"Farmateks": instructions for use, analogues and reviews

In the article, we consider the instructions to the "Pharmatex".

It is a local contraceptive with spermicidal and antiseptic effects, available in several dosage forms. Manufactured by a pharmacological company from France Lab. Innotech International.

Release Forms

The product is in the form of vaginal suppositories, vaginal tablets and vaginal cream.

farmateks instructions for use
  • According to the instructions, Pharmatex has the following characteristics in tablets: the shape is round, in the middle there is a small hole, they contain 20 milligrams of the active component. They are produced in a blister with 12 cells, which is located in a cardboard package.
  • Contraceptive suppositories "Farmateks". Instructions for them are available in each pack. They have a cylindrical shape with cone-shaped tips, white. They contain 18.9 milligrams of benzalkonium chloride. Suppositories are in contour packaging, the box contains 10 pieces.
  • According to the instructions, the Pharmatex cream is made in aluminum tubes with a dispenser of 864 milligrams. One dose contains 28.8 milligrams of the active substance. Cream of a homogeneous consistency, white, flavored with lavender fragrance.


In the preparation, the active ingredient is benzalkonium chloride. This chemical compound has antifungal, antiviral, bactericidal and spermicidal characteristics. Spermicidal effect is possible due to the surface activity of its active substance. It envelops the entire vagina with a thin film, stops the movement of the sperm in the direction of the uterine neck. Instructions for use with Pharmatex are very detailed.

The drug, acting on the bioelectric balance of the protein-phospholipid layer, violates the membrane of the head of the male reproductive cell and causes the flagella to separate from the body, making fertilization impossible, since the sperm is damaged.

The contraceptive acts in reduced concentrations - only 0.005%. During the first twenty seconds, sperm activity is eliminated due to contact with the drug. One dose is enough to neutralize the average amount of ejaculate.

farmateks candles instruction

The drug has a very high efficiency, but if the recommendations for use are not followed, the contraceptive effect may be lost.

At Pharmatex, the Pearl Index is 3-4%, which means that out of a hundred women, about 3-4 become pregnant in a year using this local remedy. The drug does not in any way affect libido and fertility.

The bactericidal activity of the drug is directed against a number of genital infections - Staphylococcus aureus, the second type of herpes virus, Trichomonas, chlamydia and gonococcus. Unfortunately, its effect does not apply to diseases that are no less common - vaginal gardnerella, candida, mycoplasma, etc. The drug is not absorbed into the systemic circulation, it is only absorbed on the vaginal walls.

In what cases does this drug help?

In accordance with the instructions to the “Pharmatex”, the main use of the drug is to ensure the safety of intimate communication, both with respect to an unplanned pregnancy and from a number of sexually transmitted diseases.

Cream, candles and tablets are used in the following cases:

  • when breastfeeding and immediately after childbirth;
  • if it is impossible to use oral contraceptive methods;
  • with rare intimate relationships, when it is not advisable to use contraceptive oral agents;
  • in case of missing a pill;
  • before menopause;
  • as an additional method of protection;
  • after miscarriage or abortion.

“Farmateks” does not completely protect against unwanted pregnancy, especially for young couples under the age of 35 years, when the sexual partner has a lot of active sperm.

Pharmatex tablets instruction

Dosages and use of the drug

In accordance with the instructions, "Pharmatex" in tablets is administered lying on your back, deep in the vagina. The tablet must first be moistened. You need to enter it ten minutes before an intimate relationship.

This form of medication lasts no more than three hours. The instructions for use with Pharmatex tablets confirm this.

Suppositories are administered in the same position vaginally as tablets, but at least five minutes before sexual contact. Candles melt quite quickly due to body temperature, and therefore it is better to hold them in the refrigerator first and put them into the vagina immediately after being removed from the package.

Suppositories last for four hours.

Contraceptive cream needs to be squeezed into the dispenser container from the tube, it is necessary that air bubbles do not appear, since this reduces the amount of the active component in the portion of the drug. Lying on your back, the dispenser must be inserted into the vagina as deep as possible, slowly inject the drug by pressing the piston.

