Biography and filmography of Anton Pokrep

Unfortunately, almost nothing is known about the biography of Anton Pokrepa . Reliable information is only his date of birth - May 7, 1986. Anton is a native Muscovite. The only work in the filmography of Anton Pokrepa is the series "Barvikha", in the creation of which he participated. Pokrep was the administrator of the youth multi-part project. An important fact is that the star is not interested in the career of an actor, a man is a born businessman.

former spouses

Acquaintance with Anna Khilkevich

Thanks to the filming of the series "Barvikha", relations between the future spouses Anna and Anton arose. The guys met on the set of the film, where the actress embodied the image of Victoria - a gullible and simple girl. Anton Pokrepa himself was the administrator of the picture. The image that Khilkevich played completely corresponded to her life, and Anton liked this fact.

After meeting the charming actress closer, the guy immediately realized that there was a beautiful girl in front of him. Before legalizing the relationship, Anna and Anton preferred meeting for a while, then moved on to a more serious step - living together. Relations between lovers proceeded calmly and peacefully. The chosen one of Anton Pokrepa perfectly found a common language not only with her lover, but also with his mother.

After living together, the couple decides to play a wedding, hoping that in a few years they will have completely learned each other and will be able to easily equip their family life. The wedding ceremony was a great success. Invited guests and heroes of the occasion had full fun, and toasts in honor of the newlyweds were pronounced every minute.

Anna and Anton


Unfortunately, gradually the feelings between the spouses began to fade, and in the end the couple broke up. To date, only memories have remained of past relationships. By the way, even after the divorce, Anton Pokrepa's mother maintains a rather warm relationship with her ex-daughter-in-law. Anton himself was an exemplary husband, and Anna was a caring wife. However, between the couple did not have enough passion, through which marriages persist.

Some time after the divorce proceedings, Anton's ex-wife decided to share the real reason for the collapse of family life. The blame for everything was by no means the excessive jealousy of her husband, which was written in the newspapers. There were rumors that Anna agreed to star in a nude magazine for men, and did not consult with her husband about her plans. Upon learning of the shooting, Anton Pokrepa reacted negatively to the decision of his wife, and on the basis of this, constant scandals began to arise, which eventually led the family to a divorce.

Anton Pokrepa with his wife

Relationship after break

The true cause of family breakdown is commonplace, which, unfortunately, occurs frequently. The couple simply lost interest in each other, and their feelings cooled off. Naturally, the actress and businessman did not disperse on a negative note. Former husband and wife maintain a fairly close, friendly relationship. Anya and Anton are just beginning their life's journey, and have every right to be happy and to find true love in order to live with them all their lives. Realizing that between them there are no feelings that were originally, the spouses adultly discussed the problem, and together decided to go to each one's independent life.

The couple’s relationship in total lasted about five years, including one year of official marriage.

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