Banana for breakfast: recipes for cooking, the benefits and harm

Banana is a delicious and very popular fruit grown in tropical countries. Its fragrant white flesh combines well with many products, which contributes to the demand for cooking. In today's publication it will be told whether it is possible to eat a banana for breakfast, what effect it has on the human body and what to cook from it.

The benefits and harms of the product

The sweet flesh of banana is considered an excellent source of unique antioxidants, the formulas of which have not yet been recreated in the laboratory. It is also rich in maltose, sucrose, glucose and fructose. This makes her the strongest natural energetic. In addition to everything, it contains enough calories. So, a banana eaten for breakfast, the use of which is due to its vitamin and mineral composition, will allow you to stay with a feeling of satiety for a long time.

banana for breakfast

This product contains a lot of potassium, which is necessary for the proper functioning of the nervous system, controlling the heart rate, maintaining an acceptable level of blood pressure and preventing the occurrence of muscle cramps. The sodium contained in it helps to remove excess fluid and prevents the development of swelling. Together with potassium, it regulates metabolic processes and normalizes the acid-base balance. It generally does not have fats and cholesterol, but there is enough vitamin C. Therefore, the banana used for breakfast, the benefits and harms of which have already been well studied by experts, significantly increases the digestibility of iron and destroys free radicals that destroy viable cells. Dietary fiber contained in it gently cleanses the body and normalizes the digestive tract. Also, these fruits are rich in phosphorus, iron, manganese, calcium and vitamin B 6 .

Despite all of the above beneficial properties, these gifts of the tropics have a number of contraindications. According to recent studies, a sweet fruit eaten on an empty stomach has a bad effect on health and can be harmful. It is recommended to eat banana for breakfast only after eating other foods. Otherwise, it can provoke a sharp jump in blood sugar. In order to prevent this from happening, it is advisable to supplement it with nuts, cereals or sour-milk products.


This thick and very healthy drink is a good combination of honey, fruits and dairy products. To prepare it, you will need:

  • 1 ripe banana.
  • 2 tbsp. l non-flavored yogurt.
  • 2 tbsp. l oatmeal.
  • 1 tbsp. l liquid light honey.
  • 10 almonds.
oatmeal with banana for breakfast

Smoothies are exactly what you need for breakfast. Oatmeal with banana and yogurt complement each other perfectly and saturate the body with vital energy for a long time. This drink is prepared in just a few minutes. To do this, in a deep suitable container, combine all the ingredients, including peeled tropical fruit, and intensively process with a blender.


This sweet tasty dish is surely appreciated by the kids who love chocolate and bananas. To cook such a healthy and satisfying porridge you will need:

  • 80 g of dry semolina.
  • 100 ml of milk cream.
  • 1 ripe banana.
  • 1 cup cow’s milk.
  • 2 tsp chocolate paste.
  • ½ tsp freshly squeezed lemon juice.
  • 3 tsp any chopped nuts.

Semolina porridge is what children most often do not want to eat for breakfast. With banana and chocolate paste, it acquires a completely different taste and becomes more appetizing. It is being prepared very simply and quickly, which means you do not have to get up early in the morning to nourish your relatives heartily. Milk is poured into a pan, brought to a boil and supplemented with cereals. After about three minutes, the thickened porridge is sweetened with chocolate paste and insisted briefly under the lid. Before serving, each serving is seasoned with sauce made from pureed banana, lemon juice and cream, and sprinkled with nuts.

Rice porrige

This dessert dish is perfect for a children's breakfast. Banana and raisins give it a rich taste and pleasant aroma. To make such porridge you will need:

  • 1 cup dry rice.
  • 2 bananas.
  • 3 tbsp. l seedless raisins.
  • 3 tbsp. l olive oil.
  • 1 tbsp. l shabby parmesan.
  • Cinnamon, vanilla, sugar and drinking water.
banana breakfast recipe

Rice is fried in a pan greased with half the available olive oil. As soon as it acquires a pearl-transparent shade, it is poured with half a glass of boiling water and simmer over low heat. After absorbing the liquid, the contents of the container are supplemented with raisins, sugar, cinnamon and vanilla. All this is re-filled with boiling water and brought to readiness. Shortly before turning off the fire, the dish is supplemented with circles of fried bananas and sprinkled with grated Parmesan.


This delicious dish has a fairly dense structure and does not contain a single gram of flour. Therefore, it is considered one of the few healthy desserts suitable for children and diet breakfast. Banana gives it extra sweetness, making it possible to minimize the use of sugar. To pamper your family with such a souffle you will need:

  • 200 g of fresh cottage cheese.
  • 1 ripe banana.
  • 1 fresh raw egg.
  • 1 tbsp. l crackers for breading.
  • 1 tbsp. l small semolina.
  • 2 tbsp. l ordinary sugar.
  • Salt.
cottage cheese with banana for breakfast

Mashed banana with a fork is combined with mashed cottage cheese. All this is complemented by breadcrumbs and semolina. The resulting mass is carefully mixed with an egg whipped with sugar and salt, and then laid out in baking tins and baked at an average temperature for about twenty minutes.


This mouth-watering and very simple meal is perfect for a wholesome, healthy breakfast. The bananas present in its composition contain glucose and tryptophan, and the curd is rich in calcium. To pamper your family with rosy cheesecakes in the morning you will need:

  • 50 g of rice flour.
  • 200 g of fresh cottage cheese.
  • 1 ripe banana.
  • 1 raw egg.
  • Salt, sugar substitute and sour cream.

