Ted Williams: biography and creative success

In books, people find themselves and learn to look at any situations that arise from different angles. Literature saves the world from gloom and monotony. One of the creators of saving books is Ted Williams - a man who changed the worldview of many influential personalities and discovered other universes to the world. You should understand the features of his biography and get to know the author better.

Early years

Ted Williams (real name Robert Paul Williams) was born March 14, 1957 in San Jose, California. He spent his childhood in a small town called Palo Alto, it is located near the prestigious and famous Stanford University.

ted williams writer

In one of his interviews, the writer recalls how in childhood he loved to read books. Fiction is Robert Paul's favorite genre. The main inspirers for him for a long time were John Ronald Roel Tolkien, Ray Bradbury, Philip Dick, Michael Moorcock, Fritz Leiber, Howard Phillips Lovecraft and others. Over time, Ted Williams withdrew from these writers. He began to like completely different authors. The guy was interested in Philip Roth and Thomas Pincheon. The writer explains this sharp transition from narrowly targeted works to the mainstream to the mainstream with a desire to get acquainted with the thoughts, feelings and experiences of most of society.

Search for yourself

After graduating from school, the young guy went to look for work, which surprised many friends. There were two reasons for this decision: the lack of extra money from parents and ordinary curiosity.

Ted Williams in his teens, which he didn’t do, to earn a piece of bread. It all started with participation in a group called "Idiot". The guys performed rock music in all kinds of bars and cafeterias.

ted williams mastermind

Later, Robert decided to try his hand at sales and got a job in the shoe department. To meet people and explore new streets, Paul became a postman.

Over time, the future writer came to creative professions. About ten years Ted Williams spent in the theater, analyzed the functioning of television and the features of work on radio stations.

And already at a conscious age, the man realized that work should bring pleasure and a desire to develop further in a certain direction. Ted cast aside all thoughts of prestigious positions and career growth and settled on writing.


In addition to books, Ted Williams also writes scripts for films, works on comics and edits plans for television programs. His bibliography consists of several cycles:

  1. "Order of the Mansukript" ("Throne of Dragon Bones," "Rock of Farewell," "Wind Road" and "Tower of the Green Angel").
  2. "Inozemye" ("City of Golden Shadows", "River of Blue Flames", "Mountain of Black Glass" and "Sea of ​​Silver Light").
  3. "March of Shadows" ("March of Shadows", "Game of Shadows", "Rise of Shadows", "Heart of Shadows" - the last two parts in the Russian Federation were not published).
  4. "Adventures on an Ordinary Farm" ("Dragons of an Ordinary Farm", "Secrets of an Ordinary Farm").
  5. “Bobby Dollar” (“Dirty Heaven Streets”, “Hell Discount Time” and “Doomsday Oversleep”).
williams ted books

The series does not include Tailpipe, or The Adventures of the Young Cat, Child of the Ancient City, Hour of the Caliban, and War of the Flowers. Most of the works are saturated with motifs of fantasy (children's and urban) and partly cyberpunk.


Reviews of Ted Williams indicate that his work has many fans and followers. One of the striking examples is George Raymond Richard Martin, who is known throughout the world for the cycle “Song of Ice and Fire” (on the basis of which the series “Game of Thrones” was shot). Also, German rock musicians recorded the song "Foreigner", dedicated to the eponymous series of books by Ted Williams.

ted williams fantasy author

Thus, the writer created incredible worlds where the reader is worried about the lives of the main characters and sets the boundaries between good and evil. His works have become a source of inspiration for contemporary authors and musicians.

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