The cream starts immediately, it lasts ten hours.

The duration of the effect of the drug does not mean that intimate communication is allowed during all this time. Each new act should be accompanied by the introduction of Pharmatex. If the instruction is violated, the likelihood of maintaining sperm activity is increased, that is, the egg will be fertilized.

farmateks candles instructions for use

Special instructions for the use of this medicine

What else does the instruction to Pharmatex tell us? Frequent violation of the rules of use leads to an unwanted pregnancy. You can not use soap and other cosmetics when washing, if this contraceptive is used.

Even a small amount of soap destroys the active component of the drug. Therefore, douching and washing with the use of cosmetic detergents can only be two hours after completion of sexual contact. Up to this point, an external toilet can only be carried out with running water.

The contraceptive has no teratogenic effect, it is not excreted in the milk of a woman, therefore, it can be used for breastfeeding.

Since this contraceptive method does not allow one hundred percent guarantees, barrier methods of protection should be used simultaneously.

Side effects and contraindications

Side effects are local allergic reactions. One or both partners may experience redness, itching, rash, swelling, and a burning sensation. But, judging by the reviews of doctors, undesirable effects at Pharmatex are observed quite rarely.

Pharmatex tablets instructions for use

Contraindications to the use of the drug are hypersensitivity to the composition, trauma and irritation of the genital organs, the use of other vaginal preparations at this time, since they can neutralize the effect of Pharmatex.

An overdose cannot occur, since the substance is not absorbed into the blood, only distributed over the vaginal walls.

Analogues of the drug

The analogs of the Pharmatex drug are: Erocepin-Pharmex, Erotex, Gynecotex, Benatex.

You need to know that medical consultation is required, but if you plan to use analogues of the already prescribed Pharmatex, then the instructions for use, reviews and the price do not apply to them, that is, cannot be used as a guide for treatment. If you replace "Farmateks", you may need to adjust the scheme.

Which form of the drug is better?

When choosing a Pharmatex dosage form, only a woman can decide based on her subjective feelings. But there are still some nuances when using them.

For example, vaginal birth control pills are suitable only for those women who have a good lubrication. With a weak excretion of natural lubricant, it is quite difficult to enter the tablet deeply, moreover, problems with dissolution may appear.

farmateks cream instruction

According to the instructions for use, Pharmatex candles are well lubricated and suitable for everyone. The cream has increased lubrication, its use is more hygienic, since fingers do not need to be inserted into the vagina, for this a special dispenser is attached. Among other things, its effect is slow and lasts several times longer compared to suppositories and tablets.

Doctors reviews

The drug "Pharmatex" is one of the most popular means of local protection. When used correctly, a high contraceptive effect is ensured. Affordable cost for patients. The drug is generally good, and doctors recommend it. The disadvantages are experts attribute such features: in some cases, a burning sensation appears in the vagina; Do not wash yourself with soap; during each sexual intercourse, the contraceptive should be used in the same amount, without waiting for the removal of the previous contents.

It must be remembered that the index of protection against unplanned pregnancy of this remedy is not too high. Therefore, it is necessary to monitor the menstrual cycle and not rely on absolute safety.

farmateks instruction reviews

Patient Reviews

Patients say that Pharmatex is an excellent method of protection. They use it for a long time, there are no complaints. The drug does not need to be used at the same time as birth control pills, it does not gain weight, you can not use it if you have no sexual contact for some time. Farmateks is used both separately and simultaneously with condoms. The cream is especially good in the complex. In addition, immediately before an intimate relationship, it is very convenient to introduce it using a dispenser, do not wait for dissolution, as with suppositories.

Among the shortcomings, there is a strong burning sensation from tablets, a strong chemical smell from candles, high cost and the inability to use soap and other means for hygiene procedures.

We reviewed the Pharmatex preparation instructions and reviews.

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