Instructions for use "Abacteril": analogues and reviews

A huge number of microorganisms today threaten human health. Obviously, their prevalence is incredibly high. However, there are some areas of their special concentration that may threaten the safety of those who are in this room (for example, medical facilities; a room with high humidity and favorable conditions for the development of fungus, mold, dangerous microorganisms). Also, in some cases, it is critically important to keep your hands clean so as not to harm other people (for example, employees of childcare facilities or operating departments, as well as service workers). In order to ensure high-quality disinfection in all described and many other cases, it is necessary to choose the most effective disinfectant. Many consider Abacteril as such. What are the advantages and features of the use of this tool? The topic of this article will be instructions for use. "Abacteril" (information about the disinfectant), the nuances and features of its use - all this you will find in w = our material.

instructions for use abacteril

Action funds

The pharmacological action of the drug in question describes the instructions for use in detail. "Abacteril" has a strong antibacterial effect on a variety of viruses (including the herpes virus, influenza, SARS, hepatitis, HIV and poliomyelitis), fungi (including Trichophyton and Candida), as well as gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria (including Mycobacterium tuberculosis).

The instructions for use are called prolonged antibacterial effect of the drug "Abacteril-chlorine" (the effect achieved is maintained for another three hours).

abacteril instructions for use


In order to avoid undesirable reactions in contact with skin, it is necessary to study the composition of the product, which is indicated by the instructions for use. "Abacteril" contains the following active components: alkyl dimethylbenzylammonium chloride, isopropyl alcohol, polyhexamethylene guanidine hydrochloride. Also, this disinfectant contains a number of substances that actively care for and moisturize the skin (including functional additives).

abacteril chlorine instructions for use

Release form

The drug is available in the form of solutions, which are a liquid concentrate. Depending on the breadth of the scope, "Abacteryl-chlorine" and "Abacteril-asset" are isolated. The instructions for use assure that they are equally effective against all types of bacteria and viruses described above.

abacteril asset instructions for use

Indications for use

The drug, diluted in a specialized form resistant to the effects of a disinfectant, is used to treat the hands of employees of medical institutions (regardless of their specialization); also for processing the hands of operating and all staff involved in any type of surgical intervention (including dental surgery) in maternity wards during the delivery procedure. Similarly, this tool is used to prepare the surgical field (skin area) for surgery, as well as the injection field (for injection) and for the disinfection of gloves of employees of medical institutions during their work with infected material or for infections of various origins.

Abacteril is also popular among employees of enterprises specializing in the production of sterile products.

Of great importance for the safety of visitors is the treatment with the disinfectant with the hands of employees of preschool organizations and schools, as well as those people who provide all kinds of services (cosmetic, sports, recreational and leisure services, catering services, social welfare).

Effective "Abacteril" for the prevention of fungus on shoes and rubber mats.

This disinfectant can be successfully used to treat surfaces and objects that come into contact with infected objects or patients, to clean furniture, handles, handrails, armrests and head restraints.

abacteril concentrate instructions for use

Application features

The practice of using this disinfectant is able to reveal no less important nuances than the instructions for use. "Abacteril" as a skin antiseptic does not cause any allergic reactions, even taking into account the repeated use of this product, dries on the skin in a short time, without leaving a sticky feeling. Before using the product, there is no need to further clean your hands with soap. Effectively degreases the treated areas.

Disinfection of any kind of work surfaces can be done with the Abacteril-concentrate. Instructions for use recommend the use of the product also in the form of napkins. The substance effectively cleanses any dirt. "Abacteril" is excellent for quick processing of small inaccessible areas of the premises. Also used for disinfecting gloves and disinfecting shoes (destroys fungi).

instructions for use abacteril information

Consumption of funds on the treated surface

There are some recommendations regarding the amount of product used, which contains instructions for use. "Abacteril" should be consumed in accordance with the following scheme: for every square meter of the treated surface, forty milliliters of the working solution must be used.

Toxicity level

Before use, it is important to determine what level of toxicity the disinfectant "Abacteril" has. Instructions for use of the drug gives a score of 4 for this parameter, provided that it is applied to the skin, if it enters the stomach, and the working solution is applied to the surface.

instructions for use abacterin disinfectant information

Analogs and reviews

There are a number of analogues of the disinfectant in question. All of them have been thoroughly researched on the basis of reputable research institutes. So, the following disinfectants belong to this group: Alpiseptic, Alpiseptic-forte, DesiseptI Ultra (these products are intended for cleansing the skin, any surfaces and various medical devices); "Mixamin-septic tank" and "Edel" (intended to cleanse only surfaces and skin integuments).

Reviews confirm the effectiveness of this tool. Users indicate the absence of a sharp unpleasant odor, discomfort from the mucous membranes and respiratory tract, any allergic reactions. The effectiveness of surface treatment with "Abacteril" is confirmed not only by customer reviews, but also by laboratory tests. Also, after applying this tool, most buyers said they could use the drug in the most economical way without compromising effectiveness.

In order for the use of the product to give the expected result, it is important to adhere to all the recommendations contained in the instructions for use of "Abacteril". Information on the scope, dosage and features of use is an excellent guide to action. High-quality disinfection becomes the key to the safety of your patients or clients, children and loved ones.

Do not neglect the need to take care of the disinfection and sterility of objects that need it. This demonstrates respect for the people who subsequently use them, as well as for oneself. Caring for the health of others is the primary responsibility of those on whom it depends. This reflects a professional attitude.

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