Metipred and alcohol: compatibility, consequences, rules of administration, reviews

In the article, we consider whether Metipred and alcohol are compatible.

The drug is recommended for use if the patient has serious lesions of the adrenal cortex, hormonal imbalance, dangerous systemic pathologies. Patients are often interested in treating doctors about the possibility of combining Metipred and alcohol. Doing this is prohibited. To understand why, you should study some of the features of the medicine.

Description of the drug

"Metipred" is an anti-inflammatory hormonal medication of synthetic origin. In its pharmacological group, it belongs to glucocorticosteroids, the main active component in its composition is methylprednisolone. The medicine is able to interact with steroid receptors, inhibit inflammatory, autoimmune, immune reactions in the body.

Metipred and alcohol

The drug is absorbed fairly quickly in the stomach, already 1.5 hours after oral use (one hour after intramuscular injection), a therapeutic concentration of the active component is observed in the blood plasma. The half-elimination period of a substance from blood plasma is 2-4 hours and depends on the method of use of the product. The drug is metabolized in the tissues of the liver, excreted mainly by the kidneys.

The medicine is characterized by intracellular activity, which helps to lengthen the half-elimination period from the body. It reaches 12-36 hours. Also, increased intracellular activity can explain such a property of the drug as a therapeutic effect on the body even if it is impossible to determine the concentration of a substance in the blood.

Reviews on the compatibility of Metipred and alcohol will be considered below.

Indications for use of the drug

Tableted "Metipred" is indicated for use with the goal of treating the following pathological conditions:

  1. Malignant tissue degeneration - lymphoma, myeloma, leukemia, lung cancer.
  2. Ulcerative colitis.
  3. Swelling of the kidneys, brain.
  4. Multiple sclerosis.
  5. Lesions of connective tissue, skin.
  6. Pathology of the hematopoietic system.
  7. Autoimmune diseases.
  8. Systemic lupus erythematosus.
  9. Dysfunction of the adrenal cortex.
  10. Rheumatism.
  11. Allergic manifestations - conjunctivitis, allergic asthma, anaphylactic shock.
  12. Vomiting, nausea, developing as a result of radiotherapy and chemotherapy.

Also, the medicine is often used in the field of transplantation in order to prevent transplant rejection.

Small doses of the drug can be prescribed to women if they are planning a pregnancy, as well as during pregnancy, if there is a threat of miscarriage. "Metipred" in these situations helps to reduce testosterone levels.

The medication is used to eliminate shock conditions, including those that are provoked by alcohol intoxication.

Metipred and alcohol reviews

Intravenous solution

Metipred intravenous solution is used to eliminate the following acute conditions:

  1. Traumatic shock.
  2. Adrenal insufficiency.
  3. Hepatic coma.
  4. Asthmatic attack.
  5. Cerebral edema.
  6. Thyrotoxic crisis.

Contraindications to the use of the medication

If Metipred is used as an anti-shock agent, then only the presence of an allergy to it, increased sensitivity of lactose (for tablets) is a contraindication.

Long-term use of the drug is contraindicated in patients who are diagnosed with:

  1. Thrombophlebitis.
  2. Stomach disease.
  3. Pancreatitis
  4. Osteoporosis.
  5. Diabetes.
  6. Heart failure.
  7. High blood pressure.

It is important to exercise caution when taking the drug in old age. The use of the drug during pregnancy is not recommended, since there is a high probability of stillbirth.

Negative effects of a pharmacological drug

"Metipred" you can drink alcohol

The high effectiveness of Metipred may result in the development of dangerous side symptoms, including:

  1. Cataract.
  2. The fragility of the skin.
  3. Vertigo, manic-depressive psychosis, increased activity of hepatic transaminases.
  4. Osteoporosis.
  5. Amyotrophy.
  6. Cardiac insufficiency, provoked by a loss of potassium and accompanied by thrombosis, increased blood pressure, arrhythmia.
  7. Attacks of pancreatitis.
  8. Suppression of the synthesis of hormones by the adrenal glands.
  9. The manifestation of diabetes.

The negative effects of the drug are amplified if the patient suffers from myocardial infarction, emotional instability, psychotic disorders, cirrhosis of the liver, hypothyroidism.

Long-term use

Long-term use of the drug requires monitoring of blood sugar concentration, regular X-ray examination of the spinal column in order to prevent the development of osteoporosis.

Therapy with Metipredom can provoke a decrease in immunity, increase the patient's susceptibility to fungal infections. You can buy the product only with a prescription.

Features of the use of the drug

During therapy with Metipred, salt, carbohydrates and fats should be used to a limited extent. It is also recommended to consume more vitamins, proteins. Nutrition should provide sufficient intake of calcium and potassium. Take the medicine in the morning. If the daily dose is large, it should be divided into two doses, but in the morning it is necessary to take most of it.

Metipred has withdrawal syndrome. A sharp cessation of therapy of this hormonal drug will lead to an exacerbation of the pathology, the use of the drug is directed to the therapy of. In addition, weakness, muscle pain, and anorexia may develop.

So is it possible to drink Metipred with alcohol?

