Rheumatoid arthritis of the knee: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

The human body is a complex system. The musculoskeletal system is no less vulnerable than other departments. Very often, people have problems with the knee joints and legs in general. Sometimes unpleasant and painful sensations are associated with improper sitting or a long stay in one position. However, often the problems are much more serious than it seems at first glance, and it is very important to timely notice the ailment and prevent the development of such pathologies.

Two legs

One of the very serious diseases is rheumatoid arthritis of the knee joint. If you do not treat this disease, then over time it will lead to very serious consequences.

The main signs of pathology

If a person suffers from rheumatoid arthritis of the knee joint, then such a disease could not occur suddenly and completely imperceptibly. This pathology can progress for many years, at first without causing inconvenience to patients. That is why often diagnostic measures begin to be performed at a time when the lesion has already seriously developed.

Nevertheless, it is important to notice the signs of rheumatoid arthritis of the knee joint, since it is at the initial stage that it can be treated much better, which increases the chances that a person can return to his usual life without serious consequences.

Therefore, it is important to pay attention to the first manifestations of the disease. As a rule, at first, patients begin to complain of the appearance of pain after long walks. In this case, the pain does not recede and at rest for quite a long time. It is also worth paying attention to how the limb is bent and unbent. If such manipulations bring discomfort or pain, then this may be the first sign of rheumatoid arthritis of the knee joint.

knee arthroplasty for rheumatoid arthritis

It is also worth paying attention to:

  • The appearance of a constant feeling of tension in the muscles.
  • Stiffness and limitation of knee joint mobility.
  • The appearance of external deformities in the area of ​​the limb where arthritis began to develop.
  • The sound of a crunch that began to appear on a squat or even a normal walk.
  • The appearance of inflammatory processes in the affected area. You can determine this yourself. It is enough to touch a sore spot. If the skin on it is hot, then this indicates progressive inflammation.

Stages of development of rheumatoid arthritis of the knee

There are several stages in the development of this unpleasant ailment. Conventionally, doctors distinguish three stages.

  • At the first stage, patients feel only slight discomfort when performing simple motor movements (while walking, squats, etc.). However, no noticeable changes in the knee joint occur. Outwardly, the leg looks completely normal. Even if the patient takes an x-ray, it is almost impossible to notice the first manifestations of the pathology on it.
  • Second stage. At this stage, soreness also begins to appear in a state of complete rest. Patients complain of a feeling of twisting of the knees, even when they are in a horizontal position. With increased physical exertion, acute pain appears. At this stage, it makes sense to take an x-ray. Rheumatoid arthritis of the knee joint can be identified by a fairly pronounced deformation of the knee joint. Therefore, the specialist will be able to make the correct diagnosis.
  • Third stage. In this case, the problem is visible to the naked eye. In this case, even differential diagnosis is not required . Any doctor can easily determine rheumatoid arthritis , since even during a standard examination and palpation, he will notice a clear deformation. The patient himself also assesses his condition as quite serious, since even the slightest load brings severe pain.
Joint hurts

By the third stage, the affected knee is significantly increased in size and mutated. The skin on the affected area is constantly stretched, hot. The knee itself is red.

Reasons for the development of pathology

First of all, it is worth saying that rheumatoid arthritis of the knee joint in children is diagnosed only in exceptional situations. As a rule, adults of more advanced age suffer from this pathology. At the same time, experts identify several factors that can affect the formation of this disease.

As a rule, bad habits of a person become a provoking factor. It is believed that rheumatoid arthritis occurs more often in those who abuse alcohol and often smoke. Nicotine and alcohol-containing drinks themselves have a negative effect on articular joints. If a person does not know the measure, then this can quite easily lead to deformations and serious problems.

At risk are those who have problems with the deposition of salts on the background of certain ailments. Often this happens due to another bad habit. If a person puts too much salt on the salt, then over time it begins to accumulate in the body. Add to this a sedentary lifestyle, you can draw an approximate portrait of an average patient with arthritis of this type.

Knee bones

Also, considering the symptoms and treatment of rheumatoid arthritis of the knee joint, it is worth noting that a little less often, but still this is possible, the disease is formed against the background of inflammatory processes that can occur in a variety of organs that are generally not connected with the musculoskeletal system .

Mindfulness is also worth those who suffer from obesity. This leads to more serious stresses on the legs, and more precisely, on their joints. With such stress, they can begin to deform. This will lead to their gradual destruction.

Another possible reason for the manifestation of this ailment is hormonal failure. However, it must be borne in mind that this affects the development of arthritis only indirectly and cannot be the only factor responsible for the onset of the disease. Since hormonal malfunctions often occur due to malfunctions in the thyroid gland and the human liver, it can be said that this happens because the patient is not eating properly.

Diagnostic measures

As with any other ailment, first of all, the patient must be tested for blood and urine. As a rule, doctors in this case prefer to conduct differential diagnosis. Rheumatoid arthritis in the primary stages is difficult to recognize, so other possible pathologies will have to be excluded.

