Swelling of the left leg

As a rule, swelling of the legs is often associated with pregnancy. But this is not always the reason. For example, edema of the left leg, as well as the right, can be caused by the development of varicose veins.

Of course, pregnancy is one of the main reasons due to which such a disease can occur. The fact is that with an increase in the uterus, large venous trunks located in the pelvis are compressed, and a mechanical obstacle is created for the outflow of blood from the lower extremities. In addition, to ensure the nutrition of two organisms, an increase in the volume of circulating blood occurs, which creates an additional burden on the veins.

swelling of the left leg

How does leg swelling progress?

The development of swelling with varicose veins is quite slow, and women do not pay attention to swelling of the legs after childbirth or simply think that the reason is different. At first, they are almost invisible. Most of all, they appear in the late afternoon. The thing is that a person is in an upright position all day, as a result of which the blood flow to the lower veins increases. After a night's rest, swelling of the left leg disappears or decreases.

To establish the causes of the formation of edema, first of all, you need to consult a doctor. However, the recommendations below will help you solve the problem a little faster.

swelling of the legs after childbirth

Rest and gymnastics for legs

Give your feet more rest. At rest, you need to lie so that the position of the legs is just above body level. Also more often do some special simple exercises:

- move your feet around the circle;
- get up on your toes;
- make a roll from toe to heel.

To relieve swelling of the left leg, in a dream you should try to lie on your left side to improve blood flow. When sitting, do not cross your legs.

swelling of the foot


Include grapes and tomatoes, grapefruits and lemons, cranberries, sea buckthorn, viburnum, which help thin the blood. It provokes swelling of the left leg and thickens blood deficiency of lecithin, vitamin C, zinc, selenium. Also, excessive consumption of canned, spicy, smoked and fatty foods negatively affects the blood condition. Cocoa, tea, coffee, carbonated drinks should not be abused. But you can drink juice from grapes, cranberry juice , teas from herbs, but the main product for quenching thirst should be water.

Massage and decoction of dried apricots

Very good relieves swelling of the foot massage and drinking a decoction of dried apricots. To do this, you need to pour boiled water with dried apricots and leave to insist all night, and in the morning to drink before eating for 30-40 minutes.

Foot baths

Trays for relieving fatigue

For baths, make a decoction of 100 g of juniper fruits or a solution of 100 g of sea salt per liter of water. You can also make baths of 1 tbsp. tablespoons of dry mustard or 2 teaspoons of drinking soda, diluted in 1 liter of water.

Contrast baths

The feet should first be held in hot water and then dropped sharply into cold water. Repeat the procedure several times. To such baths, you can add sea salt or decoctions of herbs. This will help not only get rid of edema, but also improve the general condition of the body and raise the mood

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