Psychosomatics of cystitis. The causes of the disease are psychological and physiological

Why does cystitis occur? The psychosomatics of this disease will be considered in the materials of this article. We will also tell you about what physiological causes can contribute to the development of this unpleasant disease.

psychosomatics cystitis

Basic information

What is psychosomatics? Does cystitis occur for psychological or physiological reasons? Answers to these questions will be presented later.

Psychosomatics is a direction in psychology and medicine that studies the influence of psychological factors on the development and course of bodily diseases.

In the framework of this direction, the relationship between the character traits and personality of the patient, his constitutional features, behaviors, types of emotional conflicts, as well as one or another somatic disease is investigated .

Features of the disease

Now you know what psychosomatics is. Cystitis can be safely attributed to those diseases that are caused by psychological factors.

Today, the opinion is quite popular that all human diseases develop due to psychological disorders and inconsistencies that occur in the soul, in the thoughts and subconscious of the patient.

The most studied diseases in this regard are the following: irritable bowel syndrome, bronchial asthma, headache, essential hypertension, tension, autonomic disorders, dizziness and panic attacks.

cystitis psychosomatics

What is cystitis?

The psychosomatics of this disease will be discussed below.

In medicine, cystitis is an inflammatory disease that occurs in the bladder. Such a disease is characterized by frequent and painful urination. Almost all doctors believe that such an ailment is caused by hypothermia and infections. However, many experts argue that in addition to physiological, there are psychological reasons for the development of this disease. So what is her psychosomatics?

Cystitis is a fairly serious disease. To cure it, one should not only use medications, but also eliminate all the psychological factors that led to such disorders.

What do you need to know?

Why does cystitis occur? Psychosomatics (Liz Burbo devoted a whole book to the psychological factors affecting the development of diseases) this disease has been studied by specialists for a long time. At first glance, such inflammation has nothing to do with a person’s worldview. However, scientists claim that urination is a process that is completely controlled by the NS. Therefore, problems with it can quite easily affect the condition of the bladder.

cystitis psychosomatics causes

Psychosomatics (cystitis occurs more often in women than in men) explains the development of this disease by the fact that the emotions of the fairer sex and their physiology are inextricably linked. Both areas are controlled by hormonal levels, which, incidentally, exerts its influence on the immune system. Almost any imbalance observed in a woman’s body is quite easily capable of causing malfunctions in his work.

Cystitis (psychosomatics): causes

The development of such a disease can occur for various reasons. However, experts especially highlight the following psychological points:

  • restraint of emotions, as well as their living within themselves;
  • fear of change (including if a person is afraid to change his place of residence, work, etc.);
  • anger haunting the patient for a long time and often;
  • anxiety conditions;
  • Sexual conflicts, especially for a long time.

Under what conditions and when does women develop cystitis? Psychosomatics (Louise Hay, author of the book “You Can Heal Your Life,” can easily answer this question) of this disease connects its occurrence with the beginning of family life. According to experts, such a disease can be caused by a surge of new emotions, feelings and fear. Young wives are quite worried about their new role, as a result of which they develop inflammatory processes.

cystitis psychosomatics lys bourbo


Blood cystitis can also be explained by psychosomatics. However, most experts associate this phenomenon with viruses, and more precisely with adenovirus, which leads to a more severe course of the disease.

With such symptoms, it is better to consult a doctor immediately. The doctor will conduct a full examination and, identifying the true cause of the disease, prescribe the appropriate treatment. By the way, sometimes the treatment of such a disease requires the patient to be hospitalized.

Also in the process of treating cystitis with blood, attention should be paid to the psychological mood of the patient. A person needs to learn to monitor his behavior and thoughts. It is extremely important to experience only positive emotions, and get rid of negative ones as much as possible. Of course, this is not an easy job, but it is he who is able to help the patient get rid of serious health problems.

Psychological factors affecting the development of cystitis

What causes cystitis? Psychosomatics (Sinelnikov VV studied the connection between diseases and the patient’s psychological mood for a very long time) of this disease can be traced quite well. The famous writer, homeopath and author of many books on improving the quality of life - V.V. Sinelnikov claims that inflammation of the urinary tract, cystitis, and urethritis are directly related to anger and irritability to the opposite sex or sex partner.

The writer claims that one of his patients very often complained about problems in the genitourinary sphere. She claimed that she only had to cool slightly, as almost immediately she had pain during urination, as well as pulling the lower abdomen, and the ovaries hurt. During the conversations V.V. Sinelnikov found that the cause of chronic cystitis in his patient is associated with irritation about her husband's behavior.

cystitis psychosomatics Louise Hey

Having expressed her assumption, the woman was very much surprised and thoughtful. After that, she said that, really, she should fight with her husband, as she immediately begins to have problems. At the same time, inflammation of the urinary tract began to bother her after marriage.

It is impossible not to say that V.V. Sinelnikov noted that anxiety and anxiety can also cause the development of cystitis.

How to get rid of a disease?

To cure cystitis, it is enough to contact an experienced specialist. Based on the tests, the doctor will be able to recommend the patient proven drugs that will eliminate inflammation of the urinary tract, as well as relieve all unpleasant symptoms. However, the famous writer Louise Hay claims that it is impossible to cure a bladder disease without self-hypnosis. Of course, drugs for some time will alleviate the patient's condition. However, soon all unpleasant symptoms will resume.

According to Louise Hay, a condition such as cystitis is preceded by an anxiety condition. A person prone to inflammation constantly clings to old ideas, and is also afraid to give himself freedom.

cystitis psychosomatics sinelnikov

To cure cystitis, Louise Hay recommends saying the following words every day: “I am very pleased to say goodbye to the past and welcome all the newest in my life. I am free and completely safe. ”

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