Curd is transferred to a volumetric cup and thoroughly knead with a fork. Then it is supplemented with a raw egg, salt, sugar substitute, rice flour and mashed banana. Neat cheesecakes are formed from the resulting mass and fry them in a heated dry skillet. Toasted products with fresh sour cream are served.

Cottage cheese with banana

For breakfast, you can prepare another sweet treat that will surely appeal to your household. It will allow you to recharge your batteries for a long time with an excellent mood. To treat them to your relatives you will need:

  • 350 g of fresh cottage cheese.
  • 50 g non-acidic sour cream.
  • 100 g unsalted butter.
  • 100 g of dark chocolate.
  • 100 g of ordinary sugar.
  • 2 bananas.
  • 2 tbsp. l pasteurized milk.
  • ½ tsp vanilla sugar.
  • Walnuts (to taste).

Cottage cheese, butter, sour cream, regular and vanilla sugar are sent to the blender bowl. All intensively beat and spread on a plate, at the bottom of which there are already sliced ​​bananas. The future dessert is briefly cleaned in the refrigerator, and then poured with sauce made from milk and melted chocolate. The finished treat is decorated with chopped nuts and re-placed in the refrigerator.


These delicious gingerbread pancakes, the recipe of which was borrowed from American hostesses, are the best that can be prepared for breakfast. Bananas give them an exquisite aroma and a special taste that even the most picky eaters will not be able to resist. To make such pancakes you will need:

  • 300 ml pasteurized cow's milk.
  • 20 g unsalted butter (+ a little more for frying).
  • 3 bananas.
  • 2 raw eggs.
  • 2 cups baking flour.
  • 3 tbsp. l ordinary sugar.
  • Salt (to taste).
the benefits of banana for breakfast

First you need to do the test. For its preparation, sifted flour, milk, sugar, egg yolks and melted butter are combined in a deep clean container. All this is thoroughly mixed, salted and supplemented with one mashed banana. Shake the finished dough again, spread it with a spoon on a hot skillet and brown on both sides. Hot pancakes are decorated with banana slices previously fried in butter.

Thin pancakes

The banana breakfast recipe below will certainly appeal to pastry lovers. To independently reproduce it in your kitchen you will need:

  • 300 ml pasteurized cow's milk.
  • 175 g baking flour.
  • 2 bananas.
  • 4 raw eggs.
  • 2 tbsp. l ordinary sugar
  • Salt and vegetable oil.

The peeled and chopped bananas are transferred to a large bowl and thoroughly knead with a fork. The resulting puree is supplemented with beaten eggs, sifted flour, sugar and salt. All this is diluted with milk, mixed and poured in portions onto a heated greased frying pan. Browned pancakes are placed on a flat plate and served with melted chocolate, honey or sour cream.

Oat pancakes

These delicious, lush and very healthy pancakes are equally suitable for both children's and adult menus. Therefore, they can feed the satiety of the whole hungry family at once. To prepare them, you will definitely need:

  • 100 g of oatmeal.
  • 50 ml of skim milk.
  • 1 raw egg.
  • 2 ripe bananas.
harm banana for breakfast

Oatmeal is ground into flour, and then supplemented with mashed fruit, egg and milk. All intensively mixed, trying to prevent the appearance of lumps. The finished dough is laid out in portions on a heated dry non-stick pan and fried for several minutes on both sides.

Oatmeal with banana

For breakfast, many of us are used to eating porridge dietary. Therefore, those who monitor their own health will need another recipe for a healthy and tasty dish. To eat a plate of delicious oatmeal in the morning, you will need:

  • ½ cup of drinking water.
  • 100 g bananas.
  • 3 tbsp. l instant oatmeal.
  • 20 g of raisins (preferably seedless).
  • 10 g butter.
  • Salt (to taste).

Pour oatmeal into a suitable saucepan and fill it with the required amount of salted water. Seven minutes after boiling, it is removed from the fire, supplemented with steamed raisins and chopped banana, and then insist briefly under the lid and seasoned with oil.

Oatmeal with Cinnamon and Fruit

This delicious milk porridge will be a good option for a children's breakfast. It contains everything you need to make up for the wasted energy and uplift your mood. To prepare one portion of such a dish you will need:

  • 45 g of oatmeal.
  • 120 ml of nonfat milk.
  • 1 raw egg.
  • 2 tbsp. l liquid flower honey.
  • ½ apples.
  • 1/3 banana.
  • ¼ tsp cinnamon.
can i have a banana for breakfast

Banana, honey, milk and a raw egg are pre-mashed in a deep, suitable container. All this is supplemented with slices of peeled apple, cinnamon and oatmeal, and then mixed and placed for several minutes in the microwave.

Oatmeal with milk and cocoa

This dish is better to cook the night before, so that in the morning it could just be warmed up and served. To make such a mess you will need:

  • 80 g of ordinary oatmeal.
  • 80 ml pasteurized cow's milk.
  • 150 g bananas.
  • 15 g of cocoa powder.
  • 15 g of liquid honey.
  • 50 g of 10% sour cream.
  • Cinnamon (to taste).

In a glass container combine sour cream, honey, cocoa and oatmeal. All this is supplemented with cinnamon, milk and finely chopped bananas, mixed and covered. After that, the dishes are sent to the refrigerator for the whole night. In the morning, its contents are simply heated in a microwave, laid out in portioned plates and served on the table. The peculiarity of such porridge is that in summer it can be consumed in a cooled form. But in this case, it will have to be removed from the refrigerator in advance and kept for a short time at room temperature.

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