to exclude this ailment, an examination of computed tomography of the brain is required. Magnetic resonance imaging will establish the state of the vessels of the brain, muscle tissue. Symptoms of an ailment can hide dangerous ailments: stroke, swelling, disturbances in blood vessels. To determine the cause of pain, which are accompanied by paralysis, laboratory tests for hormonal status are performed.
How to treat?
The treatment of hemiplegic migraine in each case is individual. The method of therapy is chosen by the doctor based on the reasons and history. The disease is difficult to treat with drugs. Usually a lot of time is spent choosing the right treatment. An effective method is the implementation of prevention before seizures. To do this, prevent provoking factors. Often, these factors are not so easy to identify, so you can’t avoid them.
Doctors often prescribe drug therapy. To do this, appoint:
- Antispasmodic drugs. The appearance of the disease is associated with spasms of blood vessels, when between their walls the lumen narrows, there is a violation of blood circulation and brain nutrition. With the help of myotropic antispasmodics, it will be possible to get rid of muscle spasms, and the pain will stop. Such dangerous substances as No-shpa, Drotaverin, Papaverin are considered dangerous. Combined medicines with antispasmodic properties and analgesic effect are used. This is "Spazmalgon", "Combispasm", "Novigan". It is advisable to choose funds with a combined composition in order to eliminate the syndromes of the disease.
- Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Such drugs as Diclofenac, Naproxen, Ibuprofen, Indomethacin are effective. These medicines should be taken at the beginning of painful sensations.
- Analgesics. They have an analgesic effect. The most popular include “Analgin”, “Ketorolac”, “Amigrenin”, “Sumamigren”.
- Beta blockers. Doctors often prescribe "Propranolol", which is normally tolerated by people, but the drug cannot be used for respiratory problems, for example, with bronchial asthma. Beta blockers are also used for prevention.
- Calcium antagonists. Used less often than other medicines. This is Verapamil, Nicardipine.
- Triptans. Effective include Sumatriptan, Imigran, Trimigren, Elektriptan. Due to the narrowing effect, triptans are considered one of the best in the treatment of migraine. They also help with concomitant symptoms - photosensitivity, phobia, nausea.
If you do not eliminate the attacks, their number can increase, and this leads to serious complications:
- Migraine status, which requires inpatient treatment.
- Migraine stroke, which affects several parts of the brain and leaves a mark for life.
- A seizure in which epilepsy can occur.
Many people can’t live in peace between attacks, since they expect a re-manifestation of the disease. They may have depression, performance deteriorates. Also, sleep disturbance, loss of appetite. As a result, colds and viral diseases more often appear, aggression occurs.
To avoid such complications, you need to see a doctor in a timely manner. Observe the recommendations provided by the specialist. This will alleviate the condition and prevent repeated attacks.
Preventive measures should be prescribed by a specialist if seizures occur frequently, more than 2 times a month, and also if their duration is more than 3 days. Thanks to drug therapy, it will be possible to prevent not only pain, but also neurological pathologies that lead to disorientation. So that the attacks are not long and frequent, a reception is prescribed:
- Beta blockers.
- Remedies for depression.
- Anticonvulsants.
- Calcium channel blockers.
- Serotonin antagonists.
As a preventive measure, provocative factors should not be allowed - stress, overwork, bad habits. Negative emotions often lead to headaches, especially migraines. Reduce the frequency of spasms will be obtained using a special diet, in which you can not eat foods that lead to seizures. You should not eat foods with tyramine: spices, chocolate, cheese, caffeinated drinks.
It is important to observe the correct daily routine, alternating sleep and rest. Oversleeping (sleep over 9 hours) is also considered harmful, as is lack of sleep, so it can lead to painful sensations. Still need to drink as much water as possible. When the first signs of an attack occur, the exclusion of irritants is required. Therefore, they turn off music, light, change activities, and apply a cold compress to their forehead and temples.
Completely cure this ailment will not work. Means of modern medicine can only prevent seizures and reduce the frequency of their occurrence. The effect of treatment depends on the doctor, the right means and treatment regimen.