Vermox or Vormil - which is better? Instructions for use and reviews

In the article, consider what is better - “Vermox” or “Vormil”. According to medical practice, a large number of people, both older and younger, are infected with parasites. In a special risk group are people from warm countries, where the climate is humid.

The danger of these diseases in cycles, eggs and larvae migrate around the world, thereby affecting completely different people. As a result, an infected person notices strange symptoms, but can relate them to other diseases. Experts note the difficulty in determining the right course of treatment, since each drug has its own side effects. The most commonly prescribed medications for the treatment of worms are Vermox or Vormil. A comparison of their characteristics will help determine which drug is stronger. So, Vermox or Vormil - which is better?

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Medication "Vermox"

This is one of the most common drugs for controlling pinworms, echinococci, roundworms, whipworms. The main substance in the composition is mebendazole. It inhibits the process of combining beta-tobulin in parasite cells, which leads to their death, since there is a violation of protein metabolism within 3 days after taking the first tablet.

For the prevention of helminth infections, Vermox can be prescribed only by a parasitologist. In addition to the treatment of enterobiasis, the drug relieves the body from other types of worms:

  • Teniosis or, as they call it, pork tapeworm.
  • Hookworm or Egyptian chlorosis.
  • Polyinvasion.

After completing the course, they recommend undergoing choleretic therapy with the use of sorbents and laxatives. This is necessary to eliminate the possible blockage of the lumen of the intestine or bile duct caused by a large number of dead parasites. Consider the instructions for Vermox. Reviews and prices will be presented at the end of the article.

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Instructions for use "Vermox"

The dose of the drug depends on the type of parasite, if it:

  • enterobiosis - a dose is taken once - 100 mg;
  • ascariasis, trichocephalosis, hookworm, necatorosis and mixed helminthiases - a 3-day course of 200 mg 2 times a day is prescribed;
  • teniosis and strongyloidosis - 400 mg for adults (2 tablets) twice a day, for children over 3 years old - 200 mg, treatment for three days;
  • echinococcosis - 500 mg in the first 3 days 2 times a day, after three days the dose should be increased to 500 mg 3 times a day; further dose - 1000-1500 mg 3 times / day., treatment lasts from 4 to 6 weeks;
  • trichinosis - on the first day 200-300 mg three times a day, on the second day 200-300 mg four times a day, and from 3 to 14 days - 500 mg three times a day.

Doctors recommend treating the whole family at the same time. Diet or laxatives are not required.

Side effects of the drug

Due to the fact that the antiparasitic drug is toxic, there are a number of side effects:

  • hypersensitivity as anaphylactic and anaphylactoid reactions;
  • violation of the intestines;
  • increased activity of hepatic transaminases;
  • alkaline phosphatase;
  • hepatitis;
  • hives;
  • angioedema;
  • headache;
  • drowsiness;
  • cramps in infants;
  • anemia.

Cases of hair loss were recorded when taking high doses of the drug for a long time. If an overdose occurs, it is urgent to remove the medicine from the stomach, induce vomiting or rinse, and then take activated charcoal. Which is better - "Vermox" or "Vormil", interesting to many.

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The medicine "Vormil"

The main substance in the composition is albendazole, which helps to cope with the most common types of helminths. Due to its composition, the drug successfully fights against parasites:

  • round - nemotodamy;
  • tape - cestodams;
  • flat - trematodams;
  • the simplest are lamblia.

It also effectively treats capillary infections and neurocysticercosis, effectively copes with the destruction of cysts of granular echinococcus.

Instructions for use "Vormila"

The dosage "Vormila" is prescribed personally only by the attending physician, taking into account the age of the patient and the kind of parasites. In the best case, you will need 1 dose of the drug per day, not more than 400 mg, the course will last several days. After that, it is necessary to pass repeated tests to make sure that the worms die, if traces of parasites are detected, the course is repeated.

The main contraindication of albendazole is pregnancy and breastfeeding, treatment can adversely affect the baby's health. Young girls who are in an intimate relationship are advised to undergo a pregnancy test before starting treatment. "Vormil" is allowed to take in childhood from 2 years. The product is made in the form of: tablets that can be chewed, and suspensions.

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You should take into account the side effects when taking "Vormila":

  • dermatitis;
  • gastrointestinal disorders;
  • nausea;
  • dizziness;
  • weakness.

You should stop taking the medicine when this symptom appears.

An overdose should be avoided, as this threatens intoxication of the body, weakness and impairment of the nervous system. In this case, immediately wash the stomach.

Which is better - "Vormil" or "Vermox?

An analysis of the parameters of both drugs will help answer the question. They are united by the effect on the death of not only adult parasites, but also on larvae, the similarity of indications for use, and, in addition, contraindications.

