Canned salad of tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers and onions. Canned Green Tomato Salad

The most favorite blanks for the winter are all kinds of twists from tomatoes. What kind of recipes do not come up with real housewives! What only combinations of vegetable components you will not see in banks!

Tomato harvesting

A canned tomato salad will always look exquisite on a winter table. How to cook such a dish? Now we will tell.

For cooking, you need to take 4 kilograms of tomatoes, sweet pepper and onion to take in equal proportions (1 kilogram each), you will also need parsley root, salt, bay leaf, peppercorns.

canned salad of tomato and pepper cucumbers

You need to take strong tomatoes, but not green, cut them and onions into rings, grate the carrots coarsely. Mix everything and add salt. Let all the resulting mixture stand in the refrigerator for 8 hours under load. Now you need to strain the resulting salad, pour into the pan and cook for 35 minutes. Arrange hot in jars, cork and refrigerate.

From green vegetables

Canned salad of green tomatoes is an unusual dish that came to Russian cuisine from Hungary. For its preparation, small and dense vegetables are taken. Only 2 kilograms of tomatoes, 2 kilograms of bell pepper, 1 kilogram of cabbage and carrots will be needed for this very tasty salad, which has a rather specific sweet and sour taste. You will need to add 200 ml of vinegar, 250 ml of vegetable oil, half a glass of salt and 2 cups of sugar.

canned pepper and tomato salad


First you need to rinse all the vegetables well. Then you should cut the tomatoes and onions in half rings, pepper - in strips. After you need to grate the carrots, and chop the cabbage. Pour oil into a saucepan, put vegetables, add sugar and salt, stir and turn on a low heat. Wait for the salad to boil and continue to cook, stirring constantly, for half an hour. Then add vinegar and keep the pan on fire for another 5 minutes. Everything, the salad is ready.

canned salad of green tomatoes

Now you need to decompose it into prepared containers and roll up the lids. Why is such a canned salad of green tomatoes good ? The fact that a lot of unripe fruits remain on the plot in the fall. They will not have to be thrown away or fed to pets.

Tasty preparation

How to cook canned red tomato salads? And again, the ingredients are selected the most diverse. Take all vegetables in equal amounts (for example, one kilogram). In this recipe, not only tomatoes play a decisive role, but also cabbage, which must be finely chopped. Tomatoes are cut into slices, like an orange. You also need to take a little bell pepper for piquancy, make a straw out of it. Onions will look good if cut into half rings. Carrots, as in previous recipes, should be grated so that it mixes well with all other vegetables and gives the dish a beautiful color. Put all the workpieces in an enameled container, add salt, sugar, vegetable oil and vinegar. Add all these spices to taste. After you need to mix and put on the stove, simmer for twenty minutes. Fire doesn't have to be big. The final step is to spread the salad into sterilized jars, roll up, cover and cool.

Another recipe

You can cook another canned pepper and tomato salad. For it, you need to wash sweet pepper (4 kg), preferably red. Hold for two minutes in boiling water and cool. Now cut it into strips. Wash 4 kilograms of green tomatoes and cut into circles, onions are also prepared. Celery lovers can add it (400 grams will be enough), previously chopped. Then everything should be mixed, add half a glass of salt and sugar, seasoning the dish with one teaspoon of ground pepper and vinegar. Banks should first be sterilized in advance, after which our workpiece needs to be laid in them.

canned tomato salad
With cucumbers

The combination of vegetables in salads for preservation can be absolutely anything. Since the experiments went, you should continue them and try another salad, canned from cucumbers, tomatoes and peppers. For him, tomatoes will need to be twisted in a meat grinder, having received a volume of 5 liters. Pour into the pan and place on the stove. A glass of sugar, three tablespoons of salt, a glass of vegetable oil and peas can be added immediately, without waiting for the mixture to boil. Let the contents be cooked, and at this time you need to cook the pepper, which should be washed. Then it should be cleaned and cut into strips. After you need to throw pepper, one and a half kilograms of onion rings and 1 kilogram of carrots in circles there. Next, extinguish all 15 minutes. Then, until the salad has cooled, fill them with cans and quickly roll up.

With onion

canned tomato and onion salad

Not quite original, but very tasty will be a canned salad of tomatoes and onions. The entire number of products is designed for two cans of half a liter. This dish is prepared in an hour. The composition is as follows:

  • 1 kilogram of tomatoes;
  • 2 pieces of onions;
  • some salt, about 12 grams;
  • 80 grams of vinegar;
  • 1-2 cloves of cloves;
  • 3 peppercorns;
  • 50 grams of sugar.

Exotic lovers can add ginger and cinnamon.

First you need to boil salted water, put ripe tomatoes in it for three minutes. Then send them under a stream of cold water, so that the skin can be removed more easily. Cut into slices, transfer to another container and cook in your own juice. Cut the onion coarsely and pour into the tomatoes. Add all the spices, only vinegar at the very end of cooking. How to find out what is enough to cook already? The volume will be halved. Arrange the salad in clean jars, roll it up and leave it in a warm place for a while until it has completely cooled down.

Vegetable salad

And how to cook canned tomato salad? Now consider another option. Those who invented this recipe consider it not quite a salad, but rather tomatoes in their own juice. But what impresses with this option is that there is no vinegar. How much time will be spent on cooking? No more than an hour.

So, how to cook this canned tomato salad? First, it is worth noting that in the end you should get a liter of finished food. So what should I take? A kilogram with a small tomato, salt (about three quarters of a tablespoon). Tomatoes must be juicy, the variety Bull's heart will do just fine.

canned red tomato salads

As always, they wash the tomatoes, drain the water. Literally for several seconds they are placed in boiling water, then in cold water. Make incisions and peel off. Cut into large slices.

Then you should treat the jar with a soda, the lid and rinse everything. Warm the prepared container in the oven and allow the dishes to dry. Then you should fill the slices of tomatoes in a jar half, sprinkle with salt, put the next layer, and pour out the remaining salt. Close the jar with a lid and put into the pan for sterilization for forty minutes. And then everything, as usual: get out of the water, roll up the lids and turn over. Let it cool. This dish is suitable as a sauce for main dishes. A good addition to winter borscht.


Now you know how to prepare canned tomato salad. We add that do not be afraid to experiment. It is necessary to make various preparations and dishes not only for the winter as preparations. We must try to please our loved ones with a variety of lunches and dinners.

The main thing is that the whole family gathers at the table. Cooking alone is not interesting. And if relatives and friends will consider the mistress a wonderful craftswoman, then she will cook with all her heart. This means that the dishes will turn out to be especially tasty, and not only one canned tomato salad, but also other similar preparations of vegetables that grew on the beds. Good luck!

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