Effective Hemoglobin Raising Tablets

Many diseases can be diagnosed by hemoglobin level in a blood test. The substance is responsible for the supply of oxygen to all tissues and organs. With its shortage, iron deficiency anemia develops, characterized by unpleasant symptoms. In this case, the patient needs to take pills to raise hemoglobin and follow a special diet. Consider in more detail popular drugs and the features of their use.

Hemoglobin - what is it?

An iron-containing protein that has a complex structure and is responsible for the movement of oxygen throughout the body is called hemoglobin. It acts as a pigment of red blood cells and directly affects the color of the blood. Hemoglobin is a vital substance that supports the processes taking place in the body.

hemoglobin raising tablets

Lack of iron, which is part of hemoglobin, adversely affects human health. Usually, symptoms such as dizziness, pallor of the skin, and deterioration of the condition of hair and nails appear. The patient feels fatigue, weakness, fainting. Iron deficiency anemia can trigger bleeding during childbirth or menstruation.

To eliminate this pathological phenomenon, doctors recommend taking tablets (iron-containing) to raise hemoglobin. This is the most effective way to make up for a lack of iron in the blood. The pharmaceutical industry offers a huge number of mono - and multicomponent drugs to improve the condition of patients suffering from iron deficiency anemia. Prescribe drug therapy after establishing the true cause of the pathology.

Low hemoglobin: what is the reason?

A small amount of iron is present in the body, which takes part in the most important functional processes. Given that the system spends a certain amount of this element every day, it is necessary to constantly replenish its supply. Otherwise, anemia develops. The reasons that can cause such an ailment include:

  • heavy blood loss during menstruation;
  • uterine bleeding;
  • surgical intervention;
  • violation of the intake (or assimilation) of iron;
  • liver failure.

It is necessary to begin treatment with the elimination of factors that are the cause of the pathology. You will also need to adjust the diet and take special iron-containing medications.

Drug treatment

Eliminating anemia with one diet is almost impossible. In most cases, doctors recommend drug therapy. Iron-containing preparations (syrups, tablets) for raising hemoglobin are taken for at least 2 months. They are prescribed without fail for any type of anemia. Before starting drug treatment with preparations containing iron ions, the patient should be examined.

iron tablets for raising hemoglobin

In medicines , iron is in bivalent or trivalent form. The former are absorbed better in the gastrointestinal tract. Some substances that enter the stomach at the same time as drugs enter the absorption process. These include succinic and ascorbic acid, fructose.

For most patients, doctors prescribe iron-based medications for oral use. The dosage should be calculated strictly individually, based on the weight of the patient and the individual characteristics of the body.

In case of reduced absorption of iron in the digestive tract, parenteral administration of drugs is indicated. In this case, the occurrence of side effects.

Hemoglobin Raising Tablets: List

The medicine for anemia can only be prescribed by a specialist. The patient, in turn, must strictly adhere to the recommendations and dosage regimen. It should be borne in mind that such therapy is often accompanied by side effects in the form of nausea, vomiting, and abdominal pain.

Ferrous preparations include:

  • Tardiferon;
  • "Hemofer Prolongatum";
  • "Sorbifer durules";
  • Totem
  • Actiferrin.

Iron in the drug should be 80-160 mg. Higher dosages can cause a negative effect on the body.

Ferric iron preparations are considered more effective. They are released in the form of injections, chewable tablets and syrups. Forms intended for oral use have low bioavailability, therefore, they should be used for a long time. Ferric iron contains drugs such as Ferrum Lek, Maltofer, Cosmofer, Venofer, and Zhektofer.

The drug "Tardiferon"

Tardiferon is produced by a French pharmaceutical company. Tablets for raising hemoglobin are composed of iron sulfate in a dosage of 80 mg. As auxiliary components, ascorbic acid, potato starch, a copolymer of methacrylic acid and methacrylate, castor oil hydrolyzed, magnesium trisilicate, povidone and talc are used. Mucoproteosis, also part of the composition, improves drug tolerance.

hemoglobin elevation pills list

According to the instructions, the drug has a prolonged effect. Tablets can be prescribed both for treatment and for the prevention of iron deficiency conditions. Indications for use are pathologies that cause a decrease in hemoglobin levels, unbalanced nutrition, pregnancy, and iron absorption disturbance.

Contraindications and side effects

An iron preparation is not prescribed in case of intolerance to one of the components contained in its composition. Also the following conditions are contraindications:

  • non-iron deficiency anemia;
  • the patient has internal bleeding;
  • esophageal stenosis, ulcer;
  • obstructive changes in the digestive tract;
  • impaired absorption of galactose, glucose;
  • glucose intolerance.