When studying blood tests, the doctor draws attention to an increase in ESR and the presence of anemia. Suspicions of rheumatoid arthritis also fall if a fairly high protein content is observed in the urine. Additionally, articular fluid from the affected area is taken for analysis. If the patient really suffers from arthritis, then it will have a cloudy color and low viscosity. Also, a high content of white blood cells will indicate an ailment.

However, this is not enough for the doctor to voice clinical recommendations. Rheumatoid arthritis needs to be diagnosed in more detail. For this, the specialist prescribes an x-ray.

The doctor writes


First of all, the doctor prescribes preventive measures aimed at combating osteoporosis. It is necessary to restore potassium balance in the patient's body. You will also need to improve bowel absorption. As a rule, for this, a specialist prescribes a diet. The patient should eat plenty of foods that contain calcium. Therefore, in his diet should be dominated by dairy products, nuts and more. It will be useful to take vitamin and mineral complexes in addition.

Considering the symptoms and treatment of rheumatoid arthritis of the knee joint, it is worth saying that such treatment methods will be effective only at the very initial stage of the development of pathology. If the disease is started, then in this case it is recommended to use laser therapy. The course of such treatment is usually 15 procedures. Most often, doctors resort to this method only in exceptional situations when an exacerbation occurs.

If we talk about rheumatoid arthritis and clinical recommendations, then to reduce pain and cramping, cold treatment, or the so-called cryotherapy, can be used. As a rule, the course takes no more than 15 procedures, after which some of the symptoms disappear. If the patient is diagnosed with an early stage of rheumatoid arthritis, then exercise therapy may be indicated. Doctors often prescribe physical therapy, as well as a massage course. However, to perform these procedures on their own is not recommended. A set of exercises for rheumatoid arthritis of the knee joint should be developed by a specialist.


So-called basic preparations may also help. This is a group of medicines that is not capable of causing serious harm to the human body (only in an exceptional situation, if it has an individual intolerance to one or another component). However, funds of this type are most effective exclusively at an early stage of the disease. If we talk about the most popular drugs, then the doctors most often prescribe Azathioprine, Sandimmun and Infliximab.

knee arthroplasty for rheumatoid arthritis

However, it should be borne in mind that specific drugs can not be chosen for yourself. They are prescribed exclusively by a doctor. If we talk about ointments for rheumatoid arthritis of the knee joint, then most patients use Diclofenac. But it is also better in this case not to choose the drug yourself, but to consult a specialist.

Additional activities

If it happens that more than a month has passed, and there are no positive dynamics after taking the drugs? and all the same symptoms remain, then in this case it is recommended to switch to hormonal treatment. First of all, very small doses of hormones are administered to the patient. Gradually, their content begins to increase. Preparations of this type can quickly reduce the rate of development of pathology. However, the change of medicines is not so fast. Most often, a doctor needs up to six months to evaluate how well a particular remedy prescribed earlier works.

It must be borne in mind that throughout the course of treatment it is necessary to constantly visit a doctor who will observe the dynamics of improvements or their absence. Some drugs have side effects, which also need to know in a timely manner. For example, often a person begins to notice the appearance of an unpleasant reaction with an increase in doses of a hormonal agent. In this case, it is necessary to abandon such treatment, since the result may be unpredictable.

Doctors often decide to use non-steroidal base drugs along with hormonal drugs. Thanks to this, it is possible to significantly reduce the inflammatory process of soft tissues and model the immune behavior of the body.

Additionally, anti-inflammatory drugs may be prescribed. They do not have side effects (only if they are not used in conjunction with steroid drugs).


If all methods of conservative treatment were completely ineffective, then in this case there remains the only chance to overcome this pathology. As a rule, only at the very last stage of rheumatoid arthritis may surgery be required. In this case, the methods of reconstructive surgery are most often used.

At the reception

There are several procedures of this type. For example, knee arthroplasty for rheumatoid arthritis is more effective. Also sometimes you have to resort to tendon reconstruction. Doctors go to this treatment only in the most neglected situations, since after surgery they will require a rather long rehabilitation period, which will also include therapeutic procedures and much more. It is very important to gradually restore and restore limb mobility.

Possible complications

If the pathology was discovered out of time, and treatment began only at the last stage, then this may well lead to disability and complete immobilization of one or both limbs. It is worth noting that in 70% of cases, patients encounter precisely such problems. However, do not forget that the worst outcome can only be a fatal outcome. But this happens in medical practice only if, against the background of the disease, the patient also began to suffer from infectious complications.

Rheumatoid arthritis of the knee: treatment with folk remedies

If we talk about therapeutic measures that are carried out at home, then in this case we are only talking about the initial stage of the disease. With a more severe development of pathology, you should not waste time, since decoctions and homemade ointments will be powerless. If the ailment has just begun, then you can try to use aloe juice and radish, mixed in equal proportions. Such a compress should be applied for 40 minutes. Some also use an egg whipped in foam and mixed with two tablespoons of salt. The resulting consistency must be applied to the knee or affected joint until the fluid has completely dried. Nevertheless, we must remember: the use of traditional medicine at the initial stages does not exclude a trip to the doctor.

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