There are many differences:

  1. Different active substances.
  2. The release form is different, "Vormil" is also produced as a suspension.
  3. Different area of ​​impact. Vermox fights intestinal infestations. "Vormil" copes with parasites in body tissues.
  4. Different price. Vermox is cheaper.
  5. Differ in toxicity. "Vormil" is not so toxic, it allows you to assign it as a preventive measure.
  6. The duration of treatment. “Vermox” heals in 1 day, “Vormil” is prescribed for a long time.
    what is better pyrantel

Hence the conclusion: if the question is about an urgent solution to the problem, then you can use Vermox, but if you do not want to experience a large number of side effects, then it is better to Vormil.

For children, which drug to choose?

“Fed” or “Vermox” - which is better for a child? For children, it is safer to use drugs with albendazole, that is, "Vormil." This tool can be used not only for the treatment of lamblia, but also other protozoa. Vermox is not suitable for children due to its high toxicity. Often it leads to the appearance of unpleasant side effects for the child. It can be prescribed only if there are contraindications to albendazole.


A medication from the group of anthelmintics, actively acts against most infections that are caused by damage to the body by parasites. The tool has a depressing effect not only on the vital activity of adult worms, but also on the metabolic processes of larvae.

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Against the background of application, the stores of glycogen in the body of the parasite are critically depleted, as a result, the absorption of glucose molecules is irreversibly disrupted. The active substance of the drug mebendazole reduces the rate of production of adenosine triphosphate. The production of special protein tubulin in the cells of the worm ceases.


Many are wondering if Vermox and Pirantel can be taken. Let's figure it out. There is another drug to combat parasitic diseases, it is more affordable, the active substance is pyrantel. Also used in the treatment of pinworms. It has a wide spectrum of action against helminths living in the gastrointestinal tract.

Its peculiarity is low ingestion into the blood, unable to do much harm, and therefore the drug has very few side effects. Thanks to this, Pirantel is allowed to prescribe children from 6 months old, pregnant women and during breastfeeding, but it will be necessary to suspend the baby’s feeding during treatment.

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Recommended dosage of Pirantel:

  • from 6 months to 2 years, a suspension is prescribed - ½ measuring cup;
  • from 2 to 6 years - 250 mg of suspension;
  • from 6 to 12 years - 500 mg - 2 measuring cups or 2 tablets;
  • from 12 years old and adults weighing less than 75 kg - 750 mg each - 3 measuring cups or 3 tablets;
  • adults weighing more than 75 kg - 1000 mg - 4 measuring cups or 4 tablets.

For prevention, it is necessary to re-take the drug after 21 days after the first.

Which is better - Pirantel, Vormil or Vermoks?

“Pyrantel” and “Vormil” combine good efficacy in the treatment of parasites living in the gastrointestinal tract, but “Vormil” has a wider range of effects on other parasites.

Pirantel has an advantage: it is easier to tolerate by children and pregnant women. There are practically no side effects, overdose cases are minimal.

As for Vermox, its spectrum of action and effectiveness is greater than that of Pirantel, but there are also more unpleasant consequences. The advantage of Pirantela is its release form - suspension, which facilitates administration in childhood.

To decide which is better - “Vormil”, “Vermox” or “Vormin”, it is necessary to identify the parasite, evaluate all the risks of side effects and the degree of damage to the body by helminths. Only a doctor can figure this out. You can’t choose a medicine just like that. Which is better - "Vermox" or "Vormil", according to parasitologists? About it below.

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Doctors reviews

Experts, based on statistical data, agree that these three drugs in their own way cope well with the disease. Parasitologists note a high percentage of cured patients from these drugs. They also talk about the positive effect of drugs for preventive purposes. Most often, Vermox is used for this.

The only thing doctors are asking for is that you should not take these medications yourself. For effective treatment, a medical history and an accurately diagnosed diagnosis are necessary. Since the symptoms of infection with parasites and other diseases can coincide, only a doctor can determine the correct treatment and prescribe the drug that will be more effective for you, but less toxic. Which is better - "Vermox" or "Vormil", according to patients' reviews, it is also important to know.

Patient Reviews

Today there are many reviews about the drugs in question. They are all different. Most often there are positive comments about Vormila, this is due to the fact that it is used to treat children under 3 years old. Also, mothers on the forums note that they like the ability to use the medicine as a prophylaxis for both children and adults.

Negative reviews can be found about Vermox, patients mostly complain of side effects, but at the same time note good treatment results.

Sometimes Vermox and Vormil do not help with pinworms, then Pirantel will come to the rescue. People like its low cost and virtually no side effects.

Helminth infection is now much more common. To prevent the disease, you need to wash your hands often with soap and water, all vegetables and fruits consumed in raw form must also be thoroughly washed. Teach children to be hygienic; do not allow them to pull dirty fingers or objects into their mouths. Particularly careful should be people traveling abroad to rest in warm places.

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