Metipred and alcohol compatibility reviews

Compatibility with alcoholic beverages and possible consequences

"Metipred" is a strong hormonal medication, which is often recommended to be taken in order to eliminate ovarian dysfunction. The active component, methylprednisolone, is used for acne, hair loss, and other unpleasant manifestations of increased levels of testosterone in women.

Many people are interested in drinking alcohol with Metipred.

The drug is prescribed, as a rule, in small doses, it is recommended to use it for long courses. This treatment technique makes patients think that the drug is safe. Despite the fact that the manufacturer's annotation contains information about the need to follow a diet and a ban on the use of the drug on an empty stomach, patients often neglect these recommendations.

Moreover, some of them experiment and combine therapy with the strongest hormonal synthetic drug with alcohol intake. This causes an accelerated dependency formation. With the combined use of Metipred and alcohol, the consequences can be very serious.

Although the medication can be used briefly for alcohol intoxication, acute forms of alcoholic hepatitis, hepatic encephalopathy, with the goal of anti-shock therapy, it is dangerous to take it together with alcoholic beverages.

Can I drink alcohol with Metipred?

Digestive System Impact

The use of ethyl alcohol provokes atrophic changes in the mucous lining of the stomach, can cause ulcers, gastritis. Joint use with Metipred increases the likelihood of ulcerative and erosive lesions on the mucous membranes of the intestines and stomach. The risk of internal bleeding, which can threaten the patient's life, is also increased.

Alcohol after Metipred

The abuse of alcoholic beverages during hormone therapy can cause increased synthesis of enzymes in the liver, the development of hepatic cirrhosis. Decreased muscle tone adversely affects intestinal motility, causing severe stool disorders.

The negative effects of ethanol and methylprednisolone on the pancreas cause a depletion of its activity, the development of diabetes.

The use of ethanol provokes swelling of the excretory ducts of the pancreas. As a result, a condition develops when pancreatic juice does not reach the duodenum, but accumulates in the gland itself and leads to its self-digestion.

You can drink alcohol at Metipred, the doctor will tell.

Alcoholic beverages affect the composition of pancreatic juice, which is why proteins precipitate in the pancreatic ducts. Precipitation is subsequently calcified, blocking the lumen of the ducts. As a result of blocking the pancreatic ducts, all conditions arise for the rapid development of pancreatic necrosis.

Negative effects on the pancreas

A negative effect on the pancreas occurs when using increased doses of Metipred. One of the negative effects of this pharmacological agent is the development of the inflammatory process in the pancreas, an increase in the concentration of sugar in the blood.

The parallel use of alcoholic beverages and the drug also increases the risk of developing acute forms of pancreatitis, leads to the fact that the volume of the pancreas decreases, the secretion of pancreatic juice decreases, and severe pain in the abdomen appears.

Can I drink alcohol while taking Metipred according to the instructions? How will this affect the heart?

Metipred: is it possible to drink alcohol

Effect on cardiac activity

The parallel use of drugs and diuretics, which include ethyl alcohol, causes increased excretion of potassium from the body. In addition, the diuretic effect of alcoholic beverages provokes a decrease in the volume of circulating blood, an increase in blood viscosity.

The negative effects of ethanol and Metipred pose a threat of heart failure, cardiac arrest. Due to potassium deficiency, a slowing of the pulse occurs, arrhythmia, cardiac hypertrophy, which is combined with a decrease in the contractile strength of the ventricles. In addition, pressure rises. The main danger of hypokalemia is the possibility of sudden cardiac arrest.

"Metipred" and alcohol lead to cardiomyopathy, accompanied by unexplained arrhythmias, risk of heart attack, heart failure, hypertrophy of the heart muscle.

The process of eliminating potassium from the body with the combined use of alcohol and a hormonal agent is significantly accelerated. In total, the effect of exposure to the drug and ethanol becomes fatal danger. The main signs that the body is deficient in potassium are tremor of the extremities, muscle pain, cramps.

Heart failure, provoked by hypokalemia, which occurred during the use of ethanol, is often perceived as a symptom of poor health, which when intoxicated, as a rule, does not disturb others.

What is the compatibility of Metipred and alcohol?

Metipred and alcohol: consequences

Recommendations for combining

β€œMetipred” therapy should be started only after ethanol is completely eliminated from the body. Depending on the dose of alcohol that was taken and the weight of the person, this period is approximately 1-2 days. To accurately calculate the time required for the complete removal of ethanol from the blood, you can use an alcohol calculator.

Drinking alcohol after Metipred is prohibited even theoretically, given that the active substance is excreted from the body in 12-36 hours.

In the case of a single use of the drug, alcohol is allowed only after 36 hours. Moreover, it should be remembered that the drug is characterized by intracellular activity and continues its effect even when the active component is not found in the blood.

Metipred and alcohol: reviews

All the responses of specialists about the possibility of combining Metipred therapy and drinking are categorical - medicine and alcohol are forbidden to be used together. Such a combination significantly increases the likelihood of occurrence and the intensity of side symptoms, can provoke the occurrence of internal bleeding due to perforation of the intestine and stomach. In addition, this combination threatens with acute pancreatitis and cardiac arrest. In this regard, at the time of therapy with a hormonal medication, you should abandon the use of any doses of ethanol.

The article examined the compatibility of Metipred and alcohol.

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