Shish kebab recipe in beer. Secrets of cooking and reviews

If you ask any person how he relates to the offer "to go or go for barbecue", we think that those who refuse will hardly be. Fresh air, aromatic and tasty meat, pleasant faces of friends ... Can there be anything better than this? There are a huge number of cooking options for this delicious and fragrant dish. Today we will share the kebab recipe in beer. And also we will reveal to you small tricks of cooking.

kebab recipe in beer

Shish kebab recipe in beer

Are you going to relax in nature and think about how to cook meat deliciously? We offer you an excellent kebab recipe in beer. What are its advantages over other options? Firstly, it is very easy to prepare. Secondly, it does not require large expenditures on products. And most importantly, the meat cooked according to this recipe turns out to be unusually tasty, tender and aromatic. Have you ever wanted to try a barbecue? We offer to adopt our recipe.

pork skewers in beer recipe

Essential Ingredients

What can we need to prepare a tasty and juicy kebab? Let's list all the products:

  • Of course we need meat. You can buy beef, lamb, chicken, pork - the options can be different, it all depends on your taste preferences. But we suggest taking pork for barbecue, because it is this meat that best absorbs odors.
  • Next we need beer. It is advisable to take unfiltered. How much to buy? Enough will be one bottle or can with a capacity of 0.5 liters.
  • Do not do without onions. It can be used in large quantities.
  • Salt, spices, pepper.

We have prepared all the necessary, now we proceed directly to the process of making pork skewers in beer. The recipe is simple:

  • We take the meat, wash it well and chop it. Someone cuts meat in large, someone in small pieces. We suggest making them medium in size.
  • Cut the onion into rings.
  • Take a pot or deep large dish. We put meat, onions in it. Add various spices: pepper, basil, coriander. Variations can be very different - it all depends on individual addictions. You can also purchase a special set of spices for barbecue. They are usually sold at any grocery store. Then close the lid and leave for 25-30 minutes.
  • Next, pour meat with beer and leave for several hours.
  • Cooking coals for grilling kebab.
  • We can cook meat on skewers or a special grill. The remaining marinade is drained and kept at hand. As necessary, we will water the prepared kebab with it.

barbecue beer recipe reviews

The right marinade is the foundation of success

Beer is not suitable for all types of meat. It is best to pickle pork in it . A large amount of onion must be added to the beer marinade, because it is its juice that helps soften the meat. Barbecue must be marinated in the refrigerator so that the beer does not ferment.

Little tricks

In order to learn how to cook barbecue on beer (the recipe with the photo is provided above), you need to know some of the subtleties of cooking. You can, of course, do without them, but then your dish will not be so delicious.

  • Choose only fresh meat, preferably not frozen, but chilled.
  • For a barbecue, it is better to take pork, although some prefer beef or lamb. What is the first option preferable? The fact that the meat is cooked much faster, and the kebab is more tender.
  • It is better to take draft beer for making barbecue. But if this is not the case, take a can, not the cheapest one.
  • Please note that meat should not float in beer. It needs only to be saturated with foamy liquid.
  • Itโ€™s best not to fry the meat a little, than to overdo it on the fire. In the latter case, it will turn out tough and significantly lose its taste.
  • In no case store finished kebab in plastic containers or utensils. The material from which this dish is made significantly affects the taste of cooked meat.
  • If you donโ€™t have beer at hand, then barbecue can be made on kvass. The dish will also turn out very tasty.
  • A great addition to meat will be fresh vegetables and herbs.

Now that you know the kebab recipe in beer and all the tricks of cooking, you can safely invite friends to nature. You will only have to accept gratitude for the excellently prepared treat and, possibly, deflect the questions of those who crave to learn how to fry the same tender and juicy meat. Undoubtedly, the recipe for barbecue we proposed (the reviews of which, by the way, are mostly positive and even enthusiastic), will firmly โ€œsettleโ€ in your culinary piggy bank. And now a few words in confirmation of the popularity of the above dishes.

kebab on beer recipe with photo


According to many gurus in this matter, the kebab recipe in beer is quite simple, and the meat is soft and juicy. Many people note that the taste of fresh bread, which acquires the finished dish, makes it even more appetizing. True, there are opponents of the preparation of barbecue in beer. Why?

Some people believe that if the kebab is pickled in a foamy drink, then the meat will contain a certain percentage of alcohol. You should not be afraid of this, since the alcohol will evaporate during cooking. A slight smell of malt and hops, on the contrary, will remain. But this will only give the finished dish a special taste. We hope that you can easily learn how to cook tasty and fragrant barbecue on beer.

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