There are many different reasons why an adult and a child bleed constantly from the nose . Even a few drops of red substance make you worry. Excessive and constant bleeding can provoke panic even in the most cold-blooded. However, you must remain calm so that you can provide first aid to the patient. In this article we will try to find out why the nose constantly bleeds, as well as what to do with such bleeding.
Nose bleed
Bleeding from the nasal cavity in medicine is called epistaxis. Most often, this phenomenon appears unexpectedly, while it is considered a symptom of a wide variety of pathologies. Before you begin to analyze the reasons why the nose constantly bleeds, you need to familiarize yourself with the types of this condition. This symptom may be a consequence of systemic problems in the body. Pathologies that caused damage to the vessels of the mucosa can be very dangerous for humans. However, sometimes experts attribute the bleeding to an innocuous symptom. By the amount of fluid released, it is customary to allocate:
- Minor losses - when the blood flows in small drops. As a rule, they do not cause any complications, and are also not hazardous to health. The negative point of this phenomenon is that the affected person can be very scared. This is especially true for young children.
- Moderate loss - the amount of blood released from the nose in this case is about 2 ml. In this case, a person may feel dizziness, general weakness in parallel, and the visible areas of the skin and mucous membranes begin to fade.
- Massive losses - in this case, about 300 ml of blood is released. Concomitant symptoms will include: severe headache, weakness, loss of consciousness, and shortness of breath.
- Profuse losses - in this case acute blood loss will develop. In the most serious condition, a person may experience hemorrhagic shock, a sharp drop in pressure, fainting, lethargy, as well as circulatory disorders.
External causes
Consider why there is constant blood flow from the nose, and also get acquainted with the causes of periodic bleeding.
The main causes include mechanical damage to the mucous membrane, as well as pathological natural processes that affect weakened vessels. The mechanical circumstances by which blood can flow from the nasal cavity should include:
- Serious injury to blood vessels in the nasal mucosa. Such damage most often occurs with a strong blow to the face.
- The influence of external factors. This includes fatigue, physical exertion, as well as prolonged exposure to direct sunlight.
- Sunstroke. Due to overheating of the surface of the mucosa in the sinuses and passages, they begin to dry out, and small vessels burst.
- Too dry indoor air may be the answer to the question of why the nose constantly bleeds. The reason may also be covered in environmental conditions. The fact is that mechanical injuries of blood vessels in the nose often occur when heating is turned on in winter, which causes excessive dryness of the mucous membrane.
Internal causes
Pathological conditions in the human body can also manifest themselves in the form of this symptom. If the nose or nose constantly bleeds in a child or adult, this may indicate the presence of the following disease or ailment:
- runny nose, sinusitis, acute rhinitis, as well as other inflammation on the mucous membrane;
- hypertension;
- oncological tumors;
- atherosclerosis, in which vessels begin to be damaged;
- benign neoplasms;
- deficiency of vitamins in the body;
- bleeding disorder.
Why did the nose bleed often?
If a person suffers from frequent sudden nosebleeds that cannot be stopped for a long period, then you need to seek help from a doctor. Such a pathological condition due to large blood loss can provoke the development of anemia.
If nose bleeds constantly, what should I do? First of all, it is necessary to be examined in a medical institution, so that the specialist identifies the root cause that provoked this symptom. Most often, these include: high blood pressure, poor coagulability, as well as conditions during which the vessels in the anterior part of the nasal cavity become very thin.
Blood from the nose and temperature
We continue to consider the features of nosebleeds. If this symptom is also accompanied by an increase in body temperature, then you must contact the clinic as soon as possible. This condition can be very dangerous not only for children, but also for an adult, as it is considered a signal of a serious health problem. Body temperature rises in the case of a wide variety of infectious diseases. If treatment is not scheduled on time, then the patient may develop serious complications in the form of meningitis or pneumonia.
At what pressure?
Blood can flow from the nose at absolutely any pressure. With hypertension, its influx to the head will occur under pressure, and the walls of the vessels of the mucosa burst as a result of such a pathological effect.
