The most common gallbladder disease. Symptoms and treatment.

The most common diseases of the gallbladder, the symptoms of each disease and their treatment - all this will be discussed in this article.

Among the diseases of the digestive system, gallbladder diseases are very common . Symptoms of these diseases to one degree or another in middle age appear in every fifth person.

Normally, the gallbladder is located in the subhepatic space, has an oval (pear-shaped) shape. This is a kind of organ that deposits bile, which is necessary for the digestion and breakdown of fats. Bile formed in the liver flows through the hepatic biliary tract into the common duct (common bile duct) and is partially deposited in the gall bladder. The choledoch is connected with the duodenum, into which bile and pancreatic juice flows out through it.

Well-known acute and chronic cholecystitis, cholelithiasis, biliary dyskinesia, developmental abnormalities (bends and adhesions) form a group called gallbladder disease. Symptoms of these diseases have much in common.

Signs of gallbladder disease and clinical manifestations

  1. Acute and chronic cholecystitis, is the presence of an inflammatory process in the bladder. Inflammation can occur as a result of the penetration of a bacterial, viral, fungal infection, as well as with helminthic invasion. The causative agent can enter the gallbladder hematogenously (through the blood), with lymph or through the intestines. Factors contributing to the development of inflammation are dyskinesia (impaired biliary motility), malnutrition, severe obesity, pregnancy, the presence of chronic diseases of other organs of the digestive system. The disease is manifested by the occurrence of pain in the gallbladder and in the projection of the liver. Perhaps the appearance of dyspeptic phenomena, such as: nausea, bitterness in the mouth, associated with the throwing of bile into the stomach, vomiting. Body temperature may rise to subfebrile numbers. In the absence of stones, jaundice, as a rule, does not occur. An ultrasound examination reveals an enlarged bladder with thickened, uneven walls.
  2. Gallstone disease - bile duct stones - is a disease of the gallbladder, the symptoms of which are manifested by hepatic colic and are accompanied by the formation of stones in the bladder. Violation of the constant composition of the components of bile, with the predominance of cholesterol and bilirubin, leads to stone formation. The almost constant inflammation of the walls of the bladder as a result of trauma to their stone leads to the development of inflammation, which exacerbates the course of the disease. Stones can form not only in the bladder, but also in the hepatic bile ducts. Clinical manifestations are especially pronounced during an exacerbation of the disease, the so-called biliary colic. The attack usually begins acutely, with the appearance of cramping pains in the bladder area. The pain is very intense, can be given to the back, neck, right arm. Often the body temperature rises. In the event that the stone clogged the lumen of the common bile duct, the normal outflow of bile is disrupted and mechanical jaundice occurs. It is manifested by a yellow color of the skin, sclera and severe itching. Palpation of the abdominal wall is very painful, symptoms of peritoneal irritation may be positive.
  3. Biliary dyskinesia is a type of biliary tract disease, the symptoms and clinic of which depend on the type of dyskinesia. Violation of motility of the biliary tract can be of a hyper- and hypokinetic type. With the hypomotor type, delayed evacuation of bile is noted. The patient complains of persistent, aching pain in the bladder area. The gall bladder is sluggish, overstretched. Stagnation of bile can contribute to its crystallization. Dyspepsia and stool disorders are characteristic. The hypermotor type of dyskinesia is characterized by accelerated evacuation of bile. Pain in this case resembles hepatic colic, but at the same time, they are less intense. For this type of motor impairment, the dependence of the appearance of pain on food intake is characteristic.
  4. With abnormalities of the development of the bubble on ultrasound scanning, you can see its inflection or the presence of adhesions or constrictions in it. Accordingly, the normal outflow of bile is disrupted, and characteristic complaints arise.

If a gallbladder disease is detected, the treatment and management tactics of the patient are determined by the doctor. Of great importance in this is proper nutrition, with the absence of products provoking an attack. In the absence of stones, choleretic drugs and herbal preparations, antispasmodics and pain medications are used. With severe inflammation, antibiotic therapy is prescribed. Tubing with magnesia or mineral water is possible. Stone cholecystitis, especially if the stones are large or clog the duct, are treated surgically.

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