Every woman inevitably faces a phenomenon such as menopause. During this period, women often complain of malaise, frequent headaches, regular hot flashes and jumps in blood pressure. The pharmaceutical market is ready to offer women a wide selection of drugs designed to help them overcome the listed manifestations of menopause. One of these drugs is Estrovel. Its composition is described below.
Description and properties
Scientists, together with medical specialists, are in a state of continuous improvement of existing pharmaceuticals, including those aimed at eliminating the symptoms of menopause. They managed to develop a number of drugs that minimize symptoms that are unpleasant for a woman. The medicine, according to numerous positive reviews, is an effective drug.
According to the instructions for use, "Estrovel" refers to dietary supplements. The main property of the drug is its ability to integrate into the processes of regulating hormonal balance in the female body. The drug is absolutely safe and suitable for almost all women who have entered the period of menopause.
Its effectiveness is due to the fact that the composition of Estrovel is completely natural, without chemical additives. Supplements are used both during menopause and in menopause. The active components of the drug affect the nervous system of women, normalizing the hormonal balance of the body, disturbed by age-related changes.
In accordance with the instructions for use, Estrovel also has calming and restorative properties. The drug is available in 250 mg capsules. One package of dietary supplement contains 30 capsules, which corresponds to one month of admission according to the standard scheme proposed by the instructions. Storage of the drug does not require special conditions, it is enough that the temperature does not exceed 25 degrees.
According to the instructions for use with Estrovel, the composition is based on components of plant origin, which in their properties are identical to a number of hormones in the female body that perform important functions. The correct ratio of components and the form of their presence in the dietary supplement allows you to adjust the hormonal balance.
The main components of Estrovel tablets are the following herbal ingredients:
- Soybean seed extract. It is an analogue of estrogen, the deficiency of which is especially pronounced in the menopause.
- Griffonia seed extract, also called L-5-hydroxytryptophan. This substance has an effect on the receptors responsible for appetite, increasing the feeling of satiety.
- Extract of the roots of dioscorea or wild yam. This substance allows you to prevent the likelihood of developing atherosclerotic changes and vegetovascular dystonia. In addition, this extract improves the overall well-being of a woman.
- Sacred Vitex fruit extract. The component is designed to cope with a state of depression. In addition, the extract normalizes the balance of hormones and has a mild analgesic and antiseptic effect.
- Tocopherol acetate. It is an effective antioxidant that can prevent various pathologies in the heart, blood vessels and liver.
- Indole-3-carbinol. The substance allows you to normalize the balance of hormones in the female body during the menopause, as well as during menstruation. This component is used in the treatment of benign tumors, and is also recognized as a prophylactic agent for the prevention of cancer. Among other things, indole-3-carbinol is prescribed as part of complex therapy in the treatment of a number of gynecological problems.
- Sodium tetraborate. The substance has an antifungal property.
- Folic Acid (Vitamin B9). It has an immunostimulating effect, activates the functions of the hematopoiesis system, and also reduces the negative manifestations of menopause.
- Fitomenadion. It takes part in the process of blood coagulation.
Thus, "Estrovel" is a multicomponent drug, due to which its high effectiveness in the fight against the signs of menopause is achieved.
As indicated by the instructions for use, "Estrovel" can be recommended for use by women who experience a state of hormonal imbalance. This condition can be triggered by the following pathological processes:
- The period of menopause and menopause, accompanied by a deterioration in the general well-being of a woman, hot flashes, dizziness, frequent mood changes, increased fatigue and pain.
- Hormonal restructuring of the body after an operation to remove the ovaries.
- Syndrome of premenstrual tension.
In addition, the tool is effective in preventing premature aging. The list of indications of Estrovel is quite extensive.
It is important to carefully read the instructions for contraindications and adverse reactions.
The drug "Estrovel" based on herbal components is absolutely safe for the female body. However, even he has a number of contraindications that should be considered before using the drug. The main restrictions for taking dietary supplements are as follows:
- Hypersensitivity to the components of the drug, accompanied by an allergic reaction in the form of a rash and itching up to anaphylactic shock.
- The girl is under 14 years old.
- The period of gestation and breastfeeding.
To avoid side effects from Estrovel, a woman must follow the instructions of the instructions and the attending physician, not exceeding the prescribed dosage.
Instructions for use
"Estrovel", like many dietary supplements, is taken with food. To eliminate the signs of menopause it is enough to take one capsule twice a day. In order to achieve positive dynamics and consolidate the result, it is necessary to drink the drug for at least two months.
Sometimes the drug is used to eliminate unpleasant manifestations during menstruation in the form of pain, nausea and hot flashes. In this case, you need to take the drug for two weeks before starting a new cycle.
If the proposed dosages do not give a positive result, it is allowed to increase the number of capsules taken to 3-4 per day.
The drug should be agreed with a specialist. Taking it yourself is not recommended, as this can lead to undesirable consequences for a woman.
Price and reviews for Estrovel will be presented below.
Full analogues in composition currently do not exist. However, you can find drugs with identical properties, which also include natural components. The most popular analogues of Estrovel are:
- Klimadinon. It contains phytoestrogens, due to which it is possible to reduce the severity of signs of menopause. It has an effect on neurovegetative and psychoemotional symptoms.
- Menopace. In addition to plant extracts, the drug contains vitamins. βMenopaceβ affects the metabolism in the female body, which eliminates the unpleasant symptoms of menopause.
- Remens. This drug is recommended not only to alleviate the condition in menopause, but also to normalize the menstrual cycle in women of any age. This is a homeopathic medicine that is very popular among patients and gynecologists.
- "Femoston." A preparation based on synthesized hormones. It is accepted according to a strict scheme, which cannot be violated. It is prescribed in cases when menopause is difficult.
The average cost of the drug is 450 rubles per package. It depends on the region and the pharmacy network.
Doctors reviews
Specialists invariably respond well to the effect of Estrovel on the female body. Gynecologists prescribe the intake of dietary supplements with phytohormones for women at the first harbingers of the onset of menopause, as well as with established early ovarian exhaustion.
Gynecologists note a very good composition of the drug, in which there are practically no components that can provoke side effects. This is also confirmed by the numerous reviews of women who took Estrovel.
A number of specialists in the reviews note that the drug acts individually for each patient. In some supplements, it almost completely eliminates all the symptoms of menopause, while others only alleviate the symptoms. The action of the drug is carried out due to the accumulation of active components in the body, so it is unreasonable to wait for a quick result when taking Estrovel. Positive dynamics do not occur after days or even weeks of admission. In some cases, you may need to complete the entire course of treatment.
Patient Reviews
Patients often complain of an unpleasant smell of capsules. This can be attributed to the disadvantages of the drug. Also, many are confused by the cost of dietary supplements, which is quite high. Nevertheless, the drug is invariably common among women in the menopause, and quite often prescribed by practicing gynecologists to their patients.
Estrovel is well suited to women who have both physiological and surgical menopause. The drug is well tolerated, patients feel relief after a few days of taking, while the feeling of anxiety goes away and sleep normalizes.