How to draw a note? Notes for the piano. Seven notes

The very question of how to draw a note can be considered somewhat incorrect. Since music refers specifically to art, it will be more correct to use the terms used, say, in painting. It does not say that they are painting a picture. They write it. And following this logic, we can confidently consider the problem of how notes are written.

Music Basics

In music, the palette of notes is quite limited. In this case, we have only seven notes, which are the basis of the entire musical composition. However, even despite such a number of notes, composers create unique works. Here it is worth paying attention not only to their combinations and sequence of execution, but also to the signs of alteration present in the scales .

How to draw a note

If we talk about how to draw a note, you should take into account the name of the notes, their duration, and position on the stave. The arrangement of notes for many instruments is completely different. That is why it is necessary to take into account the specifics of the instrument itself in order to play this or that note correctly.

As for the number and name of notes, there are seven of them: do, re, mi, fa, salt, la and si. This is a classification in the Russian version, although there is also a specially accepted Latin designation for each note, which can even correspond to whole chords. This approach is most often used with accompaniment. In this case, the sequence will be as follows: โ€œdoโ€ -D โ€œreโ€ -E โ€œmiโ€ -F โ€œfaโ€ -G โ€œsaltโ€ -A โ€œlaโ€ -H โ€œsiโ€ -C. While we do not take into account the signs of increasing or decreasing notes, called "sharp" and "flat".

Duration of notes

Regarding the question of how to draw a note, it is inextricably linked to durations. They can be listed in the following order: whole, half, quarter, eighth, sixteenth, thirty second, sixty fourth, etc.

The first note is the longest in sound, and the last is the shortest. After the sixty-fourth note, such durations are generally not used.

seven notes

Now you can go directly to the very question of how to draw a note. The whole note is written in the form of an unshaded oval without the right stick, called the calm. The half note is also not shaded, but is written with calm. Next come the completely shaded notes with calm: a quarter with a straight calm, eighth with a curved calm, sixteenth with a double curved calm, thirty-second with a triple curved calm, etc.

Treble and Bass Clef

If you think about how to draw a note, you should pay attention to the stave. The fact is that when using different keys, notes can have a different arrangement.

seven notes

To write notes, only five rulers are used. In case of going beyond the limits of the musical staff, special additional rulers are provided. In the treble clef, this applies to notes below the โ€œreโ€ of the first octave and above the โ€œsaltโ€ of the second octave. In bass, this refers to notes below the โ€œsaltโ€ of the big octave and above the โ€œsiโ€ of the small octave.

Location of notes on the piano keyboard

title of notes

The piano keyboard in the sense of the arrangement of notes is considered very simple, because all the notes in an ascending or descending sequence follow one after another, combining tones and midtones in intervals. At the same time, in the same octave there are twelve keys, of which seven are white and five are black. This rule is standard. On string-plucked instruments like a guitar or violin, things are a little different. Another class of instruments such as button accordion has the same situation. But the accordion has exactly the piano keyboard, which is why it is much easier for pianists to master this instrument than the button accordion.

Sheet music in scales for piano

It goes without saying that in the scales there can be both key characters and, in addition, lines for writing notes. Here it is worth paying attention to the fact that the notes are written in their original version without placing a sign in front of them. This is understandable, because signs are in the key. Accordingly, the note itself should by default be played precisely with their use.

So, for example, if we consider one of the simplest scales, such as in G major, which has only one sharp key, the note โ€œFโ€ is played by default a half tone higher than the original sound. In the case of a flat key, the note is lowered by half a tone. The presence of double key characters can only mean an increase or decrease in notes by one tone. These can be keys like double sharp or double flat. However, they are used very infrequently, and even then, only for educational or educational purposes.

how to draw a note

In principle, the same applies to the main chords, triads or arpeggios that are present in one or another key or fret. Now we donโ€™t even touch on the topic of pentatonic or some frets such as Lydian or Mixolid, where to build the fret itself, slightly different rules and approaches are applied, which are mainly used by professional musicians of a fairly high level. Even the Enigma project has already won its own layout and the corresponding mood used when writing compositions in this style.

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