What mushrooms are by properties and characteristics

With the onset of the autumn period, each of us is not averse to tasting the amazing delicacy that nature itself presented - mushrooms. However, before collecting or buying this forest product, it is necessary to study its types so as not to cause irreparable harm to your health.

What types of mushrooms are there ? Forest product is divided into four groups. Edible mushrooms are referred to the first of them. This category includes such species, the preparation of dishes from which does not require any preliminary preparation of the forest product (soaking or boiling). Only its cleaning and scalding with boiling water is necessary.

In turn, this species is further divided into four categories. The attribution to each of them depends on the taste characteristics, as well as on the nutritional value of the forest gift. What are edible mushrooms? You see the photo of the representative of the first category below.

what mushrooms are

This category includes saffron mushroom and porcini mushroom (in the picture), as well as real breasts. Representatives of the second category are aspen and boletus. Thrills and champignons also enter here.

The third category includes morels and autumn mushrooms, mushrooms and chanterelles. The boulder also enters into it. The fourth category includes tinder men and govorushki, oyster mushrooms and meadow mushrooms, as well as rowers and dung beetles.

what are the types of mushrooms

What other mushrooms are there? There is a second group of these representatives of the forest kingdom. It includes conditionally edible specimens. As a rule, the taste qualities of such mushrooms differ in their bitterness. Poisonous substances are also present in their composition. The neutralization of the forest product and the elimination of bitterness in it is carried out by boiling or long-term storage in the dried form.

The second group includes lactarians, as well as morels. It also includes breast milk that must be soaked for a long time in water with added salt before cooking. After that, they are boiled to remove bitterness. The water in which the pretreatment took place must be drained.

What mushrooms are still? These are representatives of the forest kingdom included in the third group. They are inedible. They do not contain toxic substances, but the use of such mushrooms is impossible due to their unpleasant taste or smell, which is very difficult to remove even after cooking. A forest product can be simple and very tough. The representative of this group is the bile fungus.

what are edible mushrooms photo

What mushrooms are still? These are representatives of the fourth group. Poisonous mushrooms are referred to it. The fruiting bodies of these forest products contain toxins. These are poisonous components that cause poisoning in humans. What mushrooms are in this group? Depending on the chemical composition of poisons and effects on the body, they are divided into the following categories:

- containing hemolytic poison (lines);
- having a local stimulating effect, manifested in mild intestinal disorders (certain types of rows);
- causing the formation in the blood of antibodies of a specific nature that destroy red blood cells (pigs);
- containing substances such as ibotenic acid, the alkaloid muscarin, mycoatropine or muss-cymol, which negatively affect the nerve centers;
- in the composition of which there is poison, soluble only in alcohol (koprin);
- containing poisons with a pronounced plasmotoxic effect (pale grebe).

There are no reliable and easy ways to determine whether poisonous mushrooms. It is better not to take a dubious copy, leaving it where it was found.

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