In the case of low pressure, the capillaries are gradually compressed, the integument becomes pale. After some time, bleeding begins. Particularly dangerous are sudden changes in pressure indicators, as they contribute to the rapid deterioration of blood vessels.
In the morning, nosebleeds constantly
What are the causes of nosebleeds in the morning immediately after waking up? Most often, this symptom is observed in those patients who suffer from diabetes mellitus or hypertension. These two ailments provoke thinning and fragility of capillaries. In the case of high blood pressure, the fluid can escape from the nose in the form of a powerful jet, therefore urgent measures should be taken to stop the bleeding.
If the blood does not stop
We continue to consider why there is blood from the nose. The doctor should deal with the treatment of this ailment. If bleeding does not go away for a long time, then this can be triggered by an injury to the Kisselbach plexus, which is located on the wall of the nasopharynx. If the patient has pathologies of the hematopoietic system or liver, then the loss can be observed for a long time. It will be quite difficult to stop the blood on your own in this situation, therefore, when a similar symptom of the disease appears, it is necessary to call emergency care.
Without any reasons
Why is nose bleeding for no reason? Such a symptom always occurs completely unexpectedly. In adults and children who lead an active lifestyle, this symptom is observed more often than in more calm patients. However, experts say that bleeding is not able to occur on its own. A person, as a rule, has undiagnosed illnesses, or he was injured.
Among women
In addition to the common causes that can provoke bleeding, representatives of the fair sex under certain conditions have additional circumstances that can lead to such a pathological condition. These include:
- Compliance with various illiterate diets that cause a deficiency of fats, proteins and vitamins in the body.
- Diseases characterized by disorders relative to the hormonal background.
- The use of medications for the treatment of thrombophlebitis with varicose veins, which contribute to blood thinning.
In pregnant
When carrying a baby, many problems with a woman's body manifest themselves in the form of this symptom. If a few drops appear, this will not be a cause for concern, but the observing specialist should nevertheless tell about this.
Constant bleeding is considered very dangerous for the health of a pregnant woman. Causes may include hormonal changes in the body, calcium deficiency, severe toxicosis, hypertension, heat stroke, infection, as well as prolonged exposure to the sun.
In men
Often, specialists associate bleeding with nose injuries. As a rule, this is considered a direct consequence of active games in youth or childhood. In addition, smoking, alcohol and hypertension, which is diagnosed more often in men than in the fair sex, can affect the state of the body and the health of the nasopharynx. This is what distinguishes them from other groups of patients.
If blood discharge is repeated, profuse, accompanied by painful sensations, then it is necessary to examine the body.
In children
Why does a child often have nosebleeds? It should be noted immediately that this symptom is observed more often in children than in adult patients. This can be explained by the fact that the nasal mucosa in young patients is the thinnest, and the vessels are more fragile.
The main reasons include diseases of the internal organs, disruption of some body systems, and mechanical injuries. Small children often put small toys, pencils, fingers into the respiratory passages. To avoid this, you must carefully monitor your child.
What to do?
When this unpleasant symptom appears, in no case should you throw your head back, as this can provoke swallowing of blood clots that flow down the back of the nose. When bleeding is necessary to sit down, press the chin to the chest. Something cold must be applied to the bridge of the nose. After this, vasoconstrictors should be instilled into the respiratory passages. Then you need to hold the wings of the nose with your fingers, breathe with your mouth. If there is no improvement, then in the nostril it is necessary to place a cotton swab, which is impregnated with 3% hydrogen peroxide.
In order to prevent damage to the mucous membrane in the airways in the winter, when heating devices are turned on, it is recommended to use humidifiers in the room. Thus, the walls in the nose will dry out less. In addition, sea buckthorn or rosehip oil should be instilled daily into the nose. After instillation, it is necessary to press the nostril so that the oil does not flow back.
If you are faced with constant bleeding that does not stop for a long time, then you need to see a doctor for help. Based on the results of the tests, the doctor will prescribe the appropriate treatment.