In the article, we will consider which ointment from the wen is the most effective.
The appearance of lipoma on the body is very unpleasant, and almost everyone wants to get rid of such an unaesthetic formation. Such an unattractive bulge can be on any area of ββthe body, however, it presents the biggest problem when it is located on the face or in areas that cannot be hidden with clothing. It is generally better to remove a fat from a cosmetologist, dermatologist or surgeon, but in some situations you can try to get rid of such a delicate problem yourself.
You can try to remove the lipoma yourself only when it is small (maximum one centimeter) and is located close to the skin surface. This article will talk about several safe methods for getting rid of tumors at home. If wen are deep and large, you need to seek help from a doctor.
How to choose an ointment from a wen, we will tell below.
How should lipomas not be removed at home?
People sometimes try to get rid of a wen by sticking it with a needle. But it is not always possible to produce just such a manipulation, since the adipose tissue can be tightly attached to the epidermis or insufficiently matured. Deepening a puncture or trying to squeeze out with your fingers creates a risk of infection, which leads to aggravation of the violation and suppuration.
In addition to these complications, such an attempt to eliminate the wen is always accompanied by bleeding from the wounds and pain.
The same negative consequences can occur after extrusion of lipomas with nails.
Ways to eliminate wen pharmacy ointments at home
To get rid of a wen at home, you can use different local pharmacy products. The principle of their influence is based on the improvement of material metabolism, blood circulation and softening of tissues.
Most of these funds can be used to remove wen on the body and face, however, when using them, contact with mucous membranes (genitals, nose, mouth and eyes) should be avoided. Before applying ointment from a wen, you must make sure that there is no hypersensitivity to its composition. To do this, apply a small amount of the product (gel or cream) to the inner region of the forearm and after 20-30 minutes make sure that there is no redness.
Balm (cream) "Vitaon"
This natural remedy contains essential oils and extracts of medicinal plants (peppermint, celandine, yarrow, St. John's wort, calendula, pine, etc.), which have regenerative, antimicrobial, analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties. The drug "Vitaon" gently and gently acts, can be used to treat adults and children (including during breastfeeding and pregnancy).
The ointment from the wen on the body is applied to the gauze bandage, it is applied to the wen. It needs to be changed as it dries. "Vitaon" must be used for a long time - about a month, but its use often guarantees an effective result, the wen is resorbed.
"We see"
This ointment from a wen includes in its composition retinol, which provides tissue cleavage of the wen and helps to reduce its size or complete disappearance.
Apply ointment to the area of ββthe wen twice a day, cover it with a gauze napkin and adhesive plaster. The duration of treatment is set individually. This drug can be used by both adults and children. Ointment "Videstim" is allowed to women during breastfeeding, but in the first trimester of pregnancy it is contraindicated. Before using the product, you must definitely read the instructions and familiarize yourself with the contraindications so as not to harm the body.
Vishnevsky ointment from wen
This preparation includes birch tar, xeroform, castor oil or fish oil, which enhance the influence of the main components and provide a deeper penetration into the skin. Such ingredients provide blood flow to the lipoma, a drying and antimicrobial effect. The adipose tissue as a result gradually dissolves, goes outside.
Vishnevsky ointment is applied to the area of ββthe lipoma, covered with a gauze napkin, fixed with a band-aid. You need to change the dressing as the drug dries. The number of procedures is set individually - a wen usually resolves after three to four days.
Such a tool can be used to treat adults and children. During breastfeeding or pregnancy, the possibility of using Vishnevsky ointment should be discussed with your doctor. In addition, before use, you must familiarize yourself with all contraindications in the instructions.
It should be noted that in Vishnevsky's ointment there is birch tar, which enhances the sensitivity of the skin to ultraviolet rays. That is why it is not recommended to use this drug in open areas of the body in the spring-summer period.
Ichthyol ointment
This ointment for the absorption of wen includes in its composition medical vaseline and ichthyol. Thanks to ichthyol, there is a flow of blood to the wen area, its resorption. Such a tool has anti-inflammatory, bactericidal and wound healing effects, softens the skin.
It is necessary to apply ichthyol ointment to the lipoma twice a day. Then apply a gauze napkin and adhesive plaster. The number of procedures is set individually, as in previous cases.
Ichthyol ointment can be used to treat adults and children over six years of age. This remedy is allowed during lactation and pregnancy (in such cases, the ointment should not be applied to the chest area).
What other ointment against wen will help?
Ointments on badagi
Gels, creams and ointments, based on badag, heal and absorb wounds, improve blood flow to the skin. They are actively used in the cosmetic field for the absorption of wen, tumors and hematomas. The drug on the basis of badiaga needs to be applied 1-2 times a day on the wen, cover with a gauze cloth and fix with adhesive tape. Duration of use is set individually.
Badyagi-based products can be used to treat adults (including pregnant women and nursing mothers) and children. Such drugs can not be applied to the area of ββthe heart or chest, and also to use in case of damage to the skin.
Homemade ointments
You can also prepare ointments at home.
The following are some recipes:
- Ointment from laundry soap and baked onions. Peel a small onion head, then bake in the oven. Then pass through a meat grinder, combine with one tablespoon of laundry soap, crushed on a fine grater. The resulting ointment in the form of a compress is applied twice a day. The duration of use is set for each person separately.
- Ointment from honey and fruits of horse chestnut. Wash five chestnuts, peel, grind with a blender. The finished mass is mixed with a tablespoon of honey. It is also allowed to add aloe leaves, crushed to a homogeneous consistency. Ready ointment in the form of a compress is applied three times a day or applied to the wen on the face in a thick layer. The duration of treatment is also set individually.
- Ointment for wen from garlic and fat. Garlic and lard are crushed in a blender in a ratio of 1: 2. An ointment is applied to the lipoma area two to three times a day. You need to continue treatment as much as required in each case.
Rules for the use of ointments
Before using conservative therapy in the form of ointments, you need to familiarize yourself with their instructions for use. With the independent manufacture of the product, you need to study all the ingredients used in the composition. You can treat a neoplasm yourself after a medical consultation. Before applying the ointment from wen on the face and body, you need to clean the skin. It is advisable to do the procedure in the morning, so that in the presence of an allergic reaction, have additional time for the necessary actions.
During the fight against lipomas, one should refuse to use various kinds of cosmetics. You can not use several drugs at the same time, since there is a possibility of incompatibility of the ingredients, which will lead to negative consequences.
Reviews of ointments from wen
At home, getting rid of a wen in some cases can be effective. This is evidenced by patient reviews. Ointments from lipomas are able to act only in the early stages of their formation. If the lipomatous nodes have grown and put pressure on the joints, muscles or blood vessels, they will not be able to get rid of them without surgical intervention.
First, it must be precisely established that the tumor under the skin is benign. To do this, consult a doctor.
An allergic reaction should be excluded, since it is often observed in patients if they carefully read the instructions or use ingredients that are not tolerated by the body for home ointments. You can not treat lipomatosis, using different external drugs at the same time.
When deciding to use local means to remove a wen, you need to be prepared for a long treatment course.
However, patients consider the surgery by the surgeon the most effective when the lipoma is removed along with the capsule.