Not used for the treatment of anemia in children under 6 years of age. Tablets can cause an allergic reaction in case of malabsorption and the process of removing iron from the body. Most side effects are manifested by the digestive system. Patients begin to complain of abdominal pain, nausea, constipation, and diarrhea.

How to apply?

Tablets with iron for raising hemoglobin, the instruction recommends taking with food. Children over 6 years old should drink 1 tablet (per day) and drink with liquid. For adult patients and children over 10 years of age, 1-2 tablets of Tardiferon are prescribed per day. Exceeding the dosage is highly undesirable. Iron tablets should not be chewed.

The duration of treatment will depend on the hemoglobin level in the patientโ€™s blood. Usually, normal values โ€‹โ€‹can be restored after 3-4 months of treatment. In some cases, the course is extended to six months or more.

What can pregnant women do?

Iron deficiency anemia is observed in many expectant mothers. Hemoglobin counts usually begin to fall in the second trimester. With a norm of 110-130 g / l, the level drops to 90 g / l. It is at this time that drug therapy should begin. In this case, the drug should be selected by a gynecologist.

what pills for raising hemoglobin

Do not worry about the safety of such medicines. Properly selected pills for raising hemoglobin during pregnancy will bring only benefits for both mother and baby. Most often, in such cases, doctors recommend taking the drug "Sorbifer." It contains iron sulfate and ascorbic acid for better assimilation of the element. Another effective drug - "Gino-Tardiferon" - consists of iron and folic acid.

"Sorbifer Durules": description of the drug

Anemia caused by iron deficiency is a danger to both the expectant mother and the baby. A pathological condition can lead to problems with the bearing of the fetus, premature detachment of the placenta, bleeding. To prevent the development of such situations, it should be throughout the pregnancy to monitor the hemoglobin in the blood.

At the slightest deviations from the norm, special preparations are prescribed for the expectant mother. One of the most effective and safe pills for raising hemoglobin "Sorbifer" (Hungary) are considered. They are prescribed to women in the second and third trimester of pregnancy.

iron tablets for raising hemoglobin

One tablet contains 100 mg of iron sulfate and 60 mg of ascorbic acid. According to reviews, a high dose of the active component in combination with ascorbic acid allows you to quickly restore normal hemoglobin levels. With a properly prescribed treatment regimen, the patient's condition begins to improve already 3-4 weeks after the start of therapy.


Many doctors say that these are the best pills for raising hemoglobin. If it is necessary to prevent iron deficiency, patients over 12 years of age are prescribed 1 tablet of the Sorbifer drug. For the treatment of anemia, the dose is increased to 2 tablets per day. Take the medicine at least half an hour before meals. Wash down the tablets with clean water.

During pregnancy, Sorbifer Durules is recommended to take 1 tablet. During lactation, the dose can be doubled.

What hemoglobin elevation pills are suitable for children?

Babies are at risk and also often suffer from low hemoglobin levels. This may be due to nutritional characteristics, for example, if the child eats only plant foods. Anemia is often diagnosed in babies who are born ahead of schedule. For normal development and growth, children are required to prescribe funds for raising hemoglobin.

tablets for raising hemoglobin during pregnancy

Parents are often interested in specialists how to properly treat anemia and what pills they can give their child to raise hemoglobin. For young children, it is preferable to give drugs in the form of a syrup or solution. Such medicines include Ferronal, Ferrum Lek, Totem.

With the help of special drugs, anemia can be managed quite quickly. It should be borne in mind that the dosage and duration of treatment of the baby with iron-containing agents is determined by the doctor.

Ferrum Lek: what is the remedy?

A drug such as Ferrum Lek will help normalize hemoglobin levels and eliminate signs of iron deficiency. The drug is released in the form of syrup, injections and chewable tablets. Oral forms of the drug as an active component contain iron hydroxide polymaltose, and solutions for injection - ferrisaccharat (iron hydroxide polyisomaltosate).

the best pills for raising hemoglobin

The duration of drug treatment depends only on the severity of anemia. The drug in the form of a syrup can be prescribed to babies from birth. According to the instructions, the dosage should not exceed 5 ml per day. For children older than a year, the dose is increased to 10 ml (2 scoops).

Intravenous or intramuscular administration of an iron preparation is indicated only in cases where the patient cannot take it orally. Adult patients are shown to administer 1 ampoule of the drug per day. For children, the dose is adjusted by the doctor.

Pills for raising hemoglobin "Ferrum Lek" are intended for chewing. They should be taken in 2-3 pcs. in a day. The course of therapy is 3-6 months. It is recommended that hemoglobin levels be monitored throughout treatment.

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