Danish hot dog: cooking secrets

Did you know that so often scolded by everyone (it has already become fashionable) fast food can also be homemade and tasty? We offer you to treat your home and guests with fast and wonderful food called “Danish hot dog”. Judging by experience, no one has ever refused this hearty snack. Especially when in nature, but in the fresh air, and with smoke - it just flies away!

danish hot dog

Some features

The cooking process itself and the composition of the components, which includes the Danish hot dog, is not much different, but there are still some nuances. Some people think that the main thing is that this dish is famous for crispy onions. However, for example, French and Danish hot dogs are distinguished by their cooking technology. For the first one, a sausage fried in a grill is taken, inserted into the French bun heated with the same grill or toaster. We also add specially designed original sauces. For the second “fast”, we first cut the bun with sesame seeds and put in it fried sausage and additives: ketchup, mustard, fried onions (dried), pickled cucumber. Authentic Danish hot dog is made on the basis of Knackers or Sausage sausages, as an option - sausages in bacon. So let's get started!


We need: “French” sandwich buns (by the number of servings), sausages (you can take “Viennese” - they are affordable and tasty, but if you want to get confused, look for “Knakers” or “Medister”), 30 grams of mustard, but not too spicy, 100 grams of ordinary ketchup, a couple of onions, a few pickled cucumbers, breadcrumbs, a little milk, flour, spices - turmeric and ground paprika, black pepper, to taste - a little salt. And for frying, take refined vegetable oil (sunflower, corn, olive or a mixture).

bow for danish hot dog

Bow for Danish Hot Dog

We start with a crispy onion - let it be a distinctive component that gives this dish its own face! In a convenient container we add 30 grams of sifted flour, a pinch of salt, a pinch of ground pepper (black), and other spices. Mix all the ingredients. Add some milk and mix. We clean the onions and cut into half rings. We take a small portion of half rings and breaded in the resulting mixture. We heat the lean oil in a non-stick pan. Fry the onion until golden over medium heat. The resulting golden half rings are laid out on a napkin or paper towel to dry, remove the remaining fat and cool.

sausages for danish hot dog


Sausages for the Danish hot dog, as mentioned above, can be taken, for example, Viennese. However, any variety is suitable for home cooking according to a not very scrupulous recipe. The main thing is that they are natural, fresh and without a celluloid shell (otherwise it must be removed). If you want to do it by all the rules, then look for the Knakers class. Yes, and do not forget to pre-fry this ingredient in a pan until it is rosy. This is done in a well-heated frying pan in vegetable oil (it does not need to be particularly sorry). Dip each sausage into boiling oil using special tongs - this is convenient - and periodically rotate along the axis. With proper skills, the product is very quickly browned on all sides. Then with the same tweezers we take out the sausage from the oil and remove the excess fat with a kitchen towel or napkin.

bun for danish hot dog with sesame seeds

Danish hot dog bun with sesame seeds

It’s not really worth making buns yourself, as you can buy them at any supermarket today, the freshest ones. Each must be cut lengthwise in the center, without cutting to the very end. We put a cucumber, previously sliced ​​in long rings, and one browned sausage into the hole of the undercut bun (by the way, for those who are afraid of excess fat: you can also use the boiled version). We taste Danish hot dog with mustard and ketchup to taste. And - the final chord - generously sprinkle with crispy aromatic onions.

In principle, home fast food can be considered ready-made and serve. If you are outdoors, you can use the option with a grill. Then we fry the sausage on the grill and heat the hot dog bun there. The rest of the recipe - as in the main version of the dish. This dish is very suitable for any picnic. Firstly, it is tasty, and secondly, it is prepared extremely quickly and simply. Bon appetit to all!

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